coming at a subsequent time or stage "without ulterior argument","the mood posterior to" -
beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote "a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion","without...any purpose, immediate or ulterior"- G.B.Shaw" -
lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed) "subterranean motives for murder","looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge"- Bertrand Russell"
Further; remoter; more distant; succeeding; as, ulterior demands or propositions; ulterior views; what ulterior measures will be adopted is uncertain. -
Situated beyond, or on the farther side; thither; -- correlative with hither. -
Ulterior side or part.
Being or situated beyond or on the further side of any line or boundary. -
Not at present in view or in consideration; in the future or in the background; beyond what is seen or avowed; remote: as, what ulterior measures will be adopted is uncertain. -
The further side; the remote part. Coleridge.
ul-tē′ri-or on the further side: beyond: in the future: remoter, beyond what is seen or avowed
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., comp. of ultra, ultro, beyond, on the other side, properly cases of an old adjective, formed with a comparative suffix, which is akin to OL. uls, beyond, L. olim, formerly, hereafter, orig., at that time, ille, that, OL. olle, ollus,. Cf. Outrage
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. ulterior (comp. of ulter), that is beyond or on the other side.
The Conspirator ' has an ulterior motive. illistonobserver.com
MARSHALL — It looks on the surface like a simple case of neighbor helping neighbor but don't blame the state of Minnesota for having a bit of an ulterior motive behind its decision to provide. marshallindependent.com
The Saucon Valley School District administration has withdrawn a proposal to realign the high school course credit system amid allegations of possible ulterior motives made by multiple board of education members. fmz.com
'True Blood' Recap: Second Chances and Ulterior Motives. rollingstone.com
Father's Day Gifts with Ulterior Motives: iGrill. ired.com
Of Tainted Love & Ulterior Motives. cbsnews.com
Mat Marucci Ulterior Motif Jazz Inspiration. jazztimes.com
US Humane Society's ulterior motive . newstribune.com
" Charmer ," an upbeat, synth-heavy track, takes a dig at personable people who hide ulterior motives. rollingstone.com
Other officials warned that any program must be transparent to the Libyan people to avoid starting rumors of ulterior American motives for wanting to train the new commandos . nytimes.com
The same source claims Jasmine 's dad told her to "enjoy her time in college without getting too tied down" as "some of these guys might have ulterior motives in wanting to hang with his daughter. syracuse.com
This clarifies the role played by the interference effects in the dyanmics of a quantum walker and represents an ulterior proof of the validity of a simultation based on interferometric devices.
Simulation of quantum random walks using interference of classical field
We have considered ulterior phase shift operations performed just before and after each ˆT2 transformation.
Simulation of quantum random walks using interference of classical field
The hit identification is based on basic geometrical principles of the wire signal and establishes rough preliminary bounds to the hit range along the drift coordinate, which will be of utmost importance in ulterior steps of the reconstruction procedure.
Study of accelerator neutrino interactions in a liquid argon TPC
In the later case, how can be the exercise animated in an e-Learning environment such that the student can learn to recognize such distractors more carefully during ulterior testing stages.
On Requirements for Programming Exercises from an E-learning Perspective
The introduction of an ulterior reset mechanism, as we do here, could be used to describe the possibility that random (digital) amplifiers—at which the signal is amplified to the initial value, i.e., E (Tn ) = E0—are incorporated to the fiber to make up for the losses due to the damping and impurities.
Monotonous continuous-time random walks with drift and stochastic reset events
I must now see Don Alonso, and prepare the way for ulterior plans. "Gomez Arias" by
What ulterior motive had he? "Carmen Ariza" by
He said he could not guess or form an opinion as to their ulterior proceedings. "The Greville Memoirs" by
And what I thus wrote was for no ulterior use, it was written consciously for practice. "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume 9" by
I don't think one act in all his life was based on a selfish or an ulterior motive. "In the Heart of a Fool" by
According to my usual opinion, I believe I could go over that book and leave a masterpiece by blotting and no ulterior art. "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 25 (of 25)" by
Whatever her ulterior object may be, her present war spirit does not impress the visitor. "With the French in France and Salonika" by
But the woman seemed to sense no ulterior meaning. "The Bandbox" by
Good counsel given in time of perplexity is attributed to some ulterior purpose which is kept out of view. "Talkers" by
The divine lesson has been read, and it is the historian's duty to copy it faithfully without bias and without ulterior views. "The History of Freedom" by
Brow, cheek angelical,
And figure on life's handsome mould
Modelled till it excel.
In some ulterior land,
Or anywhere, or ever,
Will she stretch out a hand?
And will she understand?