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Nella moderna storiografia occidentale, così come nella coscienza di massa dei cittadini, una visione unilaterale degli eventi che dalla prima crisi di Berlino hanno portato alla divi- sione della Germania è stata inevitabilmente... more
This article uses Sino-Soviet film festival diplomacy to show how anticolonialism played a crucial role in the cinematic Cold War. First, it analyzes the Sino-Soviet cinematic cooperation at the Asian Film Week in Beijing in 1957 and the... more
The present essay offers an overview of the sources in German archives on, and also originating from Soviet prisoners of war in German custody during World War II.5 Hereby, the focus is on the German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv,... more
Монография посвящена историку, ректору Московского университета, академику Вячеславу Петровичу Волгину (1879–1962). Выпускник историко-филологического факультета, революционер, публицист после Октябрьской революции стал непосредственным... more
A trent’anni dal “suicidio” dell’Unione Sovietica, l’autore ripercorre il Termidoro e la storia dell’Urss attraverso la raccolta di brevi saggi, scritti in presa diretta tra il 1987 e il 1992. Dopo la morte di Brežnev nel 1982, seguita... more
Eric J. Schmaltz. "Carrots, Sticks...and Demonstrations: Yuri Andropov's Failed Autonomy Plan for Soviet Kazakhstan's Germans, 1976-1980." Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (Lincoln, Nebraska), Vol. 39,... more
Philippine expeditions to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at the height of the Cold War had not warranted much attention. These relentless efforts were intended to extend courtesy, hospitality, and support between Filipino and... more
An Expected Book: Romanian Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union. Documents (1941-1956) / Книга, которую ждали: Румынские военнопленные в Советском Союзе. Документы. 1941-1945 гг.) (Vitalie Văratic / Laurențiu Constantiniu / Ilie Schipor... more
Как известно, современная социально-политическая ситуация на евразийском пространстве обладает огромным потенциалом развития и открывает широкие возможности экономического взаимодействия для всех государств региона. Одним из наглядных... more
Siberia is the landmass of Asia east of the Urals, which extends to the Pacific coast. It contains nearly three-fifths of the land of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), with a population of around 30 million. Overall, the... more
In Eastern Europe, the energy crisis has led to large-scale environmental damage, and the ways in which energy sources are exploited and used have a dramatic effect on the environment in terms of pollution to air, land and water. During... more
free download in pdf: Political and Transitional Justice in Germany, Poland and the Soviet Union from the 1930s to the 1950s, edited by Magnus Brechtken, Władysław Bułhak und Jürgen Zarusky, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2019, 336 pp.... more
The Soviet Azerbaijan tried to obtain new territories at the expense of the Soviet Armenia. It was carried out within the central and local committees organized by the Central Executive Committee of the Transcaucasian Federation. The... more
The history of Turkey–Soviet Russia relations is one of the most controversial topics in Turkish historiography. The controversy was largely a product of the Cold War interpretations when the USSR and Turkey were in hostile camps. This... more
Historiography During the Soviet Nation and State Building Process The concepts of nation and state embody in themselves both normality and artificiality. It is firmly established by historical experience that the human, as the subject of... more
This paper examines the impact of Soviet nationality policy in the region of Abkhazia, de jure a part of modern Georgia, between the years of 1921 and 1953. They years selected, which begin with the onset of Soviet rule in the area and... more
Taking into account the ideological responses the Soviet Union offered, in its different phases of existence, to the national question, this study aims to offer a diachronical perspective of Moscow's efforts in order to create a 'Soviet... more
This special issue of the journal "Historical-biological research" is dedicated to the memory of the brillant Soviet biologist and dissident Zhores Medvedev (1925-2018). It contains biographical material (correspondence, memoirs,... more
Precedenta biografie a lui Hrușciov, apărută, dacă nu mă înșel, în 2005, și tradusă între timp și la noi, mi-a atras atenția asupra lui William Taubman. Este vorba despre biografii "muncite", împănate de sute de pagini de referințe... more
Published by Böhlau Verlag as vol. 9 in the series ʻDas östliche Europa: Kunst- und Kulturgeschichteʼ in 2019. Eds. Krista Kodres, Kristina Jõekalda, Michaela Marek. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag. 280 pp. /// How did the Eastern... more
The creation of a " Soviet heritage " dates back to the 1930s. Admittedly, the Bolshevik regime that arose from the Revolution put in place a service for the protection of specific monuments as soon as 1918 and brought about the... more
The year 1968 was crucial in the history of Soviet dissent. The first five numbers of “Chronicle of Current Events” as well as Sakharov’s Reflections on Progress, Peaceful Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom appeared in samizdat. In... more
This chapter examines the development of the concept of international jus cogens at the 1968–69 Vienna Conference on the Law of Treaties. First, it argues that investigating the conditions under which jus cogens entered into widespread... more
This volume investigates how the revolutionary events of 1917–21 shaped biographies both in Russia and Western Europe and how people tried to make sense of the political developments during these years in self-testimonies like diaries and... more
By the 1960s and 1970s, revisionist historians attempted to integrate political, economic, and social factors to suggest a more complex picture of the Russian Revolution beyond the simplification of Marxist theory or conspiratorial... more
This article examines the history of the Soviet dissident historical collection Pamiat΄ through the lens of liminality. It argues that the publication sought to bridge the gap between dissident and professional scholarship, between... more
Regional show trials of 1937 in the Soviet Union are the subject of a number of foreign researchers. However, the first of them took place in the Byelorussian SSR in the Lepel district. The so-called "Lepelskoe delo" served as a model... more
The starting point in studying the subject regarding the first directives of thesoviet NKGB in Bessarabia, March-August 1944 was the declassification of the unpublished documentary materials from the Archive of the Security and... more
Sokolov I.A. Tea Notes. – Moscow, 2014. – 104 p. – ISBN 978-5-9973-2912-9 (INFO) Данный сборник включает в себя ряд статей и заметок чайной тематики и призван продемонстрировать новые перспективные направления исследований и расширить... more
Сборник включает документы, найденные в ходе ремонта Верхнеуральской тюрьмы и относящиеся к 1932-1933 гг., когда тюрьма являлась местом содержания политических заключенных. Публикуемые тексты отражают идейно-политическую жизнь... more
The Cold War (1947-1991) included an air of antagonism and mutual distrust between the United States (US) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) (1922-1991). Spies betrayed their countries, and millions died in proxy wars. The... more
The Cold War (1947-1991) included an air of antagonism and mutual distrust between the United States (US) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) (1922-1991). Spies betrayed their countries, and millions died in proxy wars. The... more
The article deals with foreign factors, together with the changes of socioeconomic conditions have made it necessary in the middle of the 1930s, increasing numbers of the USSR Armed Forces and their technical re-equipment, which resulted... more
Впервые публикуются 18 писем выдающихся советских учёных в издательство «Наука» в поддержку публикации очерков «Биологическая наука и культ личности» Ж.А. Медведева, написанных с июля по октябрь 1965 г. После отстранения Н.С. Хрущёва от... more
W dziedzinie badań naukowych nad Związkiem Radzieckim problem mniejszości narodowych może być postrzegany jako indykator krajowej polityki Związku Radzieckiego w  danym okresie. Pozostaje zatem otwarte pytanie, w  jakiej mierze obraz... more