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Pre Final Exam Prof Ed

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Prof ED

Select the best answer. Write the letter only.

1. A child cannot do ____, according to Piaget’s concrete operational stage.

A. Doing mentally what was just physically done.
B. Reasoning applied to specific example
C. Classifying objects into different sets
D. Imagining the steps necessary to complete an algebraic equation.
2. What should teachers teach students to eradicate bullying among kids in school?
A. Full development of talents C. Respect for the dignity of persons
B. Athletic skills D. Full development of physical power
3. Education is the acquisition of the art and the utilization of knowledge. This statement
A. A learner’ application of what she has learned is necessary.
B. A learner’s interest in art is commendable.
C. A learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient.
D. A learner’s acquisition of information is not important.
4. A student’s initiative is stifled by:
A. Rationalism C. “Utangnaloob”
B. Extreme authoritarianism D. “Bahalana”
5. A piece of music may sound sad, but when each role is played there is nothing sad about
it. This is based on the doctrine that says:
A. The whole experience is equal to the sum of its parts.
B. The whole experience is more than the sum of its parts.
C. The whole of experience is less than the sum of its parts.
D. The whole of experience is not in any related to the sum of its parts.
6. Which among the words below does not prevent the emergence of truth which the
learners not teachers are in search of:
A. Mindset B. Mask C. open mind D. Defens
7. What a teacher should do if students are misbehaving in class?
A. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance counselor.
B. Involve the whole class in setting rules of conduct in the whole class.
C. Make a report to the parents about their children’s misbehavior.
D. See the rules for the class to observe.
8. Teenagers stealing school equipment is becoming a common problem in community
schools. What is the implication of the incident?
A. Inability of schools to hire security guards.
B. Deprivation of Filipino schools.
C. Prevalence of poverty in the community.
D. Community’s lack of sense of co-ownership.
9. What is an appropriate method in teaching young children?
A. Individual differences are expected and accepted.
B. Integrated teaching –learning
C. Isolated skill development
D. Positive guidance techniques
10. If a teacher believes that a child’s mind is TABULA RASA, then the teacher most likely
engage the students in ___process for them to learn.
A. Sensory impressions C. Reflections
B. Reasoning D. Metacognition
11. A child received a candy after correctly completing his task. The child always tries to
complete all tasks correctly for him to have a candy once again. What is being shown in
the situation?
A. Associative learning C. Operant conditioning
B. Classical conditioning D. Pavlonian conditioning
12. If a teacher punishes a student for stealing money, the child won’t steal in the near
future, but does not guarantee that the child won’t steal anymore. Based on Thorndike’s
theory, this shows that:
A. Punishment strengthens a response.
B. Punishment removes a response.
C. Punishment does not remove a response.
D. Punishment weakens a response.
13. A child learns by association and by insights. This states that the association and
cognitive theories of learning are:
A. Diametrically opposed C. partly wrong
B. Complementary D. partly correct
14.Emotion’s role on success and happiness is highlighted by Daniel Goleman’s theory on
emotional intelligence. How can the teacher best shoe empathy in the case of fighting
A. Reprimand the students so that others will not follow the misbehavior.
B. Tell the students to stop fighting so that there will be peace in the classroom.
C. Make them realize how fighting negatively affects themselves and others.
D. Establish roles and responsibilities to avoid arguments among them.
15.The television program BATIBOT was developed because:
A. Children learn by conditioning
B. Children learn by discovery
C. Children learn by observing and imitating
16. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, a teacher should provide____.
A. Activities for hypothesis formulation
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and order.
C. Activities for evaluation purposes
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.
