being the last or concluding element of a series "the ultimate sonata of that opus","a distinction between the verb and noun senses of `conflict' is that in the verb the stress is on the ultimate (or last) syllable" -
furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme "the ultimate achievement","the ultimate question","man's ultimate destiny","the ultimate insult","one's ultimate goal in life" -
the finest or most superior quality of its kind "the ultimate in luxury"
Farthest; most remote in space or time; extreme; last; final. "My harbor, and my ultimate repose.", "Many actions apt to procure fame are not conductive to this our ultimate happiness." -
Incapable of further analysis; incapable of further division or separation; constituent; elemental; as, an ultimate particle; an ultimate constituent of matter. -
Last in a train of progression or consequences; tended toward by all that precedes; arrived at, as the last result; final. "Those ultimate truths and those universal laws of thought which we can not rationally contradict." -
To come or bring into use or practice. -
To come or bring to an end or issue; to eventuate; to end.
In meck., final; ‘breaking'; specifically, noting the strain required to “break a piece of material. -
Furthest; most remote in place. -
Last; the last of a series of three or more members, especially of a series in which an inquiry is traced from one member to another: as, the ultimate signification of a phrase; an ultimate principle; an ultimate fact. Ultimate applies to the last of a series of events in time, as well as to other series. In special cases it is synonymous with final, except that it implies at least two preceding members, which final does not; and this circumstance gives the idea of a climax, and so emphasizes ultimate. But more frequently the series to which ultimate refers is a regressive one, so that it is quite opposed to final. Thus, ultimate cause means the original cause beyond which no causation can be traced; but final cause is the end toward which action is directed. -
In entomology, specifically noting a stage of the second larva, after the third molt, of those insects which undergo hypermetamorphosis, as the blister-beetles (Meloidæ), It succeeds the scarabæidoid stage, and is followed by the coarctate larva. -
Synonyms Eventual, Conclusive, etc. See final. -
To result finally; end.
ul′ti-māt furthest: last: incapable of further division
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary LL. ultimatus, last, extreme, fr. L. ultimare, to come to an end, fr. ultimus, the farthest, last, superl. from the same source as ulterior,. See Ulterior, and cf. Ultimatum
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. ultimus, the last, superl. of ulter.
Posted on September 13, 2012 at 11:50 pm by Ultimate Astros in General. blog.chron.com
I still think that system works, that it provides the ultimate reward for more cities -- meaningful September games -- than any drawback. nypost.com
"Up" got the ultimate pat on the back this past weekend when it took home an Oscar. abclocal.go.com
Ultimate Adventure 2012 Part 2. 4wheeloffroad.com
Razer has also updated its original BlackWidow and the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Edition. pcmag.com
La Liga's ultimate late bloomer . espn.go.com
Posted on July 18, 2012 at 6:36 pm by Ultimate Rockets in General. blog.chron.com
Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, Adam Slack is realistic about what ultimately drives the success of small businesses — dollars and cents. knoxnews.com
Just the day before, one unlucky bot , Kalika Srivasinsen, met with the ultimate bot -humiliation. ired.com
While up on the cat walk above the high school auditorium, she fell and ultimately died. morgannews.us
Last night's ultimate story wasn't about Benitez's first day. nytimes.com
Is not without its ultimate benefit for men. laweekly.com
From chocolate trout to 'turtle brittle ,' it's the Ultimate. jsonline.com
Lori Presser-Murphy What she does: owns Ultimate Confections, Wauwatosa. jsonline.com
Still, Bromberg eventually found himself feeling burned out, and ultimately took 17 years off leading up to the 2007 release of Try Me One More Time. kwgs.org
It follows that the number of negative eigenvalues of each of the matrices in (3.3) is a nondecreasing function of the order of the matrix, and this number is ultimately equal to κ in each case (see the result in Section 4).
A note on interpolation in the generalized Schur class
It is certainly true that science rests ultimately on what we know.
Quantum theory and the role of mind in nature
Ultimately, the system will flow towards U (N ) matrix string theory.
Duality Cascade and Oblique Phases in Non-Commutative Open String Theory
We see that with increasing fb , both Bmax and Beq decreases and ultimately reaches an asymptotic limit.
Characteristics Of A Magnetic Buoyancy Driven Solar Dynamo Model
It is also the ultimate energy source of the whole Universe.
Gauge Theory of Gravity
Thus the ultimate fact for sense-awareness is an event. "The Concept of Nature" by
His whole being shrank under the untold agony of this mother's denial and ultimate appeal. "The Triumph of John Kars" by
He ultimately undertook the editorial superintendence of a religious periodical. "The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV." by
They will be ultimately, if not directly, discriminative. "Applied Eugenics" by
But for those who acknowledged the new prophecy all this was ultimately nothing but a means. "History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)" by
It is fortunate that the patroon system, unlike slavery, was ultimately uprooted without revolution. "The Land We Live In" by
What is more natural than that they should be the Ultimate Watchers? "A Preface to Politics" by
See whether you can show that validity of reasoning rests ultimately on correct perceptions. "The Mind and Its Education" by
Yet he was profoundly convinced that the ultimate victory of Islam depended upon the sword. "The Necessity of Atheism" by
The ultimate prospect is portentous. "The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864" by
He saw them with his heart,
Priests of the Ultimate Beauty,
Feeding the flame of art.
Memory pales of the old delight;
While the sad waters of separation
Bear us on to the ultimate night.
Dies in her ultimate mad fire,
And darkness falls, with scornful thunder,
On dreams of men and men's desire.
Nor knows, as I know now, that when we meet,
'Twill be as dewdrop on the hawthorn spray,--
The ultimate of God at last complete.
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named NIGHT,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have wandered home but newly
From this ultimate dim Thule.
That ultimate and lofty aim
Will wait in patience for the end,
Knowing injustice cannot claim
One lasting victory, or control
Laws that bar progress for the whole.