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Fine Dictionary


Square glass plate in wooden mount. A head louse (white with red spot) and a flea (brown) against a black background.
Square glass plate in wooden mount. A head louse (white with red spot) and a flea (brown) against a black background.
  1. (n) louse
    wingless usually flattened bloodsucking insect parasitic on warm-blooded animals
  2. (n) louse
    wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting; mostly parasitic on birds
  3. (n) louse
    any of several small insects especially aphids that feed by sucking the juices from plants
  4. (n) louse
    a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Louse
    Any one of numerous small mandibulate insects, mostly parasitic on birds, and feeding on the feathers. They are known as Mallophaga, or bird lice, though some occur on the hair of mammals. They are usually regarded as degraded Pseudoneuroptera. See Mallophaga.
  2. Louse
    Any one of the numerous species of aphids, or plant lice. See Aphid.
  3. Louse
    Any small crustacean parasitic on fishes. See Branchiura, and Ichthvophthira.
  4. Louse
    louz To clean from lice. "You sat and loused him."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) louse
    An insect or other small arthropod (as a crustacean) that infests other animals or plants, or an animal resembling such parasites: a name for a great variety of small creatures. Specifically— One of a class of small degraded parasitic hemipterous insects of the order Hemiptera and suborder Parasita; the Pediculina or Pediculidæ. These are the little wingless bugs most frequently called lice, infesting man and other animals as external parasites, in the hair or fur. They are haustellate, or furnished with a sucking-proboscis, which can be protruded and fixed in the skin of the host, the attachment being secured by little hooks; there are six legs with hooks for crawling and grappling; the general form is elliptical, most of the body consisting of the large jointed abdomen; the skin is so tough that when the louse is crushed it can be heard to crack. Such lice are oviparous and extremely prolific; their eggs, which mature very rapidly, are glued to hairs, and are known as nits. At least three kinds infest man. The head-louse, Pediculus capitis, living chiefly in the hair of the head, is the slenderest one of the three. The body-louse, Pediculus vestimenti, living in the hair of the body at large, and in the seams of the clothing, is less transparent than the former, with a grayish tint, and hence called grayback; myriads of these creatures are generated where people are crowded in unclean or unwholesome conditions, as in camps, jails, etc. The last kind, the crab-louse, Phthirius pubis or inguinalis, chiefly affects the hair of the pubis and perinæum, but may range all over the body; its shape is peculiar, as shown in the figure under crab-louse. Most mammals, if not all, have lice peculiar to themselves. Hæmatopinus is an extensive genus of such lice: H. vituli is found on cattle. A species of Hæmatomyzus affects elephants. Bats have a peculiar set of lice, constituting the family Polyctenidæ.
  2. (n) louse
    Bird-lice are parasitic insects, of several hundred species, various genera, and several families, which some authors range with the foregoing in the order Hemiptera, but most place in the Pseudoneuroptera. They are known as the order or superfamily Mallophaga. They have mandibulate or biting mouth-parts, are wingless, and of very variable forms. They are by no means confined to birds, but infest mammals as well; almost every kind of bird and beast is infested by these creatures, sometimes several species to one host, and in such multitudes as to canse disease and death. Of these, such as infest domestic quadrupeds and birds belong to the genera Trichodectes, Docophorus, Nirmus, Goniocotes, Goniodes, Lipeurus, Trinotum, Colpopocephalum, Menopon, and Gyropus.
  3. (n) louse
    The beaver harbors a remarkable louse, Platypsyllus castoris, a degraded clavicorn beetle, so peculiar as to have been made type of an order, Achreioptera.
  4. (n) louse
    Insects have their own lice. Such are the bee-lice, or pupiparous dipterous insects of the family Braulidæ, order Diptera; and some of the lice of bats are similar dipterous insects, though wingless, of the family Nycteribiidæ. Bees, wasps, etc., are also infested by certain small parasitic heteromerous beetles in the form of lice, such as the wingless larvæ of Meloidæ, a species of which has been named Pediculus melittæ, and the whole family Stylopidæ. Insects affected by the latter are said to be stylopized. None of the foregoing lice are aquatic.
  5. (n) louse
    Fishes, marine mammals. crustaceans, etc., are infested by a great variety of small degraded crustaceans, collectively known as fish-lice or Ichthyophthira. Most of these belong to a class or order Epizoa or Siphonostoma, or Lernæoidea; a few are cirripeds, as Rhizocephala. Whale-lice are Cyamidæ. Carpice are Argulidæ.
  6. (n) louse
    Wood-lice are the terrestrial isopods of the family Oniscidæ, also called slaters, sow-bugs, etc. These are not parasites, but some of the aquatic isopods are fish-lice, as Cymothoidæ.
  7. (n) louse
    Plants are infested by multitudes of small plant-sucking hemipters, known as plant-lice, and formerly collectively termed Phytophthiria: as the aphids, Aphididæ, some of which are also called gall-lice; the psyllids, Psyllidæ, called flea-lice and jumping plant-lice; and the scale-insects or Coccidæ, some of which are also known as bark-lice.
  8. (n) louse
    Book-lice are pseudoneuropterous insects of the family Psocidæ, various species of which, as those of the genera Atropos and Clothilla, injure books.
  9. (n) louse
    Certain mites or acarids are sometimes called lice, as the harvest-ticks, known as red-lice, the itch-mite or itch-louse, etc. For further information, see the compounded words, and also the technical names.
  10. louse
    To clean from lice.
  11. louse
    A Middle English variant of loose.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Louse
    lows a common wingless parasitic insect, with a flat body, and short legs furnished with claws
  2. (v.t) Louse
    (obs.) to remove lice from
Lord Alfred Tennyson
A louse in the locks of literature.
Lord Alfred Tennyson
Ten ancient commandments lousing up the fun. Along came prosperity, and then there was none.
Gerald Barzan

