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Prof Ed Review Material 5 With ANSWERS

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1. Olivia knew how to pour water from a pitcher to a 8. The following are benefits of curriculum mapping
cup by looking closely at how her sister does it EXCEPT
every breakfast time. What time of learning is this? A. Ensuring learning outcomes are suitable for the
A. Cognitive Learning students’ year level
B. Observational Learning B. Identifying gaps and redundancies in topics or
C. Active Learning concepts
D. Passive Learning C. Aligning topics with standards or learners’
2. The following are correct statements regarding D. Avoiding revisions when lessons are offered
learning EXCEPT: every year
A. Acquisition of knowledge, skills or behaviors
B. Needs to be done in a formal or orderly process 9. Teacher Alodia talks about how fraction is used in
C. Intertwined with maturation baking
D. Happens consciously or unconsciously A. Encouraging learners to understand the lesson
B. Being a second parent to the students
3. Which is the best way to build connection with C. Ensuring learning happens
students? D. Drawing real-life connections
A. Always come to class early
B. Establish guidelines on how to be respectful 10. Based on RA 10533, to ensure college readiness and
C. Allow students to reflect on their learning to avoid remedial and duplication of basic
D. Share something about yourself and learn education subjects, the DepEd shall coordinate with
something about them _____ and TESDA.
4. What is the best way for students to use blogs in B. CHED D. DOH
the classroom? They will _____.
A. keep themselves informed with current events 11. The following are examples of interactive
B. reflect on their learning and describe their instruction EXCEPT:
classroom experiences A. Brainstorming
C. gain followers on their social media accounts B. Interviewing experts
D. inform parents and students of the latest events C. Peer tutoring
in school D. Correspondence lessons

5. Alex always thought that dolphins are fish. In their 12. Based on RA 10533, for kindergarten and the first
science class, he learned that dolphins are actually __ years of elementary education, instruction,
marine mammals. In constructivism, this is called: teaching materials, and assessment shall be in the
A. Accommodation C. Equilibration regional or native tongue of the learners.
B. Assimilation D. Motivation A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5
6. With the advancement in technology, information is
now accessible anywhere and anytime. The role of 13. What is the main consideration in using media in
the teacher is to be a _____. the classroom?
A. Facilitator C. Resource provider A. Will it entertain the students?
B. Demonstrator D. Controller B. Will it improve the achievement of learning
7. An example of independent study is _____. C. Will it be used across all levels?
A. Field trips C. Role playing D. Will it increase collaboration among students?
B. Learning circles D. Learning contracts
14. This assessment is used to check what students 21. Which of these classroom management techniques
learned at the end of the lesson or subject. shows arranging the physical environment?
A. Summative C. Diagnostic A. Extending the lesson because most students did
B. Formative D. Standardized not understand the concepts
B. Assigning seating arrangements for students
15. Formative assessment informs the teachers of not C. Creating groups based on their skills and
only what the students know, but also what _____. ensuring contribution from each student
A. type of living conditions they have D. Starting the class by explaining objectives and
B. their aspirations in life are ending with a reflection journal
C. type of teacher they like
D. they need more help with 22. Technology sometimes doesn’t work as planned, so
we must _____.
16. Which of these classroom management techniques A. never use it
shows providing flexibility? B. always switch to traditional methods
A. Making the students feel that they can share C. have a technology coordinator in school
their challenges and concerns D. have a back-up plan
B. Starting the class by explaining objectives and
ending with a reflection journal 23. Applying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need in education,
C. Extending the lesson because most students the lowest layer of the hierarchy should be met
did not understand the concepts before students can proceed to the next level.
D. Assigning seating arrangements for students Which of these students should be addressed first?
A. One who fell from the monkey bar.
17. Schools uphold “zones of peace” policy which states B. One who is failing in math.
that armed combatants should not be allowed C. One who is unhappy after losing in a game.
within their premises. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy D. One who came in late for the third time.
of Need, this policy addresses the need for _____.
A. Self-esteem C. Self-actualization 24. Which action will help you determine if a child is
B. Basic Safety D. Love and belonging experiencing a developmental delay in hearing?
A. pushing a wheeled toy
18. Alicia has difficulty grasping toy bricks in school B. responding to the sound of a toy car
while her classmates can easily do this. She is C. pointing to things or pictures
experiencing a development delay in _____. D. following moving objects with his/her eyes
A. Fine motor skills C. Hearing
B. Speech D. Vision 25. The following are key elements in constructivism in
education EXCEPT:
19. Social context is important in the learning process A. It is purely an internal and mental process
such as language acquisition. Whose theory is this? B. Language and communication play an
A. Piaget C. Vygotsky important role
B. Kohlberg D. Dewey C. Social context (setting, environment and
culture) is relevant
20. Bandura believes that humans are active D. Learners take part in constructing knowledge
information processors. This means that when a
certain behavior (stimulus) is shown to us, our 26. The “positive use of ICT” is a strand under what
response is we _____. domain in the Philippine Professional Standards for
A. think of the consequences of our actions Teachers?
B. just go with it A. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
C. do not have the will to resist it B. Learning Environment
D. disregard it all the time C. Curriculum and Planning
D. Assessment and Reporting
27. Based on Republic Act No. 8491 of 1998, the 34. Garrett wanted to explain capillary action in plants
national motto of the Philippines is “Maka-Diyos, by letting students conduct an experiment but he
Maka-Tao, Makakalikasan at _____”. has one teaspoon of food coloring left. What is the
A. Maka-Pilipino C. Makabansa method that he can use to teach the lesson?
B. Makamasa D. Makabayan A. Project C. Demonstration
B. Lecture D. Laboratory
28. Using assessment data to drive instruction is only
valuable when in it is _____. 35. Raya wanted to use technology in the classroom.
A. Recent She scanned the worksheets and shared them to
B. Actionable her students online.
C. Historical (last 10 years) A. Substitution C. Modification
D. School-wide B. Augmentation D. Redefinition

