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Fine Dictionary


Porcelain dish. Painted in blue overglaze with two intersecting leaf and flower garlands at regular intervals. Gold piping along the edges.
Porcelain dish. Painted in blue overglaze with two intersecting leaf and flower garlands at regular intervals. Gold piping along the edges.
  1. (n) interval
    the distance between things "fragile items require separation and cushioning"
  2. (n) interval
    a set containing all points (or all real numbers) between two given endpoints
  3. (n) interval
    the difference in pitch between two notes
  4. (n) interval
    a definite length of time marked off by two instants
Porcelain plate. The edge is slightly deepened at regular intervals. Painted in green, yellow, blue and wine red with stylized flowers and leaves.
Porcelain plate. The edge is slightly deepened at regular intervals. Painted in green, yellow, blue and wine red with stylized flowers and leaves.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Interval
    (Mus) Difference in pitch between any two tones.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) interval
    A vacant or unobstructed space between points or objects; an intervening vacancy; an open reach or stretch between limits: as, the intervals between the ranks of an army.
  2. (n) interval
    Specifically, a low level tract of land, as along a river, between hills, etc. Also intervale.
  3. (n) interval
    Any dividing tract in space, time, or degree; an intervening space, period, or state; a separating reach or stretch of any kind: with reference either to the space itself or to the points of separation or division: as, an interval of rocky ground between meadows; to fill up an interval in. conversation with music; an interval of ease or of relapse in disease; a lucid interval in delirium; to set trees at intervals of fifty feet; to breathe only at long intervals; the clock strikes at intervals of an hour.
  4. (n) interval
    Specifically, in entomology, one of the spaces between longitudinal striæ of the elytra. When the striæ are regular, both they and the intervals are numbered from the suture outward.
  5. (n) interval
    In music, the difference or distance in pitch between two tones. If the tones are sounded simultaneously, the interval is harmonic; if successively, melodic. An interval is acoustically described by the ratio between the vibration-numbers of the two tones: thus, an octave is represented by the ratio 2:1; a fifth, by the ratio 3:2, etc. Musically the intervals between the key-note of a major scale and its several tones are regarded as the standards with which all possible intervals are compared and from which they are named. The standard intervals are as follows: do to do (C to C, F to F, etc.) is called a first, prime, or unison; do to re (C to D, F to G, etc.), a second; do to mi (C to E, F to A, etc.), a third; do to fa (C to F, F to B♭, etc.), a. fourth; do to do′ (C to C′ , F to F′ , etc.), an eighth or octave, etc. These intervals are usually further designated thus: standard firsts, fourths, fifths, and octaves are perfect; standard seconds, thirds, sixths, sevenths, ninths, etc., are major. If an interval is a half-step longer than the corresponding standard interval, it is called augmented (or sharp, superfluous, extreme, redundant): thus, do to fi (C to F♮, F to B♮, etc.) is an augmented fourth; do to li (C to A♮, F to D♮, etc.) is an augmented sixth. If an interval is a half-step shorter than the corresponding major interval, it is called minor (or flat): thus, do to me (C to E♭, F to A♭, etc.) is a minor third, etc. If an interval is a half-step shorter than the corresponding perfect or minor interval, it is called diminished: thus, do to sol♭ (C to G♭, F to C♭, etc.) is a diminished fifth (also called imperfect); di to le (C♮ to A♭, F♮ to D♭, etc.) is a diminished sixth, etc. (This nomenclature is obviously inconsistent, and another is also in use. according to which all standard intervals are called major, all a half-step longer than the corresponding major intervals are called augmented, all a half-step shorter than the corresponding major are called minor, and all a half-step shorter than the corresponding minor are called diminished.) A given interval is measured and named by comparison with a major scale based on the lower tone of the interval. Intervals not greater than an octave are called simple; those greater than an octave, compound compound intervals being reducible to simple ones by subtracting one or more octaves. When the upper tone of a simple interval is transposed an octave downward or its lower tone an octave upward, the interval is said to be inverted: inverted firsts become octaves, seconds become sevenths, thirds become sixths, etc.; and perfect intervals remain perfect, major intervals become minor, minor intervals become major, augmented intervals become diminished, and diminished intervals become augmented. Intervals are consonant or dissonant: the perfect consonances are standard firsts, fourths, fifths, and octaves; the imperfect consonances are major or minor thirds and sixths; and the dissonances are major or minor seconds and sevenths, with all augmented and diminished intervals. The acoustical values of the more important recognized intervals are as follows:
  6. (n) interval
    The values given in the first column are those of the ideal intervals, such as are secured by using pure intonation; those given in the second column are those of equally tempered intonation, such as is used on keyed instruments, like the pianoforte and the organ. (See intonation and temperament.) A diatonic, interval is one that occurs between two tones of a normal major or minor scale. A chromatic interval is one that occurs between a tone of such a scale and a tone foreign to that scale. An enharmonic interval is one on an instrument of fixed intonation, that is apparent only in the notation, being in fact a unison, as, on the pianoforte, the interval from F♮ to G♭. In musical science the theory of intervals is introductory to that of chords and to harmony in general.
  7. (n) interval
    In logic, a proposition.
  8. (n) interval
    During or between intervals; between whiles or by turns; occasionally or alternately: as, to rest at intervals.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Interval
    in′tėr-val time or space between: any dividing tract in space or time:
  2. (n) Interval
    in′tėr-val (mus.) the difference of pitch between any two musical tones
Georges Clemenceau
America is the only nation in history which, miraculously, has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.
Georges Clemenceau
George Santayana
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. The dark background which death supplies brings out the tender colors of life in all their purity.
George Santayana
Miguel De Cervantes
He is mad past recovery, but yet he has lucid intervals.
Miguel De Cervantes
Don Marquis
Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness.
Don Marquis
Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Edgar Allan Poe
Darkness is to space what silence is to sound, i.e., the interval.
Marshall Mcluhan

