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On 13 June 2024, the Democratic Progress Institute (DPI) held an event at the Embassy of Finland in Ankara, as part of its ongoing series, Mapping Dividends of Peace in Turkey. The event, titled Peace Dividends: Role of Business in... more
This essay, published in three parts in successive issues of Banatul Azi, tried to point out the main milestones of Viktor Orban's political career, starting with the almost mythical moment held in Heroes' Square, Budapest, June 1989, on... more
Acest eseu, publicat în trei părți în numere succesive din Banatul Azi a încercat să puncteze principalele repere ale carierei politice a lui Viktor Orban, începând cu aproape miticul moment al celebrării lui Nagy Imre și a ”grupului său”... more
This is the result of an innovative project in the ambit of creative writing / storytelling with students of the University of Aveiro, enrolled in two different degrees related to Marketing and Languages. The project won an incentive of... more
The paper considers the functioning of institute of the political expulsion in Soviet Russia in 1920-s. The big importance refers to the economic, public and political life of repressed people. The article explores the variability of... more
کابینه ایی با مارک مافیای قدرت بر پیشانی، پزشکیان استغفار کند یا ما مسعود پزشکیان را اگر با سید محمد خاتمی، حسن روحانی، میر حسین موسوی مقایسه کنی، او تنها در اِشِل یکی از وزرای آنان... more
This study focuses on the issue of the Spanish Communist exile in state socialist Czechoslovakia. It analyses the everyday resistance of the heterodox Spanish political emigrant José Valledor, which was carried out in the form of... more
Celem opracowania jest opisanie różnych politycznych i społecznych uwarunkowań działalności opozycyjnej na Węgrzech i w Polsce w latach 1956–1989 oraz nakreślenie relacji między poszczególnymi węgierskimi i polskimi grupami opozycyjnymi.... more
The Zionist-Israeli Right and the Kibbutz Movement have shared a longstanding and powerful historical rivalry, but their interrelationships were more complex than presented in historiography and recollected in public consciousness. The... more
Für die Enquetekommission des Bundestages, die sich mit der Geschichte der DDR beschäftigte, schrieb ich - unter Mithilfe von Thomas Voss - eine Expertise zum Thema DDR-Opposition. Wir verglichen oppositionelle Bestrebungen in Dresden und... more
The interests of various groups in a diverse parliamentary democracy are best represented by the plurality of representatives in the parliament, who can broker compromises, extract justifications and highlight the incompetence or apathy... more
Book Chapter 6
Part of: Democratic Waves and Opposition Coordination
The Arab Uprisings and Latin America in Cross-Regional Comparison
Esen, B. (2016) ‘Persuading the electorate: The main problem of the opposition in Turkey’, Daily Sabah, 18.01.2016. ABSTRACT: Many political analysts formulate the problem of the CHP as a problem of persuasiveness. Although the CHP has... more
This report provides an overview of the second regional panel organized by the ECPS titled “Crisis of Democratic Political Legitimacy and Emerging Populism in Africa,” which took place online on May 9, 2024. Moderated skillfully by Dr.... more
Autour des années 1968, le président Léopold Sédar Senghor développe un corpus offensif de discours, déclarations et prises de position contre ce qu’il appelle la « néo-traite des nègres » ou « la traite des nègres intellectuels ». Se... more
Review of the publication

Miklós Mitrovits, Zakazane kontakty.