29. An example of experiential learning is _____. 36. Based on revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, which action
A. Structured overview C. Lab experiments verb is used for CREATING?
B. Mind mapping D. Homework A. Select C. Design
B. Choose D. Define
30. In doing curriculum mapping, Grade 9 teachers
ensure that learning activities foster collaboration 37. The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of
and critical thinking. This is an example of _____. 1994 has two objectives: the professionalization of
A. Horizontal coherence teachers and the teaching profession, and the
B. Vertical coherence supervision and regulation of _____.
C. Subject area coherence A. Licensure examination
D. Interdisciplinary coherence B. Teachers’ well-being
C. Salary or compensation
31. According to implementing guidelines of RA 10627 D. Parent-Teachers Association
or Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, the Child Protection
Committee shall be chaired by the _____. 38. One item got a 90% global mean and a
A. Guidance Counselor discrimination index of 0.1. Most of the students
B. PTA President know the answer so this is most likely an essential
C. Student government knowledge question. The item has ___ and is ___.
D. School Head or Administrator A. High DI; not discriminating
B. Low DI; discriminating
32. Warren learned about the nature of social stigma by C. High DI; discriminating
reading the novel Scarlet Letter. D. Low DI; not discriminating
A. Vicarious learning
B. Social learning 39. Revised basic education curriculum uses _____
C. Imitation learning approach to ensure mastery of knowledge and skills
D. Observational learning after each level.
A. Culture-sensitive C. Research-based
33. Rachel has dominant spatial intelligence because B. Spiral progression D. Inclusive
she can _____.
A. captivate an audience by using humor 40. Pregnant teenagers have high risk of complications
B. mentally manipulate objects and predict such as high blood pressure and anemia. This
patterns affects the _____ aspect of their lives.
C. describe planets, asteroids, and other elements A. Physiological C. Social
in space B. Cognitive D. Moral
D. create catchy jingle to express her thoughts
41. According to Baltes’ lifespan perspective, which is 47. An example of indirect instruction is _____.
TRUE regarding development? A. Problem solving
A. Development is uni-directional, from womb to B. Guided reading, listening or viewing
tomb. C. Lecture
B. Puberty is the most critical part of one’s lifespan. D. Demonstration
C. Development is lifelong.
D. Development is only influenced by community 48. Which is an approach to student-centered learning?
and not ethnicity. A. Emphasizing lesson coverage and standards
B. Accommodating voice and choice of the
42. If most of your students are digital natives, you students
must _____. C. Ignoring students’ concerns
A. Let them do most of the teaching. D. Prioritizing grades over learning
B. Guide them to create purposeful content.
C. Conduct online quizzes. 49. Principal Joey is inspiring and drives the school staff
D. Teach them basic technology skills. to excel in what they do. Teachers in school are
proud to be associated with him and feel that he is
43. Education for All (EFA) is an international initiative genuinely interested in their growth. He possesses?
first launched in 1990 to bring the benefits of A. Reward power C. Referent power
education to “every citizen in every society”. The B. Expert power D. Legitimate power
premise of EFA is that education is _____.
A. Inclusive C. Universal 50. What statement is TRUE regarding Kohlberg’s
B. Necessary D. Exclusive Theory of Moral Development?
A. People’s identification of whether an act is right
44. Formative assessment data addresses the question, or wrong is more important than their reasoning.
“How can the students _____?” B. People’s moral reasoning changes as they grow
A. behave well in class older.
B. participate in sports activities C. People’s moral reasoning does not change as
C. submit their assignments on time they grow older.
D. meet the learning objectives D. People go through all the eight stages of moral
45. The Bottom-Up Budgeting in DepEd addresses the
need to _____.
A. ensure policies from the central office are
B. empower local stakeholders to take part in
planning and budgeting
C. promote student-centered learning
D. promote financial literacy among students

46. A teacher should not only be able to guide the

students in finding information to enhance learning
required but also teaching them smart ways to
search for information.
A. Resource Specialist C. Collaborator
B. Role Model D. Mediator

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