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. intervallum,; inter, between + vallum, a wall: cf. F. intervalle,. See Wall

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. intervalluminter, between, vallum, a rampart.

Usage in the news

The Los Flamencos (LFa) 1005 well tested 7.1 MMcfd of gas with associated liquids from a 7 m (net) perforated interval.

The blower motor may require simple lubrication at long intervals....

And then the third, fourth and fifth, all strategically pinging and beeping at three-minute intervals.

Longer Pap test intervals advised .

Bad- Ass Workout of the Week: Interval Training Insanity.

A new automatic transmission fluid from Shell Lubricants for heavy-duty Allison transmissions meets that company's specifications for extended warranty and drain intervals.

Given the loose schedule USA maintains across the year, often divided between half-seasons that spill out in various intervals, cancellations and renewals can be somewhat unorthodox.

According to a recent study, the body continues to burn calories , about 200, following an interval workout.

This brand of high-intensity interval training.

Accuweather says todays high temperature will be 47 degrees, with sunny intervals.

Adding a presynch step will boost fertility but may also increase breeding interval.

Prolonged QT Interval Corrected for Heart Rate During Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children: Psychological Stress Could Be Another Explanation.

She recruited students of various races and genders to take turns standing on the street corner soliciting hugs for half hour intervals.

Break it up into 10-minute intervals.

Depending on the Equipment, Application, and Test Method, You May Be Able to Extend the Full Test Intervals for SIS Valves.

Usage in scientific papers

We find that the transition from one-sided intervals to two-sided intervals undesirably moves to the origin.
Application of Conditioning to the Gaussian-with-Boundary Problem in the Unified Approach to Confidence Intervals

The interval (η1 , η2 ), where the instanton solution exists, obviously must lie within the interval (x1 , x2 ); we will see later, however, that these intervals do not necessarily coincide.
Instanton approach to the Langevin motion of a particle in a random potential

Without loss of generality I is dense with no complete interval and every interval has cardinality > |T |.
Classification theory for theories with NIP - a modest beginning

We shall be interested in the distribution of eigenvalues inside the interval [−W, W ] and therefore shall assume that both arguments E1 and E2 belong to this interval.
Singular statistics

The first, physical solution (bI → 0 for T → 0), in the interval [0, bmax ] and second, unphysical solution (bI I → ∞ for T → 0), in the interval [bmax , ∞).
Random Heteropolymer Dynamics

Usage in literature

From this unhappy condition he was rescued, after a short interval. "The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI." by Various

Each degree is then 1/25 or 1/50 of the volume of the stem in each interval. "Steam, Its Generation and Use" by Babcock & Wilcox Co.

These contingencies will concur only rarely, and after enormously long intervals. "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" by Charles Darwin

This is the song to be singing in this present "not-yet" interval. "Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation" by S. D. Gordon

At intervals she glances at the little "Connecticut" clock that ticks over the mantel. "The Death Shot" by Mayne Reid

After an interval my senses returned. "The Scalp Hunters" by Mayne Reid

The loud report, however, and the blaze frightened them, and they fled, to return again after a long interval. "The Hunters' Feast" by Mayne Reid

At intervals of every one hundred yards, piles of ties surmounted by rails were upon fire. "Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals" by William H. Armstrong

North and west of the residency the town seemed to be in comparative quiet and darkness, for only stray lights were to be seen at intervals. "The River of Darkness" by William Murray Graydon

Trying is a poor word for the sort of warfare the Indians carried on during that interval. "The Cryptogram" by William Murray Graydon

Usage in poetry
Now an interval of quiet
For a moment holds the air
In the breathless hush
Of a silent prayer.
At intervals we heard them
Between the guns, he said,
Making a thrilling music
Above the listening dead.
And yet, in many an interval,
How oft, Beloved Tivoli!
Shall Fancy hear thy waters fall;
And Memory come—to dream with Thee.
He, strait and thin, near six feet high;
She, short and thick, with but one eye.
Two sons, one daughter, and no more,
Came, at long intervals, as store.
With downcast eye and musing mood, A lurid interval she stood,
The victim of despair;
Her arms then tossing to the skies,
She pour'd in nature's ear her cries,
'My God! my father! where!'—
And as an unaccomplished prophecy
The stranger's words, after the interval
Of a score years, when those fields are by me
Never to be recrossed, now I recall,
This July eve, and question, wondering,
What of the lattermath to this hoar Spring?