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Male dominated fields suppress the visibility of women and form a patriarchal system that only benefit men. This system also affects the area of translation. In translations, encountering sexist language is common. To show that... more
Issues covered in the monograph include integrating interdisciplinary approaches to translation modeling, definitions of a translation model and a translation strategy, discourse and communication translation model organization and... more
The present study was intended to investigate the challenges that Iranian English Translation students face in translating contracts and agreements and find out the reasons. A descriptive research was conducted on 20 Iranian MA... more
This research is an annotated translation. The problems of this research are: (1) What are the difficulties encountered by the researcher/translator during the process of translation? (2) How are those difficulties solved? The aims of... more
By way of comparative analysis of some of the 24 Grimm Brothers fairy tales that were translated by Antonio Gramsci, this paper aims to reconstruct the translation strategies that were adopted. Taking into account both the specific... more
Interlingual subtitling was singled out for this research, as it is the common mode used to translate English films intended for an Arabic audience in most Arab T.V channels. However, this form of audiovisual translation is often prone to... more
Dwi Asep Mulyono. 2015. Translation Strategies of Pure Idioms in Veronica Roth’s Divergent. English Study Program, Dian Nuswantoro University. Semarang. Advisor: Achmad Basari Keywords: Translation Strategies, Idiom, Pure idioms,... more
The aim of the present paper is to analyze the strategies used in the translation of the toponyms present in children's literature. We are using the example of the Polish translations of The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas to observe... more
The Harry Potter series poses particular problems for translators, and their translations raise many questions for us. Do translators aim to produce a text that has the same effect as the original or one that familiarizes children with... more
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the most often used subtitling strategies, namely the various condensation and reduction strategies, and the multimodal nature of a subtitled movie. Audiovisual texts utilize... more
This paper explores the concept of translation strategies within the framework of the functionalist approach in translation studies. It is based on the presumption that a source text can have different translations and examines the... more
When it comes to fantasy writing, proper names are vital because they sometimes determine the course of action of the story. There are many issues literary translators must consider while choosing the best words for their translations.... more
This research is an annotated translation. The problems of this research are: (1) What are the difficulties encountered by the researcher/translator during the process of translation? (2) How are those difficulties solved? The aims of... more
В статье предпринята попытка представить параметры переводческой стратегии. Однако для этого необходимо условиться о трактовке переводческой стратегии. <...> автор предпринял попытку дать термину определение и выявить минимальный набор... more
Yazın çevirisi alanında tiyatro çevirisi incelemeleri, yapılan çalışmaların yetersizliğinden dolayı halen ikinci planda kalmaktadır. Halbuki tiyatro metni çevirisi, sadece sıradan bir metin çevirisi değildir, aynı zamanda farklı... more
Bakalaura darbs „Joku tulkošanas paņēmieni ierunāšanai paredzētajos komēdijseriālos” ir sagatavots ar nolūku pievērst Latvijas tulkotāju uzmanību audiovizuālo tekstu tulkošanai. Lai gan publiski pieejamās aptaujas uzrāda,... more
Dwi Asep Mulyono. 2015. Translation Strategies of Pure Idioms in Veronica Roth’s Divergent. English Study Program, Dian Nuswantoro University. Semarang. Advisor: Achmad Basari Keywords: Translation Strategies, Idiom, Pure idioms,... more
The present study addresses the issue of song translation from a descriptive approach and relied on the comparative analysis of twenty-nine songs from six animated movies along with their Persian translations presented in the Persian... more
Cross-cultural translation of children's literature is one of the areas that easily trap a translator with lots of problems. It is rather a difficult task for a child to establish a connection with some other cultures and their exclusive... more
Connotative meaning is one of the most challenging aspects in translation, especially between two different cultures such as English and Arabic. The problem is more aggravated when the translation occurs from a sacred and sophisticated... more
Translating food menus is a fundamental communication tool for restaurants and coffee shops to market their products and to inform their costumers about the type, quality and diversity of food and products available for their use. This... more
Abstract Every linguistic community is fated to be in contact with a second or a foreign language following the communicative needs of their speakers who are often bilingual, if not multilingual. For the majority of countries all over the... more