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. lous, AS. lūs, pl. lȳs,; akin to D. luis, G. laus, OHG. lūs, Icel. lūs, Sw. lus, Dan. luus,; perh. so named because it is destructive, and akin to E. lose, loose,

Usage in the news

In clinical trials, the majority of patients treated with Sklice (but not offered nit- combing ) were louse-free after two weeks.

A louse, magnified 27 times, clutches a hair.

What my yearlong battle with Nix- and RID-resistant head lice taught me about the future of the American louse.

The lottery louse who tried to scam his fellow hardhats out of a $24 million office-pool lottery jackpot had big plans for his ill-gotten gains — like buying a $1.5 million house.

Rick Ankiel thanks St Lous Cardinals fans in newspaper ad .

While it sounds like a venereal disease or a type of periodontal infection, phylloxera is actually a tiny white louse that sucks the nutrients from the roots of grape vines, slowly killing the plants.

And here we thought some preteen in his mama's basement, helped along by a pirated copy of photoshop, had created that hid-u-lous "Doc" Thomas retirement party flyer.

I had the distinct pleasure of de-lousing my charge, Annie.

Accompanying Angelina is Adrian (Nick Caballero), the best man who knows that the groom is a louse.

Founded in 1978, the winery has some of the most mature vineyards in the region, or – - given the extensive replanting of California vineyards to avoid further damage from the phylloxera louse – - in the country.

Usage in scientific papers

And t he effects of reflections are those of zero (even) glides except for the anoma lous effect on cells of parity opposite to that of the cells through which the mirror runs when the G1 lattice unit is of odd length.
Isonemal prefabrics with only parallel axes of symmetry

This gap can be expressed as limq→0 Eq = 2U lous average ˜m which is supposed to be strictly negative, according to Eq. (21).
The Bose-Hubbard ground state: extended Bogoliubov and variational methods compared with time-evolving block decimation

This appears to be a “loused” solution to the finite difference equations, as described by New et al. , occurring when non-staggered leapfrog methods are used to evolve certain non-linear systems of equations.
Three Dimensional Numerical General Relativistic Hydrodynamics I: Formulations, Methods, and Code Tests

The “loused” solution is a non-physical solution characterized by oscillations from time step to time step.
Three Dimensional Numerical General Relativistic Hydrodynamics I: Formulations, Methods, and Code Tests

The degree to which this “loused” solution occurs depends strongly on the initial data and choice of gauge.
Three Dimensional Numerical General Relativistic Hydrodynamics I: Formulations, Methods, and Code Tests

Usage in literature

She plucked 'em too clost, and they was around fryin' in the sun scand'lous; but I don't surmise as she knew no better. "Vesty of the Basins" by Sarah P. McLean Greene

He look scan'lous, dat 's de long en de short un it; he des look scan'lous. "Nights With Uncle Remus" by Joel Chandler Harris

Just one fearful mistake and a whole squadron could be loused up. "A Question of Courage" by Jesse Franklin Bone

Now that young Doc Stubbins ain't got no more sense 'n a louse. "The Wind Before the Dawn" by Dell H. Munger

An' now come in ole Giner'l Louse. "Negro Folk Rhymes" by Thomas W. Talley

Git, yoreself, or I'll stomp on yu like on a louse. "Desert Dust" by Edwin L. Sabin

There's always stuff in the way to louse up a good flight plan. "Eight Keys to Eden" by Mark Irvin Clifton

I'd look rideec'lous in 'em. "The Panchronicon" by Harold Steele Mackaye

This emulsion is also excellent for the cabbage louse and many other insects. "The Cauliflower" by A. A. Crozier

They saw in it a parasite, a sort of Louse, living in the fleece of the honey-gatherers. "The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles" by Jean Henri Fabre

Usage in poetry
Look up, false swearer, and behold
God's marv'lous works on high;
How could'st thou take the matchless Three
To witness a vain lie.
Find the loveliest shroud you own.
Stilt a ceremonious
Height on gilded heels. Then summon
To a rarity grown common
Starved arachnid, the dead-louse
And whatever feeds on bone.
Down through the perfumed silences he hears
Their eyelids fluttering: long fingers thrill,
Probing a lassitude bedimmed with tears,
While the nails crunch at every louse they kill.
Den dey all jes' capahed scan'lous case dey did n't doubt,
Dat dey still could go to meetin'; who could tu'n 'em out?
So wid dancin' an' uligion, dey was in de fol',
Fu' a-dancin' wid de Pa'son couldn't hu't de soul.
Well, dey talked an' made dey 'bejunce, des lak critters do,
An' dey walked an' p'omenaded 'roun' an' thoo an' thoo;
Jealous ol' Mis' Fox, she whispah, "See Mis' Wildcat daih,
Ain't hit scan'lous, huh a-comin' wid huh shouldahs baih?"