Współpraca opozycji polskiej
i węgierskiej 1976–1989
przeł. Szymon Brzeziński, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej,
Warszawa 2022, 368 ss
The parliamentary paradiplomacy of the Assemble´e Nationale du Que´bec (ANQ) has been growing rapidly since the second half of the 1970s and more particularly since the 2000s. This growth in international activities is achieved in two... more
Lorsque l'on compare la politique internationale actuelle du Québec avec celle de l'Ontario, on perçoit deux cas très contrastés : alors que le gouvernement ontarien met en œuvre une paradiplomatie de faible intensité, le gouvernement du... more
Notre article souhaite offrir des pistes de réflexion sur la démocratie en temps de crise, ainsi que sur les manières d’affronter les crises de la démocratie. Nous nous basons sur deux conceptions de la démocratie, soit une première qui... more
Vineri 3 martie 2023 au fost pronunțate patru sentințe pe numele unor lideri Viasna (Centrul Viasna pentru drepturile omului) iar luni 6 martie, alte cinci pentru Svetlana Tihanovskaia și colaboratorii săi. Nimic neobișnuit în Belarus,... more
Belarusul a scos în afara legii Comitetul Helsinki pentru drepturile omului, ceea ce ne-a ocazionat o scurtă trecere în revistă a discuției despre contractul social, despre războiul individului împotriva statului și despre capacitatea... more
Roman Protasevici, tânăr jurnalist belarus, aflat în exil la Vilnius, a fost capturat de autoritățile de la Minsk prin deturnarea avionului Ryanair cu care acesta se întorcea din Grecia spre Lituania. Nimic nu legaliza acest act terorist,... more
La scurtă vreme după decesul lui Alexei Navalnyi, conducerea politică de la Moscova a declarat-o ”agent străin” pe scriitoarea Ludmila Ulitskaya, opozant vehement al invaziei ruse în Ucraina și a numeroaselor pârghii autocratice adoptate... more
Communication présentée lors de la Journée d'étude du Laboratoire Junior « CÉDILLE », Université de Lille, 19 avril 2024
Pegas is not only the name of a bicycle but also of a very dangerous investigative program in the hands of present governments. With its help, journalists, opposition politicians or simply, disturbing persons might be under permanent... more
Turkey has switched to a presidential system via a referendum held in April 2017 that will take full effect after the 2019 presidential elections. Turkish presidentialism increases the prominence of the executive at the expense of the... more
ABSTRACTScholars tend to assume that consolidated democracies are free from the global retreat of democracy due to their strong institutions and economic development. Yet, populist forces that challenge the liberal democratic model have... more
Recenzja książki: Zbigniew Kowalewski, Grafiki więźniów politycznych 1981-1986, Wydawnictwo LTW, Łomianki 2023, ss. 292.
Ce chapitre analyse les changements dans les stratégies de légitimation ciblant des publics nationaux de l'opposition bélarusse, reconnue par l'Occident, suite à l'agression russe contre l'Ukraine à partir de 2022. Ces groupes... more
This article argues that populism in power translates into a greater tendency to politicize foreign policy, in the sense of defining and articulating foreign policy preferences in opposition to political predecessors, using foreign policy... more
The Greek political scene was shaken by large worker and student protests last week. Specifically, the narrative of the "uncontested" government of the New Democracy Party has taken a strong blow since last week's protests followed a... more
In September 2023, five Bulgarians--Orlin, Rusev, Vanya Gaberova, Ivan Stoyanov, and Bizer Dzhambazov and Katrin Ivanova as a couple--appeared in a British court charged with 'conspiring to collect information intended to be directly or... more
“Acho inconcebível e vergonhoso que haja portugueses a defenderem a Rússia -- sim, Rita, sobretudo o PCP, mas como sabe não só..."
On September 25th, 2023, DPI held an online Assessment Meeting titled: ‘How to Build Common Interests: Current Situation in Türkiye and Opportunities for Conflict Resolution.’ The event aimed to generate an in-depth conversation about the... more
Colombia está viviendo una honda crisis política debido al fraccionamiento del sistema de partidos (37 partidos con personería jurídica) y a la ausencia tanto de un verdadero partido de gobierno como de un verdadero partido de oposición.... more
Note on opposition to Donald Trump in the United States. Nota sobre la oposición a Trrump en los Estados Unidos. Published on the Occupied Citizen web sight, Tucson, Arizona, February 9, 2017.
In this study, I delve into the history of the Hungarian language samizdat journal Ellenpontok (Counterpoints) that appeared in Romania in 1982, primarily focusing on its impact and reception. On one hand, I argue that despite its brief... more