17. Fear of something that was caused by painful experiences in the past is an example of:
A. Insight C. Operant conditioning
B. Classical conditioning D. Imitation
18.Erickson labeled children who are two years of age as “terrible two” because___
A. They are inquisitive C. They are playful
B. They are sickly. D. They are assertive.
19.____ reflects the teachers’ understanding of development as result of malnutrition and
A. Patience when dealing with the slower ones.
B. Creativity with the classroom strategies or task.
C. Fairness when giving grades or school marks.
D. Cheerfulness and enthusiasm when discussing.
20.A teacher attempting to develop a student’s metacognitive skills teaches the student to:
A. Recall past lesson C. Formulate hypothesis
B. Visualize D. Think about their thinking
21. Which among the following should be developed in the curriculum to counteract the
growing number of shooting incident in schools abroad?
A. Inclusion in socio-emotional teaching
B. Stress the idea to compete on oneself rather than that with others
C. Emphasizes on cooperative learning rather that of competition to others
D. All of the above.
22.Which among the following describes fully the basis of partnership between community
and school?
A. Commonality of interest and success.
B. Mutual trust for other’s values and perspective
C. Admiration of one’s talent and aspirations
23. How can you best describe the Philosophy of Confucius?
A. Moralistic C. Egoistic
B. Humanistic D. Idealistic
24.Most countries outside the Philippines observe ___ high school education.
A. 4 years C. 6 years
B. 5 years D. 7 years
25. The DECS was changed to DepEd because of this RA:
A. RA 7722 C. RA 9155
B. RA 779 D. RA 7836
26.The diagram shows the different positions in the school structure and the different
channels available should a person wish to talk to a superior.
A. chain command C. Officer chart
B. Organizational Chart D. Plantilla
27. Teacher Rochelle affirms that being a teacher is a task entrusted to her by this world.
She therefore believes that teaching is a ___

A. Mission C. Vocation
B. Profession D. bread butter
28. Which of the following is not a teacher’s responsibility?
A. Keep school records C. conduct dialogue/conference with parents
B. Write lesson plans D. clean the school garden
29.Who among the following philosophers is against “banking concept of education?
A. Paulo Freire C. Allan Bloom
B. Neil Noddinngs D. Jerome Bruner
30. A father tells his daughter” You are woman. You are meant for the hoe and so for you,
going to school is not necessary”. Is the father correct?
A. It depends on the place where the father and mother live.
B. Yes, women are meant to be mothers only.
C. No, today women can take the job of men.
D. No, there is gender equality in education.
31. For Aristotle, what aspect(s) of the subjects taught must be given emphasis:
A. Practical aspect C. Practical and Theoretical aspects
B. Theoretical aspect D. one of the above
32.Who chaired the report “Learning the Treasure Within,” published by the UNESCO in
1996 by the international Commission on Education for the 21st Century? This advocates
four pillars of education.
A. Edgar Faure C. Harry Broudy
B. Paolo Freire D. Jacques Delors
33.What does the acronym EFA imply in schools?
A. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and girls.
B. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning
C. Practice of inclusive education
D. The concentration of formal education system
34.This law expresses the mandate that the state “shall establish”, maintain and support a
complete, adequate, and integrated system of education.
A. RA 7722 C. 1987 Constitution
B. RA 9155 D. BP Blg 232
35.This government agency is tasked to identify ‘centers of excellence’ in program areas
needed for the development of world-class scholarship, nation-building and
36. What are the necessary skills needed under the “learning to live together”?
A. Communication, self-control and handling emotions
B. Interpretation of behaviors, problem solving and critical thinking
C. Relationship building and cooperation, negotiation and mediation
D. All of the above
37.Which of the following is not a characteristic of a Child Friendly School System?
A. Child-centered C. Promotes good health
B. Gender-sensitive D. instills love of country
38. Professor Jerick Tan tends to appoint male students as group leaders. Which of the
following biases best applies to Professor Jerick Tan’s habit?
A. Group bias C. Result bias
B. Work bias D. Gender Bias
39. Which of the following situation best depict the role of politics in influencing
institutions as agents of change in society?
