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Unit Test 3 Educ. 8

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University of Antique

Sibalom, Antique

College of Teacher Education

Subunit Test in Educ. 8
Nov. 24, 2020

1. Teachers should help students to construct their knowledge.(A)

A. True B. False
2. A constructivism classroom is (C)
A. Teacher-centered B. Subject-centered
C. Questions-centered D. Pupil-centered
3. Which is NOT the student role in the constructivism classroom? (B)
A. Active B. Passive
C. Collaborator D. Self-monitoring
4. In a constructivism classroom the teacher presents a class problem to measure the length, height and
width of a dining table. Which should the teacher do? (C)
A. Tell students to use a ruler
B. Set the criterion measurement such as inch, yard…
C. Allow students to construct their own method of measurement
D. All of these
5. Which of the following statements is correct about constructivism? (A)
A. Meaning is created rather than acquired
B. Pupils learn basic skills before they move to the more complex processes.
C. Methods include the use of instructional materials, cues, reinforcement and practice.
D. Teachers dominate the teaching-learning process.
6. Constructivisn Learning Theory argues that people produce knowledge and form meaning based upon
their experiences. (True)
A. True B. False
7. What can you conclude about the benefits of the constructivist approach? (A)
A. Students learn better when thinking and understanding instead of memorizing.
B. Students lean better when utilizing repetitive practice instead of memorizing.
C. Students learn better when they are provided specific instruction to follow.
D. Children learn better when they are utilizing only the external factors that they are exposed
to in the classroom.
8. Which of the following statements would be in agreement with Sternberg’s Theory of Intelligence?
A. Intelligences are the set of abilities needed to attain success in life; however, individuals
define success in their socio-cultural context. (A)
B. Intelligences are fixed capabilities that cannot be diminished or increased by environmental
C. Intelligences are based in biology buy can be more or less cultivated by an individual’s
D. Intelligences are innate characteristics based totally on an individual’s genetic makeup.
9. Sternberg suggests that problems that tend to be clearly defined, come with all the information
needed to solve them, have only one correct answer, and unrelated to ordinary experiences are best
used to assess (D)
A. Creative intelligence B. Analytic intelligence
C. Practical intelligence D. School achievement
10. Which of the following learning outcomes does not fit with Sternberg’s WICS model? (E)
A. To compare and contrast Pavlov’s Classical conditioning and Skinner’s Operant conditioning
B. To predict an ending to the story “Diana, The Princess of Wales”.
C. To apply the four fundamental operations of arithmetic in one’s own retail store business.
D. To see other people’s point of view on the issue of the President’s order to stop the
deployment of Filipino nurses abroad.
E. To list at least 5 figures of speech.
11. The Vietnamese government handles the COVID-19 situations in the country easily. They most likely
have (C)
A. Analytical intelligence B. Creative intelligence
C. Practical intelligence D. Logical intelligence
12. Which of the following is not a component of problem solving? (A)
A. Convergent thinking B. Critical thinking
C. Divergent thinking D. Creativity
13. In the original version of Bloom’s Taxonomy, the highest level of thinking is EVALUATION; while in
the revised version it is (C)
A. Analyzing B. Applying
C. Evaluating C. Creating
14. Given this instructional objective (IO), identify the cognitive dimension (levels of thinking:
remembering, understanding, etc) _______________________.(apply)

IO : To apply the rule of adding signed numbers with 90% accuracy in a 10-item math test.”

15. Given the same IO, identify the corresponding knowledge dimensions (factual, procedural,
metacognitive, conceptual) _______________________. (procedural)

16. When brainstorming, you should adopt this practice for the results: (A)
A. Collect all ideas including the bad ones.
B. Use the same people for the generation and judging of ideas.
C. Throw out the bad ideas as you go along.
D. None of these
17. What should an effective problem solver keep in mind when thinking about creativity? (C)
A. Creativity is fixed- you either have t or you don’t.
B. Creativity can help you identify a problem but not solve it.
C. Creativity can be increased via different techniques.
D. There are just three effective ways to increase creativity.
18. Brainstorming members can question any ideas they don’t agree with. (B)
A. True B. False
19. A teacher tells her student to generate multiple solutions to a problem that was presented in class.
She is asking her students to engage in (B)
A. Convergent thinking B. Divergent thinking
C. Fostering a community of learners D. Productive thinking program
20. Applying what has been learned to a new situation Is called (D)
A. Application B. Apprehension
C. Transition D. Transfer
21. Which of the following is least likely to transfer? (B)
A. Attitudes B. General principles
B. Specific skills D. General skills
22. When the original learning task and the transfer task overlap in content, it is called (A)
A. Near transfer B. Far transfer
C. General transfer D. Negative transfer
28. When something learned at one time, interferes with learning at a later time (e.g. a Tagalog native
speaker saying “ispeaker” when learning to pronounce the English word “speaker) it is called (B)
A. General transfer B. Negative transfer
C. Positive transfer D. Specific transfer.
29. The more similar the two learning situations are the ______________ will transfer occur. (A)
A. more likely B less likely
30. How should teachers teach to facilitate transfer of learning?(A)
A. Provide more and varied opportunities for practice (the skills learned)
B. Teach more topics for wider coverage rather than fewer topics tackled in depth.
C. Encourage students to fill their heads with facts and concepts by memorizing them.
D. Specify and direct students’ classroom learning activities.

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