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1. Claire is judging the worth of the portfolio of the students in his English class based on a set of
criteria. What is process describes what he is doing?
A. Testing
B. Measuring
C. Evaluating
D. Assessing
2. Which standardized test is used to measure performance in completed subjects in various grade
A. Aptitude test
B. Achievement test
C. Intelligence test
D. Remedial test

3. A professor does not give quiz at all. The student's grade are based only on the summative
assessment results. Does he violate an assessment principle?
A. Yes, he does violate not consider multiple intelligence and learning styles.
B. Yes, assessment data to be reliable should come from multiple sources.
C. No, that is academic freedom.

4. The student’s mastery of objectives shows __________.

A. Norm reference
B. Criterion Reference.
C. Mean Reference
D. Assessment Reference

5. The results of National Achievement Test (NAT) are interpreted against a set of mastery level.
This means that NAT is categorized as _________ a test.
I. Criterion-referenced
II. Norm-referenced
A. I only
B. Either I or II
C. I only
D. Neither I or II

6. Existentialists teach Self-development, Freedom, Meaning of life yet less on virtue. This idea was
from ________.
A. Jean Paul Sarte and Soren Kierkegard
B. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky
C. Watson and Tolman

D. Bowlby and Kohler

7. An Earth science has just completed a unition the sun. As she recognizes her next unit on other
stars, she uses the sun as a frame of reference. What view of learning was used?
A. Discovery learning
B. Informative learning
C. Meaningful learning
D. Transfer learning

8. What is applied by Skinner's change in overt behaviour like events can result in learning?
A. Shaping of behaviour
B. Behavioral Training
C. Operant Conditioning/Instrumental
D. Reinforcement Schedules

9. Learners are the builders and creators in which philosophy?

A. Essentialism
B. Constructivism
C. Idealism
D. Realism
10. Kein learns well through active interplay with others. His learning increases when engaged in
activities that has meaning on him which Philosophy can describe this?
A. Progressivism
B. Idealism
C. Empiricism
D. Realism

11. After finishing the degree in education, Teacher Mary realizes that Learning never stops. In fact,
she accumulates more knowledge after learning the portal of her alma mater. This typifies what
kind of philosophy?
A. Perennialism
B. Constructivism.
C. Progressivism
D. Humanism
12. In granting special permit in the teaching profession, who among the following is qualified?
A. Manny Pacquiao to teach bowling
B. Paeng Napomuceno to teach boxing
C. Lea Salonga to teach music
D. Bugoy Drilon to teach music
13. Gilbert is motivated to improve his metacognitive skills, which of the following ways does NOT
advance metacognition?
A. Accepting new knowledge.
B. Assessing one's own thinking.
C. Learning how to study.
D. Learning to organize thoughts.

14. This refers to the report card given every school year.
A. Form 137
B. Form 138
C. School Form 1
D. School Form 2

15. This refers to a group of teachers and other personnel engaged in collaborative learning session to
solve shared challenges.
A. Learning action cell
B. Teacher’s Quality Circle
C. Mentoring
D. Peer sessions
16. This refers to a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) required to carry out successfully
assigned roles, functions and responsibilities in an organization.
A. Learning and Development System
B. School based Management
C. Competency Standards
D. Human Resource Development
17. Which qualities BEST describe permissive teachers?
A. Demanding but not warm
B. Warm but not demanding
C. Neither demanding nor warm
D. Demanding yet warm
18. This is the term given to the appropriate pacing and progression of the lesson. The lesson should
be properly paced, monitored and adjusted in order to prevent slowdowns and stoppages.
A. Smoothness
B. Overlapping
C. Momentum
D. With-it-ness
19. Which Filipino trait works against the shift in teacher’s role from teacher as a fountain of
information to teacher as facilitator?
A. Authoritativeness
B. Authoritarianism
C. Hiya
D. Pakikisama
20. A stitch on time saves nine, so goes the adage. Applied to classroom management, this means that
we _________.
A. may not occupy ourselves with disruptions which are worth ignoring because they are
B. must be reactive in our approach to discipline
C. have to desolve minor disruptions. before they are out of control
D. may apply 9 rules out of 10 consistently
21. Erwin, a grade 12 student, is writing the final report of his research paper. Upon drawing the
conclusion, which supports the validity and truthfulness of his conclusion?
A. Assumptions
B. Factual evidence
C. Hypothesis