I- Filipino students were forced to adopt English as a medium of instruction during
American regime
II- Filipino students have to learn Japanese during the Japanese occupation.
III- Filipino students were not allowed to use English during Japanese occupation.
A. III only C. II and III
B. I and II D. I, II, and III
40.This educational program promotes equality among students belonging to a multi-
cultural and inter-faith classroom.
A. Indigenous development C. multicultural education
B. Sectoral solidification D. cultural immersion
41. Which among the following practices best reflects effective and harmonious classroom
A. The application of lessons in students’ daily lives.
B. The laughter and enjoyment of students through teachers’ jokes
C. The utilization of varied teaching strategies by teachers
D. The variety of instructional materials used in lessons.
42.Teacher Joseph Tamayo would like to discuss the Water Cycle with his Grade 4 pupils
next week. Which graphic organizer is the best for him to use?
A. Sequence chain C. web
B. Story map D. attribute wheel
43.Group of students give other groups their comments and suggestions on how to
improve the others’ works. This is called a ____.
A. Critiquing session C. round table
B. Jury trial D. consensus decision
44. From the start to finish, lesson plans must possess this characteristic, which refers to
logical organization and comprehensibility.
A. Conciseness C. coherence
B. Completeness D. symmetry
45. The primary concern of a teaching aid is that it must be ____.
A. Visually appealing C. Written comprehensively
B. Contextualized culturally G. In sync with the lesson objectives
46.Mr. Daniel Arcadio, a high school home economics teacher, wanted to teacher proper
table etiquette to his senior students. He set up a long dinner table with complete
formal dinner set-up and demonstrated the proper use of cutlery and chinaware. He let
his students practice setting at a formal dinner. What the students performed in Mr.
Arcadio’s class was ____.
A. Brainstorming C. simulation
B. Panel discussion D. Role playing
47.Which of the following can Math teachers use in their classes In order to develop local-
Mathematical skills in their students?
A. Independent study C. storytelling
B. Drama D. Problem solving
48.If a teacher punishes a student for smoking and drinking within the school premises
during lunch break, the student will not do so again, however, this does not guarantee
that the act will not be repeated. Based on his theory, Thorndike asserts that
punishment makes a response weak. Which of the following best supports Thorndike’s
A. A student caught smoking and drinking by a teacher will never do so again.
B. A student caught smoking and drinking- and punished by a teacher-will keep on
doing so despite repeated punishments.
C. A student caught smoking and drinking-and punished by a teacher-will not do so in
the near future, but that does not guarantee that the student will quit smoking and
D. A student caught smoking and drinking should not be punished for this may create
even bigger problems in the future.
49. The following methods can be done by Mr. William Sunglao in his Business Math class
if he wants his students to master the concepts of calculating for the discount and for
the make-up of saleable items and services.
A. Discovery method C. Unit method
B. Type method D. Drill method
50. Dr. Agnes Romero, a History Professor, has this habit of calling her students’ names
before asking them question during recitation. This practice is considered___.
A. Right, because it makes the student more attentive.
B. Wrong, because the moment the teacher calls a name, the rest of the class will not
listen anymore to the question since it’s not for them.
C. Right, because it gives a certain formality to the recitation.
D. Wrong, because the question may not be suited for the particular student
51.Ms. Jolene Aguas, an art teacher, shows an ambiguous picture to her students and ask
them to respond to some questions. This technique was applied by Ms. Aguas
A. Problem checklist C. Sociometry
B. Projective technique D. Anecdotal record
52. During the flag ceremony, 4 year student Veronica Duarte was seen hyperventilating
and was brought to the school clinic. Veronica’s homeroom teacher Mrs. Jennifer
Ortega-Bernardo took note of this incident through a/an___.
