(Geol) Of or pertaining to the lowest period of the Devonian age. (See the Diagram, under Geology.) The Corniferous period has been so called from the numerous seams of hornstone which characterize the later part of the period, as developed in the State of New York.
Literally, producing or containing horn: applied, in geology, to a group of rocks belonging to the lower portion of the Devonian series, because they contain seams of hornstone. The corniferous group extends through New York and Canada, and is also an important formation further west and southwest. It is in places very rich in coralline remains. -
The group of rocks so characterized.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. cornu, horn + -ferous,
CORNIFEROUS, rocks in which fossil corn is found. "What Is Man? And Other Stories" by
Still retaining his Zimmerman and his senses, he looked down and beheld the corniferous quadruped gamboling playfully round his singular asylum. "The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Complete" by
The corniferous limestone is never more than fifty or sixty feet thick, and does not contain even one per cent. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 362, December 9, 1882" by
The oil occurs in the corniferous limestone, and buildings constructed of this stone frequently exude petroleum in hot weather. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887" by