D. Implications
22. Rica went to Church to wash away her sins. What is the degree of moral certitude being shown by
A. Callons
B. Pharisaical
C. Lax
D. Scrupollous
23. Teacher gives variety of activities before he let students do an application of what has been
taught. What philosophy is evident on teacher M’s teaching?
A. Behaviorism
B. Progressivism
C. Pragmatism
D. Essentialism
24. The establishment of the School of the Future (SOF) introduces improvement and reform in
education to respond to both human and social needs. What philosophy is related to it?
A. Epistemology
B. Pragmatism
C. Reconstructionism
D. Idealism
25. What is the most accepted definition of sociology?
A. Science of man and his achievement
B. Science of human behavior
C. Science of man and society
D. Science of man, development and works
26. You have some foreign visitors who will stay for a time in your community. What two actions
will you take to manage conflicting situations and at the same time bring about values that
enhance your sense of nationhood?
A. Try hard to speak the way they do for better understanding
B. Bring them to places the country is well-known for
C. Serve them the same food that they eat in their country
D. Show them desirable Filipino traits.
27. Mrs. Arao gave her students a unit test and found out that three of them got failing marks in
subtracting mixed fractions. What should she do to help them?
A. Ask the bright students to coach them
B. Personally give them remedial lessons
C. Tell the parents to get them a personal tutor
D. Let the class know what happened to the three
28. For Ralph Tyler, which of the following questions should be considered first ion developing a
A. Objectives
B. Purpose of the school
C. Extension of philosophies
D. Organized
29. Best peer tutoring ratio is ___.
A. 2:2
B. 1:1
C. 1:10

D. 2:1
30. Which level of teacher planning establishes general content and are prepared by committee of
A. Weekly Planning
B. Unit Planning
C. Term Planning
D. Course Mapping
31. This type of rubrics that estimates the overall quality of performance by assigning a single
numerical value to represent a specific category of accomplishment.
A. Analytics rubrics
B. Checklists
C. Holistic rubrics
D. Rubrics
32. On transferring learning how will you classify the presentation of research study by an invited
social researcher discussing the effect of social media on facebook users?
A. Utilization-related
B. Learner related
C. Inquiry-related
D. Concept related
33. If teacher is concerned with the development of student’s higher-order-thinking skills then his
lesson objectives must go beyond ______.
A. Analysis
B. Application
C. Comprehension
D. Recall
34. The emphasis on curriculum of this philosophy deals with the choices in subject matter and
electives as well as the emotional, esthetic, and philosophical subjects.
A. Pragmatism
B. Existentialism
C. Realism
D. Idealism
35. Which philosophy approves of a teacher who lectures most of the time and requires his students
to memorize the rules of grammar?
A. Existentialism
B. Realism
C. Pragmatism
D. Idealism
36. What kind of subjects work best for beginning teachers who still need. Support school authority
and their peers?
A. Demo subjects
B. Light Subjects
C. Difficult subjects
D. Subject over load
37. Ms. Sotto, a Christian living teacher puts so much significant on values development and
discipline. What could be her educational philosophy?
A. Idealism
B. Pragmatism

