Skip to main content The aim of this work is to present very little known or even unknown archives, interrogate and analyze them in the light of new historical and archival perspectives, discover the... more
"English summary: The interpretation of Dutch Jewish Council Records The main question in this thesis is: how do we interpret historical documents if we do not know the exact context in which they were created? It is a basic question... more
This first introduction, written for educational purposes, is meant to be a concise basic text in which the core concepts of archival science are coherently defined and explained, in a non-polemical way and departing from a... more
The book consists of four parts, preceded by a calendar of professional and scholarly life and a bibliography of the works of Professor Czesław Biernat. The articles contained in the first part - 'Scientific and Professional Activities of... more
Vrednovanje zapisa sastavni je dio stručnih aktivnosti arhiva usmjerenih na odabir za dugotrajno očuvanje zapisa koji imaju trajnu vrijednost za kulturu, povijest, znanost ili druge djelatnosti, te za zaštitu i ostvarivanje prava i... more
Abstract. The dominant paradigm in Archival Science, the historical-technicist paradigm, has its origins with the French Revolution and raised from the social, economic, political, ideological and cultural changes that occur during the... more
2019. Vivimos en una sociedad archivada. Mejor aún, una sociedad digitalmente archivada. Nuestros dispositivos electrónicos (computadoras, tabletas, teléfonos inteligentes, pantallas de todo tipo) nos dan acceso a infinidad de carpetitas... more
- O advento do documento digital
- Gestão e preservação
- Repositórios Digitais
- Auditoria de Repositórios
- Preservação Digital Sistêmica
- Cadeia de custódia digital arquivística
Архіви України. УДК 929Каленський:930.25(438) Левченко Л.Л. Видатний польський архівіст Густав Каленський та його праця "Brakowanie akt". Стаття висвітлює біографію та наукову діяльність видатного польського архівіста Густава... more
L'ultimo libro di Federico Valacchi articola e arricchisce una linea di riflessione già elaborata, nella stessa sede editoriale, con i volumi Diventare archivisti (2015) e Archivio: concetti e parole (2018), opere che, nel loro insieme,... more
In 2013 verwierf het Studie- en Documentatiecentrum Oorlog en Hedendaagse Maatschappij (CegeSoma) het archief van mr. Frédéric Eickhoff. Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog verdedigde hij ongeveer 2500 verzetslieden die moesten verschijnen... more
La Universidad Sertoriana de Huesca se fundó en 1354 –la más antigua del Reino de Aragón y la segunda de la Corona– y fue suprimida en 1845 al transformarse en Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza. Tras la supresión, el fondo fue conservado en... more
Już w chwili powstania Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej (IPN) w połowie 2000 r. było pewne, iż jego działalność powinna wykraczać poza granice Polski. Możliwość aktywności na forum międzynarodowym została zapisana wprost w ustawie o Instytucie... more
Diplomatics offers a methodological approach to Information Science providing subsidies for documentary analysis in Archival Science. Its origin dates back to the seventeenth century, when in 1681, Mabillon published the work De re... more
Artykuł powstał w oparciu o badania przeprowadzone w ramach realizacji projektu „Biurowość w czasach pandemii. Wpływ epidemii COVID-19 na informatyzację biurowości w administracji publicznej”, a jego głównym celem było określenie roli i... more
Hospital de Todos-os-Santos [All Saints Hospital] received since 1504 - the year the Regimento [rules of procedure] were approved - the abandoned or orphaned children of the city. Minors were placed in the Hospital wheel so this... more
Μετάφραση: Ζωή Οικονόμου. Επιστημονική επιμέλεια, απόδοση, ορολογία: Χριστίνα Βάρδα, Νίκος Καραπιδάκης, Νίκος Παντελάκης, Ζήσιμος Συνοδινός.
Ελληνική Αρχειακή Εταιρεία, τηπωθήτω-Γιώργος Δαρδανός, Αθήνα 2000, σσ. 587 (in Greek).
As companies, governments and individuals scramble to protect important data and critical systems such as roads and power supplies from cyber threats, we overlook data sets that are perhaps even more valuable. In a global environment of... more
This essay is the Introduction to the "Archiving Popular Culture" special issue of the journal Archives and Records, edited by Rüstem Ertuğ Altınay and Olivera Jokić. Featuring essays by Katie Lanning; Saygun Gökarıksel; Christine A.... more
Referências: FLORES, Daniel. Archivematica/RDC-Arq: o que muda(ou) nos setores de Arquivo Permanente e nas Instituições Arquivísticas? Palestra. Brasília - DF. 39 slides, color, Padrão Slides Google Drive/Docs 4x3. Material elaborado... more
Public and private organizations depend, for their disciplinary and surveillance power, on the creation and maintenance of records. Entire societies may be emprisoned in Foucauldian panopticism, a system of surveillance and... more
Historia zarządzania dokumentacją, a więc i droga dziejowa zawodu zarządcy dokumentacji zaczyna się znacznie wcześniej, niż ustalenie ram teoretycznych tej dyscypliny naukowej. Również zarządzanie nie jest pojęciem, które należy... more
Trotz der gegenseitigen fundamentalen Verbundenheit der Archivistik und der Geschichtswissenschaft auf dem Felde von Theorien, methodologischen Auffassungen, Methoden, Begriffen und Konzepten kommt es in der Tat zu überhaupt keinem Dialog... more
The cases of archival crime in Indonesia, especially political cases, have been common news informed by media, from news paper, television, and social media. One of the disciplines which studies the archival forgery, as form of archival... more
M. Wiśniewska, Funkcje archiwów społecznych, [w:] Archiwa organizacji pozarządowych w Polsce, red. T. Czarnota, M. Konstankiewicz, wyd. Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Warszawa-Lublin 2015, s.... more
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
CIRN Prato Community Informatics Conference Paper - Peer reviewed In this paper I present the Mediated Recordkeeping model developed as an outcome of my PhD research into YouTube as an emergent archive and space of diversity and... more
Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests. It demonstrates... more
The information has always played a key role in social life, however, in recent years, with the so-called "information age", discussions about the subject "information" have accompanied an exponent growth, both in the academic... more
I Patti Lateranensi // Le fonti per la storia dei negoziati // Mussolini e Pio XI all’origine della Conciliazione // Dal primo scambio di idee alle trattative confidenziali (agosto – ottobre 1926) // I primi schemi di Trattato e... more
Operation of the Central and State laws on right to information in India is integrally related to effective management of government records and information. This article makes a critical analysis of public records management in India,... more
Cadeia de Custódia Digital Arquivística (CCDA) Resumo: este estudo realiza uma reflexão em torno da cadeia de custódia, de modo que vislumbra propor uma abordagem para mitigar as vulnerabilidades dos documentos arquivísticos em ambiente... more