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Methods and Strategies of Teaching

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Industrial Education

Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000

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Seminar in General Education for Teachers
Second Semester S.Y 2022-2023

Learning Outcomes:

2. Methods and Strategies of Teaching

2.1. Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that build and enhance new literacies inclusive of
multi -cultural, social, media, financial, cyber/digital, ecological, arts -and -creativity new literacies
across the curriculum.
2.2. Prepare developmentally sequenced lesson plans with well aligned learning outcomes and
competencies based on K -to -12 spiral curriculum requirement.
2.3. Utilize the concepts of new literacies in the 21st century (globalization and multi -cultural literacy,
social literacy, media literacy, financial literacy, cyber literacy, digital literacy, eco literacy, arts and
creativity literacy, interdisciplinary explorations and other teaching strategies) and shared cultural
practices across learning areas

I. General Instruction: Read and understand each question. Select the best answer from the given choices.
Rationalize the correct answer from each question.

1. Teacher Emmanuel requires his students to memorize the poem “Mi Ultimo Adios”, but they do not actually know
the meaning of the poem. The traditional technique which turns the students into “tiny parrots” is exhibited when
teachers use ______________?
A. Concept Teaching
B. Textbook Techniques
C. Direct Instruction Techniques
D. Rote Learning Techniques

2. In order to achieve a meaningful teaching and learning process, it is best to link and relate the lesson to the life of
the student by integrating a relevant value in the lesson. Which among the following agrees with this principle?
A. Begin with the goal in mind.
B. Write SMART lesson Objectives
C. Share lesson objectives/outcomes with students
D. Lesson objectives integrates with 2 or 3 domains

3. Among the activities below, which activity demonstrates collaborative learning?

A. Group project concept and application
B. Student group take drills
C. student group take a field trip
D. Teacher tutorial to student’s groups

4. As a classroom manager, Teacher Anton required each of his students to stand and give their seatwork
individually to him before the bell rings for dismissal. What component of classroom management did he
A. Routine
B. Code
C. Norm
D. Rule
5. What solution can best address to anticipated unruly students’ scenario in class?
A. Threats to unruly behavior
B. Spelled out rules on discipline
C. projection of teacher authority
D. Set punishment for misbehavior

6. In order to show continuity and wholeness in the delivery of lessons, what can teacher Cathy do about the past
lesson before presenting a new lesson?
A. Post-test
B. Preview
C. Pre-test
D. Review

7. In her Science class, how can Teacher Mary shows the plants response to sunlight in an inductive manner?
A. Show the different kinds of plants their different responses to sunlight
B. State the causes and effects of plants exposure to sunlight
C. explain the plants response to sunlight
D. Explain the chemical reaction of plants to sunlight

8. What learning areas utilizes the demonstration method as its most suitable, effective, and useful vehicle for
A. Technical-vocational
B. Social Studies
C. General Education
D. Values Education

9. As to what situation will the learners be more likely to internalize and follow classroom rules?
A. when the teachers give additional points for those who follow the rules
B. when the teacher clearly explains the rules she prepared
C. when the teachers know the punishment for not following rules
D. when the learners participate in the rule making process

10. In the 4A’s of facilitating learning, the first thing that a teacher should do is:
A. Abstraction
B. Analysis
C. Activity
D. Application

11. In her desire to finish all topics in the unit, Teacher May conducts lecture while her students listen to her. What
learning principle is violated by Teacher May?
A. Learning is discovery of new ideas
B. Learning is an active process
C. Learning is sometimes painful
D. Learning is collaborative

12. Among the following practices, which one does NOT promote interaction?
A. rephrasing the question
B. repeating and expanding on a student response
C. soliciting questions from students
D. rejecting the students answer immediately

13. Among the following activities in the room, which one promotes active learning in a Student Centered Learning
(SCL) Environment?
A. lecture
B. drills
C. project making
D. demonstration
14. Teacher Allan demonstrated on his Grade 4 Math class on the topic Addition of Similar Fractions. Based on his
teaching demo, he showed the class examples on how to add similar fractions, and after showing at least five
examples, he announces to the class the rule in adding similar fractions. Did Teacher Allan follows the deductive
way of teaching correctly?
A. Yes, his lesson is deductive
B. Both deductive and inductive
C. Yes, he started with concrete
D. No, he went inductive

15. Teacher Paul exerts effort to make students discover personal values applicable for life in his lessons. IN this
particular activity, what domain of learning is focused on?
A. Metacognitive
B. Cognitive
C. Psychomotor
D. Affective

16. Which of the following statement reflect active learning?

A. “I need more support, a network from which I could learn.”
B. “I became interested in the school; I feel it is my school now.”
C. “I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.”
D. “I have found that one key to student development is providing criteria for performance”.

