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Nato da un progetto di ricerca, il romanzo ricostruisce la storia di un clamoroso furto d’arte compiuto a Budapest nel 1983 da una banda di italiani di Reggio Emilia. La ferita inferta al regime totalitario e la temerarietà degli autori... more
A pasaréti kislakásos mintatelepen álló, Fischer József által tervezett családi ház tudományos dokumentációjának készítése adott módot arra, hogy a modern építészet és a színezés viszonyával foglalkozzam. A kutatás során ugyanis kiderült,... more
The research aims to assess the extent of overtourism in Budapest. The analysis first introduces a system of criteria for a sustainable destination, highlighting the capacity network, institutional system, structural aspects, and... more
Siamo pronti per un nuovo viaggio in una delle capitali europee più visitate dal turismo: Budapest. Una Parigi dell’Est, che incanta per la sua lunga storia e per i personaggi che hanno portato cultura e magia in questa città. Tra tutti... more
Az Árkay Aladár tervezte, 1911 és 1912 között épült Bírák és Ügyészek telepe volt az első nagyobb léptékű kísérlet Budapesten a telepszerű, magánerős villaépítkezésre. A változó életstílus, preferenciák a középosztályt a lakásideál... more
A zártudvaros bérháztípus válsága "Nem ismerek, és azt hiszem ezt a véleményemet minden logikusan gondolkodó építésztársam is aláírja, az egész földkerekségen fejletlenebb, a kényelem, mint az egészség követelményeinek ellentmondóbb,... more
City is a supplier of services, and one of them is mobility. A majority of people use public transportation every day and it became an integral part of their day planning. Budapest is not an exception and sure enough the Hungarian capital... more
Magyarországon léteztek zsidó kórházak Baján, Pápán, Sátoraljaújhelyen, Nyíregyházán, Miskolcon és Munkácson is, azonban cikkünkben a fővárosi zsidó kórházakra, és azon belül is „a” zsidó kórházra, a pesti izraelita hitközség 1842-es... more
The paper presents historical processes as a result of which Budapest was formed as a center of Bulgarian Literary Revival. The main activities of the Bulgarian Publishers are described as well as the historical conditions under which... more
Monuments and memorials have become mundane elements of public space: commemorative plaques, statues, and memorial sites are mushrooming in the wake of memory production. However, besides the emblematic ones that have become accepted both... more
The touristic importance of music festivals is increasing throughout Europe. More than a thousand festivals of international interest exist on the continent, and their creative concepts are also increasingly important. Only events with a... more
A Népliget közvetlenül közparkká válását követően kétes hírű területként vált ismertté, ahol rablóbandák garázdálkodtak, prostituáltak kerestek maguknak kuncsaftot, s egyúttal a fővárosi homoszexuális szubkultúra számára is fontos... more
Összefoglalás: A technológiai szektor kulcsszerepet játszhat a Covid-válságot követő gazdasági talpra állásban. Korábbi tapasztalatok alapján a krízis várhatóan új startup-ökoszisztémák felemelkedését is elő fogja mozdítani. A lehetőségek... more
In: Simon Katalin - Vindus Melinda: Ezer éve Óbudán. Óbudai Szent Péter és Pál Főplébánia. Budapest, 2015.
Az ötvenes években nemigen volt szó érdemi lakáspolitikáról; e tekintetben a hatvanas évek erőteljes fordulatot hozott. A lakáspolitika kidolgozását, il- letve a nagymérvű lakásépítkezések megindítását részben a külső, részben a belső... more
Antal Szkalnitzky (1836–1878) was a prominent and prolific architect in Hungary in the 1860s and ’70s. As the first Hungarian, he studied at the Bauakademie in Berlin. Back at home, he first participated in the architectural competion for... more
ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN THE TOWN OF BUDA BETWEEN 1985 AND 2005 András Végh The twenty years between 1985 and 2005 represent a period in the archaeological investigation of the town of Buda that qualifies as the most productive so... more
Sieben Wochen lang hatten die deutschen und ungarischen Verteidiger im eingeschlossenen Budapest den Angriffen sowjetischer und rumänischer Verbände standgehalten. Doch schließlich wurden sie im westlichen Stadtteil Buda auf engem Raum... more
Del Codex Italicus 1 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Budapest, una copia della "Commedia" di area veneta risalente alla metà del sec. XIV, non si è ancora in possesso di un inquadramento testuale abbastanza certo, tanto per la... more
The Hungarian Parliament – construction, decoration, ideology. The Hungarian Parliament in Budapest (1885–1902) was one of the largest buildings of its time in Europe. As home to the nation’s legislature, it also had to serve as a... more
Theses of the PhD-Dissertation of Ágnes Ivett Oszkó. The primary aim of my dissertation written about the architecture of Leopold Baumhorn was to present the typical characteristics of the genre of synagogue architecture within his... more
By discussing the variety and variability of urban neoliberal governmentality and its limits in the semiperiphery of the advanced capitalist world, the article aims to explore the embeddedness of neoliberalism at the dawn of the new... more
Ödön Lechner (1845-1914), often called the ”Hungarian Gaudí”, was one of the most original architects at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Educated in Berlin, the years he spent in Paris in Clément Parent’s office opened his eyes... more
In a healthy housing system the State, the market (for-profit developers) and the communities (not-for-profit residents) are the three stakeholders. In Hungary, housing developments are implemented by the State and for-profit developers.... more
The thirteen Ottoman thumb rings from Buda make up a substantial collection by international standards and stand out by virtue of their proven link to the Ottomans and their age – they can all be dated with certainty to the period between... more
Author Original for Jean-Michel Chaumont, Magaly Rodriguez Garcia and Paul Servais, eds., The Kinsie reports. The League of Nations and its Investigation into Traffic for Prostitution in the 1920s (Geneva: supported by the Institutional... more
At the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Friedrich Schmidt, a polific architect himself, was a highly influential teacher. His Austrian, Bavarian, Bohemian, Moravian, Hungarian and Croatian students would play a dominant role in neo-Gothic... more
El X duque de Béjar, D. Manuel de Zúñiga (1657 – 1686) murió en la toma de Buda (Hungría). Considerado por sus coetáneos un héroe mártir del catolicismo y defensor de la Casa de Austria, lo cual se tradujo en su presencia en obras de... more
Within the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Zagreb was always a receptive area – a city that imported, mainly with a certain delay, technological innovations, new concepts of urban planning, novel approaches to the construction of municipal... more
Una breve actualización de la biografía del X titular de Béjar, un oligarca que se suma a las élites europeasmuerto en las campañas contra la Sublime Puerta en Buda (1686), donde encontraría su muerte, que tuvo una gran proyección sobre... more
Arsenije Teodorović and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Buda, Ed. by Daniela Korolija-Crkvenjakov and Vladimir Simić, Novi Sad: Galerija Matice srpske 2017.
Topographic snapshots about two different period of the medieval period of the capital of Hungary, Budapest
In the summer of 2015, more than 350,000 migrants moved through Hungarian territory. Almost immediately there emerged in response a dialectic between, on the one hand, depoliticizing narratives of crisis that sought to immobilize the... more
This set of city-case-studies across the globe-ranging from Tokyo to São Paolo, from Beijing to Istanbul-confronts different patterns and levels of inequality and segregation with different state and other contexts. Due to this focus it... more