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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
Karate actually originated in India, but was developed further in China
  1. (adj) further
    more distant in especially degree "nothing could be further from the truth","further from our expectations","farther from the truth","farther from our expectations"
  2. (adv) further
    to or at a greater distance in time or space (`farther' is used more frequently than `further' in this physical sense) "farther north","moved farther away","farther down the corridor","the practice may go back still farther to the Druids","went only three miles further","further in the future"
  3. (adv) further
    to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage (`further' is used more often than `farther' in this abstract sense) "further complicated by uncertainty about the future","let's not discuss it further","nothing could be further from the truth","they are further along in their research than we expected","the application of the law was extended farther","he is going no farther in his studies"
  4. (adv) further
    in addition or furthermore; further, they should be here already" "if we further suppose","stated further that he would not cooperate with them","they are definitely coming"
  5. (v) further
    promote the growth of "Foster our children's well-being and education"
  6. (v) further
    contribute to the progress or growth of "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Despite the fact that Madagascar is situated about 300 miles off the Eastern African coast, the majority of it's population is from Indonesia which is 3000 miles further East.
  1. Further
    More remote; at a greater distance; more in advance; farther; as, the further end of the field. See Farther.
  2. Further
    To a greater distance; in addition; moreover. See Farther. "Carries us, I know not how much further , into familiar company.", "They sdvanced us far as Eleusis and Thria; but no further ."
  3. Further
    To help forward; to promote; to advance; to forward; to help or assist. "This binds thee, then, to further my design.", "I should nothing further the weal public."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Special studies conducted about the human body revealed it will usually absorb up to about 300 milligrams of caffeine at a given time. About 4 normal cups. Additional amounts are just cast off, providing no further stimulation. Also, the human body dissipates 20% of the caffeine in the system each hour.
  1. further
    At or to a greater distance; more remotely; beyond, literally or figuratively: as, move further away; seek no further for happiness.
  2. further
    In addition; to a greater extent; by way of extension, progression, or continuation: as, I say further that no man knows the reason.
  3. further
    More remote; more distant than something else.
  4. further
    Additional; continued or continuing; extending beyond.
  5. further
    To help or urge onward or forward; promote; advance; forward.
  6. further
    To help or assist.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Scientists have estimated a fly ball will travel about seven feet further for every 1,000 feet of altitude. With an approximate elevation of 1,100 feet, Bank One Ballpark in Phoenix, Arizona is the second highest facility in the major baseball leagues; only Coors Field in Denver, Colorado is higher.
  1. (adv) Further
    fur′thėr to a greater distance or degree: in addition
  2. (adj) Further
    more distant: additional
  3. (adj) Further
    most distant
  4. (v.t) Further
    fur′thėr to help forward, promote
Charlie Chaplin
I have no further use for America. I wouldn't go back there if Jesus Christ was President.
Charlie Chaplin
Jascha Heifetz
There is no top. There are always further heights to reach.
Jascha Heifetz
One never goes further than when they do not know where they are going.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Press no further with hate.
No matter how good you get, there's always something further out there.
Bill Walton
The whisper of a pretty girl can be heard further than the roar of a lion.
Arabian Proverb

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary A comparative of forth; OE. further, forther, AS. furor, farur,; akin to G. fürder,. See Forth (adv.)

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. fyrðran.

Usage in the news

Rennes players M'Vila and Mavinga have already been suspended by their club until further notice.

If you want a little wardrobe pick-me-up but don't want to spend loads, look no further than these foldover clutches , fit for both day and night.

Bernard Madoff's claim to have pulled off his multibillion dollar swindle without assistance fell apart further Thursday, as one of his longtime aides was charged with helping him cook the books.

As the middle-class gets further squeezed five loyalty trends are helping merchants add value to attract customers.

Despite the uncertain future of the availability of TV spectrum, another test is queued up for further filling it with unlicensed transmissions.

Gordon then offered some further thoughts on CD in Vol.6 No.6, February 1984.