A. Problem checklist C. Anecdotal Record
B. Class Record D. Permanent Student Record
53. All learning activities should be planned strategically in advance because ____.
A. The success of the lesson is also dependent on the plan.
B. Students look forward to the lesson plan with curiosity and enthusiasm.
C. Teachers are required to plan activities as part of their responsibilities.
D. This will measure the true pedagogical skill of the teacher.
54. Which of the following situation depict a well-managed and learning-conducive class?
A. Students pursue their task without inhibition in Mr. Raymundo’s class.
B. The learners are controlled by their homeroom teacher Mrs. Nonato.
C. There is blind obedience among Mrs. Quiambao’s students.
D. The learners are eager to reach their objectives, especially in Mr. Montesa’s music
55. All of the following situations exemplify respect for individual differences.
A. Mr. Arellano prepares modules for slow learners in his Math class.
B. Ms. Mauricio gives greater attention to gifted learners in her class.
C. Teacher Maureen treats all learners alike while in the classroom.
56. Bodily-interpersonal-intelligent pupils benefit the best from activities involving yhis
A. Independent study C. Project method
B. Abstract test D. Individualized instruction
57.English Literature professor Dr. Norman Huelves wants his students to compare and
contrast the book and film version of “Harry Potter”. His students may use this type of
graphic organizer.
A. Graphic organizers C. Venn Diagram
B. Learning log D. Story frame
58.Teacher Irwin wants his students to work together harmoniously. This technique may be
used by him in his classes.
A. Independent study C. Lectures
B. Brainteasers D. Cooperative learning
59. In her science class, Teacher Mabel can show the cause and effect of teen sex and
pregnancy by using this type of technique.
A. K-W-L technique C. Spider web
B. Histogram D. Fishbone Diagram
60. Which of the following is the best classroom device?
A. Realia C. Blackboard
B. Teacher D. Chart
61. Teacher Rudy gathers information about what his students know and can do. What
process is he adhering to?
A. Curriculum assessment C. Monitoring
B. Pilot Testing D. Curriculum Evaluation
62. It is a process of obtaining information for judging the worth of an educational
program, product, procedure, educational objectives or the potential utility of
alternative approaches designed to attain specified objectives.
A. Curriculum planning C. Curriculum development
B. Curriculum design D. Curriculum evaluation
63. Teacher Sylvia delivers her lesson in livelihood education together with her co-teachers
in science and mathematics, focusing on a theme. Which mode of instructional delivery
are they using?
A. Thematic Teaching C. Current-based instruction
B. Generic competency model D. None of the above
64. What national curricular innovation was implemented by virtue of DepEd Order No.
43, 2. 2002.
A. BEC C. K to 12
65. The Third Elementary Education Program (TEEP) aimed to improve learning
achievement, improve completion rates, and access to quality elementary education.
Which of the following are advocacies of TEEP?
1. INSET – In-service Training for Teachers
2. School Improvement and Innovation Facility (SIF)
3. Student Assessment (SA)
4. Educational Management Information System (E-MIS)
5. Principal Empowerment
A. 1, & 2 C. 2, & 4
B. 1,2 ,3, 4, &5 D. 1,2,3, 4
66. The New Teacher Education Curriculum for BEEd and BSEd is implemented by virtue of
A. CMO No. 30 s. 2004 C. CMO No. 59
B. RA 9155 D. RA 6655
67. The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was officially implemented by virtue of what law?
A. RA 8736 C. RA 10533
B. RA 7610 D. None of the Option
68. Teacher Merlyn creates an environment in her classroom that promotes fairness, safe
and conducive to learning. What NCBTS domain is she adhering to?
