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A manuscript kept in the Chapter Archives in Hvar (Dalmatia, region of Southern Croatia) contains a list of books and music material owned by the Chapter of the Hvar Cathedral in 1646/47. Although now lost, the recorded music titles bear... more
Introducción al fondo y primera etapa de catalogación del fondo musical del Seminario PM de Santiago de Chile. Incluye una selección de materiales importantes comentados.
Resumen: El autor nos ofrece en homenaje a Juan Bautista Plaza como pionero de la musicología nacional, dos documentos fundamentales para el estudio de la música colonial venezolana: el fichero numerado del archivo de la Escuela Superior... more
COELHO, Lucas de Lima. Gerenciamento de acervos para performance musical: a informação/documentação musical em instituições musicais. Orientadora: Cibele Araujo Camargo Marques dos Santos. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado... more
Volumen monográfico dedicado a música y músicos de Jaén, cubriendo desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XX. Concebido en conmemoración del 30º aniversario de la publicación del libro "La música en Jaén" (Jaén, Diputación Provincial, 1991)... more
Inventario de parte de la colección personal de 300 títulos de Jazz Argentino del siglo XX, con aportes de otras donaciones especificadas. Los archivos digitales fueron donados y están siendo catalogados en el Instituto de Investigación... more
The Musical Archive of the Cathedrals of Zaragoza possesses an interesting early source for the study of the music of Georg Friedrich Händel (*1685; †1759). It is a manuscript volume, carefully copied and professionally and luxuriously... more
Feminist history comprises a myriad of movements and identities spanning generations of individuals. Its substance is preserved and transmitted in innumerable ways, including through oral histories, independent bookstores, infoshops,... more
Hans Kramer (1911–2002) was important for two reasons: he owned the Home of Music, a unique music store in Cape Town, and he founded the Cape Town Concert Club, which hosted regular concerts by international artists. Rather than... more
Considerado el compositor de música galante más destacado de las Américas, Ignacio Jerusalem (Lecce, Reino de Nápoles, 1707 – Ciudad de México, Virreinato de Nueva España, 1769) escribió más de doscientas cincuenta obras para voces... more
Speaking from an ethnomusicological standpoint, this paper elaborates on the use of recorded sound and audiovisual material for the purpose of documenting particular musical elements in Serbia, according to the concept of UNESCO... more
One largely accepted conviction about the Modern Greek Musical History is that the Art Music actually never took roots in Greece, as the so called Classical Music did not interest but the higher class of the society. Researching at the... more
In Praise of Paul Weller…? Reflections on Popular Music Studies Symposium Wednesday 23 March 2016 Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research Birmingham City University ‘What often passed the post-punk brigade by was Weller's... more
Ses kayıt teknolojisinin 19. yüzyılda ortaya çıkışı, etnomüzikolojinin bir bilim dalı olarak gelişimine önemli etki yapmıştır. Özellikle alan çalışmalarında ses kayıt cihazlarının kullanılması, günümüze kadar kültürel bir miras olarak... more
RESUMO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a aplicabilidade da teoria das três idades ao ciclo vital das fontes musicais, bem como evidenciar os fatores que determinam suas mudanças de fase e suas diferenças em relação a essas... more
A comprehensive account of Czech literature related to music museums, archives, libraries, musical intrument collections, composer museums, and the history of musical-museological thought.