C. Realism
D. Progressivism
38. Which philosophy proclaims the Spiritual nature of man and stress es that the human spirit, soul
or mind are the most important element in life?
A. Perennialism
B. Idealism
C. Existentialism
D. Essentialism
39. The teacher who teaches of numbers first before multiplication is aware of educational
philosophy which is?
A. Essentialism
B. Idealism
C. Reconstructivism
D. Existentialism
40. This is not to radically reshape society, what kind of philosophy?
A. Constructivism
B. Essentialism
C. Idealism
D. Humanism
41. Along Piaget's Principles, this is most appropriate for learning story literature in middle
A. Open story discussion and open-ended questions
B. Provide materials such as mind twisters and riddles
C. Read and outline stories
D. Compare children's live with characters in the stories
42. Which curriculum design element is taking place when Eduardo, a 4th year student can connect
the lessons he learned in a subject area to a related content in another subject area?
A. Articulation
B. Balance
C. Continuity
D. Integration
43. How is “Professional Standards” in the Philippine Qualification Framework best understood?
A. As a law
B. As a status
C. As a benchmark
D. As ethical code
44. Patrice is always fearful of freely roaming dogs but does not mind dogs in a pen or on a leash.
What feature of classical conditioning is exhibited?
A. Discrimination
B. Extinction
C. Generalization
D. Practice
45. BESRA is composed of how many Key Reform Thrusts (KRTS)?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9

46. This refers to the complete assessment in basic education to measure attainment in K to 12
A. National Basic Education Competency Assessment (NBECA)
B. End of Grade 12 Assessment
C. College Readiness Test
D. Exit Assessment
47. This is the official list of teacher applicant who obtained a score of 70 and above.
A. Learning Action Cell (LAC)
B. Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA)
C. Key Result Areas (KRA)
D. Key Reform Thrust (KRT)
48. Which of the following situations presents a value conflict?
A. The teacher pressures the student to get higher grades
B. The teacher and his students have better class standing as their priorities
C. The teacher and the administrator follow a set of criteria in giving grades
D. The teacher has students whose parents want their children to obtain higher grades than what
they are capable of getting.
49. Miss Santiago is a stickler for cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom. For this, she asks her
students to ___________.
A. do the same even when they're at home
B. remove their shoes in entering the classroom.
C. formulate norms and remind them often to follow these norms.
D. bring cleaning materials and clean the room before, during, and after classes
50. What referencing is being used in passing the LET?
A. Criterion Referencing
B. Norm referencing
C. Standards
D. Degree of Performance
51. A man was trapped in a building. He has no choice but to jump off the building and he decided to
do so. What principle is applicable to this kind of situation?
A. Principle of Double Effect
B. Principle of Lesser Evil
C. Principle of Lamarcks
D. Principle of the Universe
52. The teacher corrected the misbehaviour of the student and it escalated to lecturing the whole class
about GMRC. What is Shown by the teacher?
A. Generosity Error
B. Severity Error
C. Halo Affect
D. Ripple Effect
53. The following terms refer to performance objectives except _____ objectives.
A. Behavioral
B. Learners
C. Lesson
D. Teachers
54. What skills do Principal Jenny need to develop in order to focus well on problems, pick up real
messages and be sensitive to her teachers and students?

A. Critical Thinking Skills

B. Diagnostic Skills
C. Confidence Building
D. Communication Skills
55. Which design is easy to deliver because complementary books and materials are
commercially available?
A. Experience centered design.
B. Problem design.
C. Process design.
D. Subject centered design.
56. During the pandemic, what is missed by the learners?
A. Cyber Craming
B. Online interaction
C. Face to face classes
D. Virtual interaction
57. The Law of Readiness can be best applied in ________.
A. Teacher prepares for presentation
B. Teacher pairs the quick and slow learners
C. Teacher gives enough time for students to answer
D. Teachers requires quick answers
58. Which is best school community relationship?
A. Partnership
B. Supervision
C. School led projects.
D. Community ethnocentrism
59. Pavlovs discrimination can be best applied in _________.
A. Students peer tutoring
B. Students in collaborative learning
C. Mentoring low learners.
D. Allowing to choose electives
60. The primary aim of education is to make students discover who they are and what their choices
are _________.
A. Existentialism
B. Progressivism
C. Humanism
D. Realism
61. The atmosphere of the school provides authentic freedom when a student is allowed to find
his/her own truth and ultimate fulfilment through non-confirming making.
A. Progressivism
B. Existentialism
C. Idealism
D. Perennialism
62. In his class, teacher Manie presents principles and values so as students to examine them and
decide for encourage his themselves whether to accept them or not. What kind of philosophy does
he practice?
A. Humanism
B. Pragmatism