A. Diversity of Learners C. The Learning Environment
B. Personal Growth and Professional Development D. Social Regards for Learning
69.Teacher Andy organizes the parents of his students into a Homeroom Parent-Teacher
Association so that he will able to establish a learning environment that responds to the
needs of the children and the community as well. Which NCBTS Domain is he adhering
A. Planning, Assessing and Reporting (Domain 5)
B. Community Linkages (Domain 6)
C. The Learning Environment (Domain 2)
D. Social Regard for Learning (Domain 1)
70. Student teachers are given the chance to develop and try out learning tasks,
instructional materials and assessment tools. What Field Study course are they exposed
A. Learner’s Development and Environment
B. Technology in the Learning Environment
C. Exploring the Curriculum
D. Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
71. Teacher Emie prepared her lessons based on the following sequence: Explore, Firm-up,
Deepen, and Transfer. At what stage of the “Backward Design” of the UbD-Based
curriculum is she working?
A. Stage 1: Identifying Results / Desired Outcomes
B. Stage 2: Defining Acceptable Evidence / Assessment
C. Stage 3: Learning Plan / Instruction
D. Stage 4: None of the above
72. Which of the following are salient features of the K-12 Curriculum?
1. Universal Kindergarten
2. Contextualization and Enhancement
3. Spiral Progression
4. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
5. Senior High School
6. College and Livelihood readiness, 21st Century Skills
A. 1, 3, & 5 C. 1, 4, & 6
B. 2, 3, 4, & 5 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
73. Which among President Aquino’s 10 ways to fix Philippine education refers to the use
of mother tongue as medium of instruction from pre-school to Grade III?
A. Every Child a Reader by Grade I
B. Universal Pre-schooling for All
C. 12-Year Basic Education Cycle
D. Medium of Instruction Rationalized

74. What is the main legal bases on the access and equity of education in the Philippines?
A. The 1987 Philippine Constitution (Section 1, Article IV)
B. RA 9155 (Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001)
C. RA 6655 (The Free Secondary Education Act)
D. All of the above
75. Teacher Tina engages her students in class activities that will develop the Higher
Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). What 21st Century Teaching Skill is she utilizing?
A. Information, Media and Technology Skills
B. Learning and Innovation Skills
C. Life and Career skills
D. None of the above
76. “Students learn more in less time when receiving computer-based instruction”. Which
of the following explains this statement?
1. Students are motivated to learn when they are interested in the subject matter,
which can be enhanced by using technologies in the classroom.
2. Students can study at any time and location they prefer and can obtain the study
material very quickly.
3. Students can use their computers to conduct research and participate in social
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
77. Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience theorized that learners retain more information by
what they do as opposed to what they heard, read or observed. It implies that ___.
I - do not use only one medium of communication in isolation. Rather, use many
instructional materials to help the students conceptualize his experience.
II – avoid teaching directly at the symbolic level of thought without adequate
foundation of the concrete. Student’s concepts will lack deep roots in direct experience.
III – when teaching, don’t get stuck in the concrete. Strive to bring your students to the
symbolic or abstract level to develop their higher order thinking skills.
A. I C. II
78. Which of the following is the role of educational technology in learning according to
the traditionalist point of view?
A. It engages learners in active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative
B. It serves as presenter of knowledge, just like teachers.
C. It serves as tools to support knowledge construction.
D. It is a social medium to support learning by ownership.
79. Which theoretical or philosophical framework of educational technology believes that
the role of teachers is to become facilitator providing guidance so that learners can
construct their own knowledge?
A. Behaviorism C. Constructivism
B. Cognitivism D. Pragmatism
80. Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience gives primary importance on___.
A. Affective experience C. psychomotor experience
B. Sensory experience D. cognitive experience
81. Jerome Bruner’s knowledge representation in teaching is applied when the learners
are taught by:
A. Using deductive method
B. Beginning with the concrete, then uses pictures then finally symbols
C. Beginning with symbols then ends up relating lessons to daily life
D. Generalizes information learned at the end.
82. Which role of technology in learning is tapped when teachers represent and simulate
meaningful real-world problems, situations and context in teaching?
A. Technology as context to support learning-by-doing.
B. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction
C. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting.
D. Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-
83. What role of technology in learning is used when a teacher encourages her students to
work on their assignments in groups using the social network?
