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"Judith Butler'ın Performatif Cinsiyet Kuramını basit bir dille açıklayan ingilizce bir metni çevirdim. Bu metni bulup çevirmemi isteyen ve yer yer danışmanlık yapan Naz Hıdır'a teşekkürlerimi sunarım.
This paper deals with the fact that from the 18th century to modern day, our clothes have been designed based on the gender assumptions. The first chapter provides a starting point for understanding why clothes are gendered by... more
The meaning of civilization has changed depending on time and place during history. Current consensus on the definition of civilization is 'an advanced state of human society with developed organizations, government, and technology.'... more
Basically, the aim of this research is to focus on how and why drag families form, and what kind of a motherhood drag mothers perform. Other than this focus, I analyze why queers need kinship, how do they find a space to get together and... more
In Marketing Hedonics: Toward a Psychoanalysis of Advertising Response, Laura R. Oswald analyzes advertising response from a psychoanalytic view by approaching complementary factors of advertising discourse. Starting from the point of how... more
Male dominated fields suppress the visibility of women and form a patriarchal system that only benefit men. This system also affects the area of translation. In translations, encountering sexist language is common. To show that... more
Today’s well-known fairy tales date back to the 19th century. At the beginning, they were both for adults and children but nowadays fairy tales are written for children only. These tales have had an important role in societies;... more
In his article, Anthony Pym fundamentally talks about how technological changes affect translators, translations and their process. He bases his argument on that technology changes the language, and from that he moves to the observation... more
Çiğdem Vitrinel'in Fakat Müzeyyen Bu Derin Bir Tutku filmi, Jacques Lacan'ın psikanalitik kuramı üzerinden arzu kavramını ve dolayısıyla insanın döngüsel arayışlarını irdelemeye olanak tanımaktadır. Lacan'a göre; kişinin ben ve diğeri... more
Kategorize etme, dünyayı tanımlayıp sınıflandırma konusunda başvurulan bir bilişsel yöntemdir. Çevrenin belirsizliğini azaltmak gibi işlevleri olan kategorizasyon aynı zamanda ayrımcı pratikleri meşrulaştıracak düşünme biçimlerine de... more