C. Existentialism
D. Idealism
63. Rule of Six is followed by Teacher Mary. Whenever she is creating her Power Point.
Presentation. Most likely, she will:
A. Limit her presentation to six slides with six sentences on each slide
B. Identify six important points to discuss and use about six minutes to explain each point.
C. Have six lines on each slide and each line must not have more than six words.
D. Include six paragraphs presented in six slides.
64. The score distributions of Set A and Set B have equal mean but with different Ds. Set A has SD
of 2.75 while Set B has SD of 3.25. Which Statement is TRUE of the score distributions ?
A. Majority of the scores in Set B are clustered around the mean.
B. Majority of the scores in set A are clustered around the mean that in Set B.
C. Scores in Set A are more widely scattered.
D. The scores of Set B have less variability than the scores in Set A
65. What principle will you advance to create a non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom?
A. No test
B. No praising
C. No scolding
D. No homework
66. Lea easily remembers dates and events in history. What component of LTM does
Rita has?
A. Creative thinking
B. Critical thinking
C. Reflective thinking
D. Logical thinking
67. Which situation shows that a sense of nationhood is exemplified?
A. When Miss Aguas asked her Grade II students in what country they wish to live, most of
them chose Australia
B. The class was asked which brand of chocolate wart they would rather have, no one chose
C. There is a class program. The girls volunteered to do a “balagtasan"
D. The boys opted to make a choral rendition of the theme song of the movie "Titanic"
68. Which statement best indicates a balance between responsibility and authority? Miss Soriano has
just provided a group activity to her class. While the class is at it, she says ___.
A. You can talk as much as you want.
B. You are forbidden to talk with each other.
C. I'll send you out of the room if create so much noise
D. You can talk provided you finish the work on time and do not disturb the other group.
69. In classical conditioning, which are paired together in order to elicit the desired response?
A. UCS and NS
B. CS and NS.
C. UCS and CS
D. UCR and NS
70. According to Gardner's MI theory, spatial intelligence learners are inclined /disposed to _____.
A. One’s own strength, goals and distress
B. Colors, shapes, symmetry and images
C. Body language, moods, voice feelings

D. Touch, movements, and physical self

71. According to Thorndike, what law states that the • strength of a connection is influenced by the
Consequences of the response?
A. Law of disuse.
B. Law of effect
C. Law of exercise
D. Law of readiness
72. What philosophy means eternal truths, permanence and everlasting?
A. Idealism
B. Perennialism
C. Pragmatism
D. Constructivism
73. Specialization is knowing more and more at about less and less.
A. Existentialism
B. Perennialism
C. Essentialism
D. Progressivism
74. After listening to the homily of the priest about fidelity, Catherine has a moment of reflection.
Her understanding of the value of fidelity has become deeper as she related to her past
experience. This typifies what kind of philosophy?
A. Reconstructivism
B. Constructivism
C. Existentialism
D. Idealism
75. "Learning is the process of retrieving prior learning", that is a statement from a ______.
A. Progressivist
B. Constructivist
C. Reconstructivist
D. Idealist
76. In the middle of the lesson, Teacher Levi saw a yellow butterfly outside the classroom. Instead of
proceeding to the lesson, she suddenly diverted the topic about butterflies instead of discussing
the present topic about adjectives. This situation can be categorized as _______.
A. A. Thrust
B. Dangle
C. Flip-flop
D. Stimulus - bound
77. What is the indication that a student’s Parent is authoritarian?
A. Strong and outgoing
B. Fearful and inhibited
C. Open and Friendly
D. Responsive and Active.
78. Teacher is a writer of curriculum when _________.
A. Presenting a lesson
B. Making lesson plans
C. Evaluating learning
D. Giving assignments
79. If a license teacher did not practice teaching in 5 years, can she teach if she decides to do so?

A. Yes, because she has a license

B. No, she has to take 12 units of refresher course
C. Yes if she earns 45 CPD unit
D. No she cannot go back to teaching

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