The spokeswoman, Gwendolyn Crump, said the chief would have no further comment on the investigation, the nature of the test or how Groomes allegedly compromised the exam.

Making the new Further record took Forever.

Chris Carrabba's short time in influential posthardcore group Further Seems Forever amounted to a mere blip in the group's seven-year history.

Let's just get something out the way here before I go any further.

I coughed twice, further guaranteeing that my morning hunt would be futile.

If Newt Gingrich requires any more evidence that he has badly mispositioned his party on environmental issues, he need look no further than last week's election of Ron Wyden, a Democrat, to fill Bob Packwood's vacant Senate seat in Oregon.

Germany's interior minister said today that Al Qaeda posed as great a global threat now as it did before the Sept 11 attacks and that a war with Iraq could cause unrest and further terrorist attacks throughout Europe.

Folks trying to fathom commercial country music in 1997 need to look no further than this summer's presentation in New York City's Central Park by singer-songwriter Garth Brooks.

Manic Black Friday sales are crowding further into Thanksgiving Day each year.

Usage in scientific papers

There are motivations to improve the cross-section measurements and magnetic moment sensitivities further with laboratory experiments.
A CsI(Tl) Scintillating Crystal Detector for the Studies of Low Energy Neutrino Interactions

He further goes on to say that “any act of measurement on W induces a collapse of its vectors into one of the pointer vectors”.
Comment on "Hidden assumptions in decoherence theory"

Further we have to write an equation for term hT ( ˆψ+ γ (x) ˆψγ (x) ˆψα (x) ˆψ+ β (x′ ))i and so on.
A String Approximation for Cooper Pair in High-T$_{\bf c}$ superconductivity

In this work, we report further progress along the lines in the preceding paragraph.
Electron states in a one-dimensional random binary alloy

We see that the scaling term is further suppressed by a factor √n while the non–scaling terms remain of the leading–order.
Matter Correlations in Branched Polymers

Usage in literature

In a very few lines further on we will tell how the matter stands between them. "The Vicar of Bullhampton" by Anthony Trollope

Napoleon, flushed with this unexpected success, was encouraged to make further trial of the pliability of the British diplomatists. "The Political History of England - Vol XI" by George Brodrick

The struggle for independence in South America was furthered more than ever by the unsatisfactory state of affairs on the Peninsula. "A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year" by Edwin Emerson

Further, he seemed to have taken an unusual fancy to me. "The Stretton Street Affair" by William Le Queux

He led them to believe that when the time came he would give them further counsel by which to retain her. "The Wagnerian Romances" by Gertrude Hall

The question has further been limited in its scope. "Manures and the principles of manuring" by Charles Morton Aikman

On further inquiry, he told me that they read the Bible, sang, prayed, and read a printed sermon. "The Life of Trust: Being a Narrative of the Lord's Dealings With George Müller" by George Müller

Night after night she moves further and further to the east, until she becomes full, and rises about the same time that the sun sets. "The Story of the Heavens" by Robert Stawell Ball

Beatrice had turned and walked down the altar steps in the direction of Mark, who advanced now without further opposition. "The Slave of Silence" by Fred M. White

Colonel, we'll have to fine you the further thousand dollars. "Lorimer of the Northwest" by Harold Bindloss

Usage in poetry
A good man saw on the further side,
And gave her his helping hand;
So poor Eliza, with her boy,
Stood safe upon the land.
If further revelations
You chance to have in store,
Be generous, please, and spare us these,
I hear they don't want more.
Stay with me, don't leave me,
my life is so empty
that only you can help me, proudly humble,
from asking further questions.
'She trusted him to understand,'
She wrote, and further prayed
That policy might rule the land.
Old Kraken's laughter neighed.
Hear, my great ones, why I called ye,
Hear and help me ye who can,
Hear and tell me how I further
Shall proceed in making man.
With Thee
O let me rise,
As larks, harmoniously,
And sing this day Thy victories:
Then shall the fall further the flight in me.