La pandemia da SARS-COV2 ha esacerbato la tendenza, già in atto, alla digitalizzazione totale dell'esistenza: foto e video continui, registrazione audiovisiva permanente, ogni attimo presente che diventa perpetuo, come in una specie di... more
Bibliografía entorno a los últimos 25 años y los cambios operados en el tratamiento de los archivos de música. Las referencias están agrupadas en distintos apartados: El tratamiento documental: La profesionalización en los archivos y la... more
Complete thematic catalogue of the manuscript and printed works of music conserved at Durango Cathedral, Mexico (16th-20th centuries). Introductory study posted here. Volume available from the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas de la... more
co-authored by Lauren Thompson In: Students in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland, edited by Jodi Burkett, Jodi (2017). As Paul Chatterton notes: ‘although it is clear that universities have a major cultural, as well as teaching and... more
RESUMO. Este artigo aborda as dificuldades de caracterização e descrição dos conjuntos documentais musicográficos, discutindo a aplicação, ao caso musical, das concepções, critérios e métodos convencionais usados em arquivos públicos e... more
Projekt sređivanja i katalogizacije arhiva Oratorijskoga zbora sv. Marka (1920-1946) završen je u godini kada nasljednik toga poznatoga vokalnoga ansambla, Oratorijski zbor crkve sv. Marka Cantores sancti Marci (1988), slavi 30.... more
In Theory and Method in Historical Ethnomusicology, editors Jonathan McCollum and David Hebert, along with contributors Judah Cohen, Chris Goertzen, Keith Howard, Ann Lucas, Daniel Neuman, and Diane Thram systematically demonstrate... more
The main research field of this study is the coastline of Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. However, it is an inevitable necessity to analyze the relations of that culture with surrounding environments and present cultural bonds which... more
Public Discussion // Exhibition // Live Music You are invited to a special celebration of two of Liverpool’s most exciting cultural collections: The Institute Of Popular Music Archive & Open Eye Gallery’s Photography Archive The... more
This paper was presented in 'The Arts, Knowledge and Critique in the Digital Age in India: Addressing Challenges in the Digital Humanities' conference at Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad on 28-29 November 2019.
Music holds a key place in the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of humanity as inventoried by UNESCO since its 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the ICH. More broadly, beyond the United Nations, “intangible heritage” seems to have... more
Hasta el momento, diversas publicaciones han tratado el mundo de los archivos,bibliotecas o centros de documentación de música de forma aislada, exponiendo o presentando casos concretos en lo concerniente a ellos: colecciones y... more
Početci prodora (glazbe) cecilijanskog pokreta u Dalmaciju sežu u drugu polovicu 19. stoljeća, pri čemu su – s obzirom na specifične društvene, kulturne i političke veze dviju jadranskih obala – njegove tekovine ponešto snažnije dopirale... more
Review of Afropop Worldwide and Electric Jive websites for the Journal of World Popular Music
XV Aniversario del SEMINARIO DE MÚSICA EN LA NUEVA ESPAÑA Y EL MÉXICO INDEPENDIENTE y del sistema Musicat en el marco del X Aniversario de la inscripción en la lista del patrimonio mundial del Campus Central de la Ciudad Universitaria de... more
Em 12 de julho de 2014, Alexandre Marcos Lourenço Barbosa lançou a proposta de criação de um Museu da Música do Vale do Paraíba (MMVP), durante as discussões da sessão de encerramento do XXVIII Simpósio de História do Vale do Paraíba,... more
Ambroz (Ambro) Novak (1899-1947) from Hvar was a prominent intellectual, musician, composer, music publicist and critic, jurist by profession. He was involved in a wide range of (public) music activities quite successfully, however only... more
Abstract The discipline of musicology, which was systematized in the final quarter of the 19th century in Europe, attaches importance to archiving with its content including data collection, classification and saving. Music archiving is... more
This article describes an experience in creating two different kinds of ethnographic products in the realm of visual ethnomusicology in Peru. The first one was a set of short programs for educational purposes edited by a team of... more
"La musicología en América Latina y el Caribe ha tenido muy valiosos precursores, donde trabajadores de esta rama del conocimiento se han proyectado hacia la búsqueda de nuevas interpretaciones, donde han incorporado, de manera creativa,... more
As the first director of the International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation (IICMSD), Alain Daniélou edited the UNESCO Collection and published widely on musics from around the world. Most of the material used... more
Internet database about history of music in Piedmont. Curato dall'Istituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte con il supporto della Regione Piemonte e della Compagnia di San Paolo, il portale ISTAMPIE riunisce le diverse basi di dati... more
This course, run in partnership with the School of Music and National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA), utilises both ANU School of Music facilities and specialist locations and equipment at the NFSA, to equip students with the theoretical... more