Öz Çeviri geçmişten günümüze kültürler arasında bir iletişim aracı olarak kullanılan farklı kültürleri birbirine yakınlaştıran bir eylemdir. Bu çalışmada çeviri eyleminin özellikle de yazılı çeviri alanı başta olmak üzere usul, strateji... more The translation of the fictional dialogue in cartoons is a complex phenomenon as it involves two main linguistic aspects:... more
The difficulties in translating idiomatic expressions, slangs and cultural itens were analysed regarding the audiovisual translation of 611 subtitles from a TV series. The translation strategies described by Pedersen (2005) were applied... more
This article aims at demonstrating which translation strategies are preferred in order to deal with the translation of culture-specific items in Latife Tekin's Sevgili Arsız Ölüm (1983) and its English translation entitled Dear Shameless... more
Translation of children fantasy novels and problems faced by translators in translating these novels into different languages is one of the core issues in the field of translation studies. This issue has got attention of many researchers... more
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis is internationally considered as one of the classics of children’s literature. The series consists of seven books, of which only the first four were translated into Afrikaans,... more
This paper presents a brief review of translation techniques and study the development of Vinay and Darbelnet’s initial proposal. For some people, the study of translation techniques is the cornerstone of translation methodology and... more
One of the challenges for translating a text maybe the cultural differences between SL and TL. Schleiermacher (1813/1963) has introduced “domestication” as a strategy of translation which involves “an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign... more
Ningxia is a fertile soil for cultivating young and promising Hui authors of local Hui novels. At present, the establishment and development of the Inland Economic Zone and Comprehensive Free Trade Zone in Ningxia is of great inspiration... more
The transfer of cultural elements in translations made in the field of children's literature has a critical role in order for the target audience to adapt the work. There are certain methods and strategies that any translator would use to... more
The paper examines the organization of background knowledge structures in legal language and related incongruities of legal terms. The cognitive linguistics methodology, in particular its findings on the nature of meaning, is applied.... more
An Investigation of Idiom Comprehension and Translation by Translation Students at KSU Dania Adel Salamah Department of English Language and Translation College of Languages and Translation King Saud University Abstract The study... more
The paper focuses on the issue of translation of intertextual markers in literature, with a special emphasis on Polish poetry in English renditions. The material and perspective are chosen with a view to exploring source-culture... more
Lying at the intersection of translatology, cognitive science and linguistics, this book provides a comprehensive framework for studying, investigating and teaching English-Russian/Russian-English non-literary translation. It provides a... more
Idiomatic expressions are expressions with a figurative meaning different from their literal meaning, and therefore, they cannot be understood literally. This study aims to scrutinize some aspects of the translation of idiomatic... more
Among the five skills in the foreign language, translating can reflect EFL learners' comprehensive language ability. Due to the increasingly frequent international communication, there is a growing demand for qualified translators in all... more
Öz Bu çalışmada Friedrich von Schiller’in “Die Bürgschaft” adlı baladının Ali Bey Hüzeyinzâde (Turan) tarafından Türkçeye aktarılmış olan ve 1923 yılına tarihlendirilebilen “Kefalet Yahud Vefadar Dost(lar)” adlı çevirisi, çeviride... more
This study represents a contrastive analysis of Michael Ende's poem "Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling oder Der seltsame Tausch" and its Serbian translation by Spomenka Krajčević titled "Zmaj i Leptir ili Neobična zamena" based on the... more
The goal of the article is to compare and contrast the poem Rozmowa liryczna by K. I Gałczyński and its translation into Czech by Jan Pilař. The comparative analysis is based on various factors that usually precede a translator’s work.... more
Translating food menus is a fundamental communication tool for restaurants and coffee shops to market their products and to inform their costumers about the type, quality and diversity of food and products available for their use. This... more
The original version of the Zambia national anthem was written in English and then translated into most of the 73 Zambian languages. This article looks at how the Zambia national anthem was translated from English into the local... more
When faced with culturally anchored terms, subtitlers can render the translation closer to the foreign language and culture, adopting a strategy of foreignization, or closer to the domestic audience, thus adhering to a strategy of... more
Business annual reports are financial statements that contain significant information about a company’s activities. The reports are distributed to interested parties (e.g. stockholders, creditors, financial analysts and customers) in... more