17. Which one should teachers then avoid? Students __________________

A. inquiry
B. reflection
C. self-directed learning
D. memorization of facts for testing
18. Among the activities below, which activity demonstrates collaborative learning?
A. Group project concept and application
B. Student group take drills
C. student group take a field trip
D. Teacher tutorial to student’s groups

19. In an English class, the teacher discusses the topic on subject verb agreement. Which of the following
procedure/process in the lesson if the teacher is using deductive method?
A. State the rule, then give example
B. lesson proper will be done after the pretest
C. students play a game relevant to the topic followed by a drill
D. Present example, then let the student state the rules based on the given example

20. Which of the following Teacher Anna will employ if she wants to generate as many ideas as she can as the class
is about to embark on a community outreach program?
A. Simulation
B. Role playing
C. Brainwashing
D. Brainstorming

21. Which of the following strategy was used when the school decided to pattern the election of class officers after
the local election when teaching the democratic process to the students. There were set of qualifications set for
candidates, rules on the campaign period and posting of campaign materials.
A. Simulation
B. Role playing
C. Symposium
D. Brainstorming
22. Which of the following strategy would be best to use if the teacher wanted students to develop empathy and
value and change development?
A. Drill
B. Game
C. Debate
D. Role playing

23. Which of the following should you use if you wanted to determine the entry knowledge and skills of your
A. Pre test
B. Post test
C. Interview
D. group discussion

24. Which of the following does the instructional plan begin?

A. Topic
B. Materials
C. Objectives
D. Subject Matter

25. Why is there a need to write lesson plan?

A. to guide the teacher in the learning activities
B. to comply with the requirements set by the school
C. to get a good rating in the performance of appraisal
D. top be able to show something during classroom observation

26. Which of the following is considered as the initial step to capture the attention of the student in introducing a
A. motivation
B. enrichment
C. generalization
D. reinforcement

27. Which of the following does not describe a learner centered approach?
A. focus is on single discipline
B. teacher and students learn together
C. The role of the teacher is to coach and facilitate
D. lesson emphasis on generating better questions and learning from it

28. The following happens in a teacher centered instruction except one:

A. Students are actively involved.
B. Only students are viewed as learners
C. Students passively receive information
D. Knowledge is transmitted from teacher to students.

29. Which of the following domains of learning was the focus of Benjamin Bloom Taxonomy?
A. Psychomotor domain
B. Cognitive Domain
C. Affective Domain
D. Metacognition

30. Mr. Valdez lesson focused on the rules and procedure in playing basketball. To determine student’s
understanding on the topic, he asked students to demonstrate how to play basketball. What learning target is he
A. Skills
B. Products
C. Knowledge
D. Comprehension
31. A 21st century teacher must be a lifelong learner. How do you describe a teacher who is a lifelong learner?
A. Teacher create and innovate new ideas
B. Teachers uses various technologies in teaching
C. Teacher constantly update themselves with new information’
D. Teaching are skillful in facilitating the teaching and learning process

32. Which of the following describe student centered approach?

A. Teacher served as knowledge dispenser
B. Teacher ensures students learning through lectures
C. Teacher served as a facilitator and provide students activity
D. Teacher help students and provide all the necessary information

33. One of the critical attributes of a 21st century education is making it a Global Classroom. How will you create a
global classroom?
A. Address student’s diversity
B. Create a globally competitive student
C. Include current global issues during discussion
D. Design learning experiences that enhances critical thinking

34. Which of the following explain the importance of equipping teachers with 21st century skills?
1. In order to survive in the 21st century challenges
2. To be able to change the education system in the country
3. To be able to contribute to the development of 21st century learners

A. I, II,

35. Which of the following type of 21st century literacy addresses issues on globalization, racism, diversity and social
A. Social Literacy
B. Cultural Literacy
C. Creative Literacy
D. Global and Multicultural Literacy

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