A. Technology as context to support learning-by-doing.
B. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction.
C. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting.
D. Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing.
84. New approaches to designing and developing teaching and learning are due to the
developments in the internet, and developments in multimedia technology. What are
the characteristic of such development?
I – The use of internet technologies to develop knowledge management and
collaborative learning skills
II – The use of multimedia to develop psycho-motor and intellectual skills development,
including problem solving and decision making.
III – increase flexibility and access to learning, resulting in a new markets being reached,
and in particular, the lifelong learner market.
A. I & II C. I & III
B. II & III D. I, II & III
85. Which of the following may justify the use of technology for teaching and learning?
I – To improve access to educate and training
II – To improve the quality of learning
III – To reduce the cost of education
IV – To improve the cost effectiveness of education
A. I & II C. II & III
B. I, II, III, IV D. I & IV

86. In a normal distribution curve, a T-score of 70 is ______.

A. Two SDs below the mean C. one SD below the mean
B. Two SDs above the mean D. one SD above the mean
87. The table below is a result of a tryout test in Science. An item analysis was conducted
for non-attractiveness and non-plausibility by distracters. The letter marked with an
asterisk is the correct answer.
Item No. 1 A B* C D Omit
Upper 27% 4 11 3 2 0
Lower 27% 9 5 4 3 0
Based on the given table, which is the most effective distracter?
A. Option B B. Option A C. Option C D. Option D
88.Mean is to Measure of Central Tendency, as ____ is to measure of variability.
A. Quartile Deviation C. Correlation
B. Quartile D. Skewness
89. The distribution of a class with academically poor students is most likely___.
A. Normally distributed C. Skewed to the right
B. Skewed to the left D. Leptokurtic
90. Which is correct about MEDIAN?
A. It is a measure of variability.
B. It is the most stable measure of central tendency.
C. It is the 50th percentile.
D. It is significantly affected by extreme scores.
91. Skewed score distribution means___.
A. The scores are normally distributed.
B. The mean and the median are equal.
C. The mode, the mean, and the median are equal.
D. The scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end.
92. The computed value of r for Math and Science is 0.90. What does this imply?
A. Math and Science scores are inversely related.
B. The higher the scores in Math, the higher the scores in Science.
C. The lower the scores in Science, the lower the scores in Math.
D. The higher the scores in Science, the higher the scores in Math.
93. In her conduct of Item analysis, Teacher Cristy found out that a significantly greater
number from the upper group of the class got test item #5 correctly. This means that
the test item ___.
A. Has a negative discriminating power C. is easy
B. Is valid D. has a positive discriminating power
94. Ronnick contained a NEAT percentile rank of 95. This means that ___.
A. They have a zero reference point.
B. They have scales of equal units.
C. They indicate an individual’s relative standing in a group.
D. They indicate specific points in the normal curve.
95. Carl Vince obtained a NEAT percentile rank of 95. This means that___.
A. He got the score of 95.
B. He answered 95 items correctly.
C. He surpassed in performance 95% of his fellow examinees.
D. He surpassed in performance 5% of his fellow examinees.
96. Which objective below in the highest level in Bloom’s Taxonomy?
A. Explain how trees receive nutrients
B. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem
C. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth.
D. List the parts of a tree.

97. What will be the most likely distribution if a class is composed of bright students?
A. Platykurtic C. skewed to the left
B. Skewed to the right D. very normal
98. This is a type of statistics that draws conclusions about the sample being studied.
A. Inferential and co-relational C. descriptive
B. Inferential D. co-relational
99. About how many percent of the cases fall between -2SD and +2SD in the normal
A. 95.44 C. 99.72
B. 68.26 D. 99.85
100. Which error do teachers commit when they tend to overrate the achievements of
students identified by aptitude tests as gifted because they expect achievement and
giftedness to go together?
A. Generosity error C. severity error
B. Central tendency error D. Logical error


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