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This paper focuses on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. The paper discusses, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Cinderella, Snow White and the Sever Dwarfs among other fairy tales from a feminist perspective.
A Grimm testvérek világhírű mesegyűjteménye, a Kinder-und Hausmärchen több mint kétszáz esztendővel ezelőtt jelent meg először. A19. századi magyar folklórkutatás, különösen a népmesegyűjtés, -kiadás és -értelmezés története... more
Zarys treści: Baśnie braci Grimm należą do kanonu literatury światowej, a zainteresowanie nimi nie słabnie. Czytelnik (naukowiec) polski zwykle obcuje z baśniami Grimmów za sprawą przekładu, więc recepcja baśni w Polsce zależy od... more
A Brief Look at the Role of Fairies in Grimm's Fairy Tales
The paper is a case study summarizing a recent translation plagiarism: a Polish translation of The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: the Complete First Edition by Jack Zipes (2014) presented by the publishing company... more
Today’s well-known fairy tales date back to the 19th century. At the beginning, they were both for adults and children but nowadays fairy tales are written for children only. These tales have had an important role in societies;... more
Kleine Formen – großes Werk. Die Arbeitsmaterialien im wissenschaftlichen Nachlass der Brüder Grimm Das Forschungsprojekt nimmt den umfangreichsten, bislang aber am wenigsten erforschten Teil des Nachlasses der Brüder Grimm in den Blick:... more
Il magico mondo della fiaba popolare europea spesso presenta concrete situazioni giuridiche: draghi che ereditano notevoli fortune e sovrani che emanano editti, principesse che sono promesse in sposa e cavalieri che rispondono a bandi,... more
A certain strata of the Hungarian folk tales comes from the Grimm brothers’ Kinder und Hausmärchen. Even if the volume of István Nagy entitled Gyermek s házi regék (1861) is considered the first translation of the collection, this volume... more
Scrutinizes a short Latin poem written in the first quarter of the eleventh century, and refutes Alan Dundes's dismissal of literary evidence and to underscore the pertinence of studying medieval literature in coming to grips with that... more
Fairy tales for the time of crisis: The paper concerns a conference „Grimm2 – The Power of Two Brothers. On the 200th anniversary of the first edition of Kinder- und Hausmärchen” which was organized in Warsaw on 16-17.03.2012 by Fairy... more
Szerkesztői előszó / Nagy Ilona: A Grimm-meséktől a modern mondákig. Folklorisztikai tanulmányok. MTA BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet – L’ Harmattan, Budapest, 2015. 7–13. A kötet teljes szövege elérhető:... more
Discussing relevant passages in both the Grimms’ original appendix to their collection and Bernhard Heller’s essay contribution to Bolte and Polívka’s “Notes” to the Grimms’ tales, the present essay explores the connections between the... more
Beyond fairy tale illustrations' technical skill and aesthetic success lie all the choices made first by their creators and later by their publishers. The latter include publishers' and editors' views of market forces, public acceptance,... more
Kormoska, the Beautiful Princess. A Chapbook Tale as a Source for a Folktale of Sámuel Szabó. Sámuel Szabó was one of the classics of Hungarian folk poetry collectors in Transylvania in the 19th century. Rediscovering of his work,... more
This is an investigation into the idea of a link between literature and nation-building, proposed by Benedict Anderson, Timothy Brennan, Salman Rushdie, and Salman Rushdie. This paper utilizes their ideas to interpret well-known Grimms'... more
Though primarily a form of folk narrative, fairy tales (Zaubermärchen) have a varied history, not just in oral tradition, but also in literature, drama, material culture, and popular culture such as film, TV, and comic books. Fairy tales... more
The purpose of this study is to inspect how the Brothers Grimm’s “Snow White” has tied the concept of beauty for girls with fairness of skin and how –as a result—modern adaptations of this fairy tale (cartoon, like Warner Bros.’s 1943... more
This article discusses the presence of Grimm’s Fairy Tales in Polish schools. The first part outlines the main features of the so-called “Gattung Grimm” (Grimm’s genre), knowledge of which is necessary to assess the quality and potential... more
People read literature because they want to understand their own experience and the experience of others. Literature contains much violence because violence reveals the underlying conflicts in all social relationships. Evolutionary... more
Challenging Stereotypical fairytale Gender representations
Case Study : Once Upon A Time
The present announcement is part of the postgraduate dissertation "Narration and Fairy Tales: The Contribution of Theater/ Drama in Education on the Revision of the Grimm Brothers’ Tales" which is part of the Postgraduate Degree in... more
An Observation by dAvE@whenthenewsstops A story this week piqued my interest; a group of researchers at Durham and Lisbon Universities, using techniques normally applied by biologists, found that links between stories from around the... more
Grimm tales in 19th-century Hungarian chapbooks. Review of a forthcoming source collection. The paper and the accompanying extract present a collection of texts bearing the working title Grimm Tales in Hungarian Chapbooks (1860–1900). The... more
Dolgozatom középpontjában az 1860-as években Vachott Sándorné Csapó Mária által különböző kiadványokban elszórtan közölt Grimm- és Andersen mesefordítások állnak. A történeti folklorisztika szempontjából a meseszövegek fordítás- és... more
Fairy tales and folk tales alike were popularized in the seventeenth century as a means of educating children on the prominence of moral nobility and discipline through the embodiment of fantasy and magical enchantment. Presently,... more
Three Tales by the Grimm Brothers from the Original Edition of Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1812-1815): The First Polish Translation in the Context of the Research on the Informers’ Biographies and Their Contribution to the Formation of the... more
This is the second edition of the 3-volume "Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales." Revised and expanded, "Folktales and Fairy Tales" has over 100 additional, new entries and a 4th volume that is an anthology of fairy-tale... more
Classic fairy tales, such as the ones told by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were stories that shed light on the uncomfortable truths of the world. Their horrific origins often involved scenes of rape, incest, torture, cannibalism, and other... more
"Jan M. Ziolkowski not only provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical debates about fairy tale origins but includes an extensive discussion of the relationship of the fairy tale to both the written and oral sources. Ziolkowski... more
Riflessioni storiche e giuridiche sulla fiaba popolare "Frau Holle" pubblicate a p. 42 del giornale diocesano pavese "Il Ticino" nel giorno 24.12.2021
Dieser Artikel verfolgt die These, dass Armut nicht nur ein allgegenwärtiges Geschichtenmotiv darstellt, sondern – als greifbare Manifestation von Mangel – sogar als Konstruktionsprinzip bzw. als Grundbedingung fürs Erzählen... more
This article is a modified version of an item published in 1983: Analysis of ATU 306, “The Danced-out Shoes,” reveals that Irish versions of the folktale drew from translations of the Brothers Grimm, and these include two instances of... more
The Argentinean writer Luisa Valenzuela in her section on ‘The Tales of Hades’ (Symmetries 1993) revised six classical fairy tales, Little Red Riding Hood, The Princess and the Pea, Sleeping Beauty, The Frog King, Cinderella, Snow White... more