lie adjacent to another or share a boundary "Canada adjoins the U.S.","England marches with Scotland" -
walk fast, with regular or measured steps; walk with a stride "He marched into the classroom and announced the exam","The soldiers marched across the border" -
walk ostentatiously "She parades her new husband around town" -
march in a procession "They processed into the dining room" -
force to march "The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria" -
cause to march or go at a marching pace "They marched the mules into the desert" -
march in protest; take part in a demonstration "Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle" -
a steady advance "the march of science","the march of time" -
the act of marching; walking with regular steps (especially in a procession of some kind) "it was a long march","we heard the sound of marching" -
a degree granted for the successful completion of advanced study of architecture -
genre of music written for marching "Sousa wrote the best marches" -
a procession of people walking together "the march went up Fifth Avenue" -
district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area "the Welsh marches between England and Wales" -
the month following February and preceding April
A piece of music designed or fitted to accompany and guide the movement of troops; a piece of music in the march form. "The drums presently striking up a march ." -
A territorial border or frontier; a region adjacent to a boundary line; a confine; -- used chiefly in the plural, and in English history applied especially to the border land on the frontiers between England and Scotland, and England and Wales. "Geneva is situated in the marches of several dominions -- France, Savoy, and Switzerland.", "Lords of waste marches , kings of desolate isles." -
Hence: Measured and regular advance or movement, like that of soldiers moving in order; stately or deliberate walk; steady onward movement; as, the march of time. "With solemn march Goes slow and stately by them.", "This happens merely because men will not bide their time, but will insist on precipitating the march of affairs." -
The act of marching; a movement of soldiers from one stopping place to another; military progress; advance of troops. "These troops came to the army harassed with a long and wearisome march ." -
To cause to move with regular steps in the manner of a soldier; to cause to move in military array, or in a body, as troops; to cause to advance in a steady, regular, or stately manner; to cause to go by peremptory command, or by force. "March them again in fair array." -
To move with regular steps, as a soldier; to walk in a grave, deliberate, or stately manner; to advance steadily. -
To proceed by walking in a body or in military order; as, the German army marched into France.
A frontier or boundary of a territory; a border; hence, a borderland; a district or political division of a country conterminous with the boundary-line of another country. In Scotland the term is commonly applied to the boundaries, or the marks which determine the boundaries, of conterminous estates or lands, whether large or small. The word is most familiar historically with reference to the boundaries between England and Wales and between England and Scotland. The latter were divided into two parts, the western and the middle marches, each of which had courts peculiar to itself, and a kind of president or governor, who was called warden of the marches. See mark, 13. -
To constitute a march or border; be bordering; lie continuously parallel and contiguous; abut. -
To dwell adjacent; neighbor. -
To walk with measured steps, or with a steady regular tread; move in a deliberate, stately manner; step with regularity, earnestness, or gravity: often used trivially, as in the expression, he marched off angrily. -
Specifically, to walk with concerted steps in regular or measured time, as a body or a member of a body of soldiers or a procession; move in uniform order and time; step together in ranks. -
To move in military order, as a body of troops; advance in a soldierly manner: as, in the morning the regiment marched; they marched twenty miles. -
To cause to move in military order, or in a body or regular procession: as, to march an army to the battle-field. -
To cause to go anywhere at one's command and under one's guidance: as, the policeman marched his prisoner to the lockup. -
A measured and uniform walk or concerted and orderly movement of a body of men, as soldiers; a regular advance of a body of men, in which they keep time with each other and sometimes with music; stately and deliberate walk; steady or labored progression: used figuratively in regard to poetry, from its rhythm resembling the measured harmonious stepping of soldiery. -
An advance from one halting-place to another, as of a body of soldiers or travelers; the distance passed over in a single course of marching; a military journey of a body of troops: as, a march of twenty miles. -
Progressive advancement; progress; regular course. -
A military signal to move, consisting of a particular drum-beat or bugle-call. -
In music, a strongly rhythmical composition designed to accompany marching or to imitate a march-movement. The rhythm is usually duple, but it may be triply compound. Marches generally consist of two contrasted sections, the second of which (commonly called the trio) is softer and more flowing than the first, and is followed by a repetition of the first. Rapid marches are often called quicksteps or military marches. Slow marches are also called processional marches, and are further distinguished as funeral (or dead-), nuptial, triumphal, etc. -
In weaving, one of the short laths placed across the treadles beneath the shafts of a loom. -
In the game of euchre, a taking of all five tricks by one side. -
The third month of our year, consisting of thirty-one days. It was the first month of the ancient Roman year till the adoption of the Julian calendar, which was followed by the Gregorian; previous to the latter it was reckoned the first month in many European countries, and so continued in England till 1752, the legal year there before that date beginning on the 25th of March. -
The celery plant, Apium graveolens, and parsley, Petroselinum Petroselinum. Also merch. -
An abbreviation of Marchioness.
märch the third month of the year, named from Mars, the god of war. -
märch a border: boundary of a territory -
used chiefly in pl. March′es -
to border: to be adjacent -
märch to move in order, as soldiers: to walk in a grave or stately manner -
to cause to march -
the movement of troops: regular advance: a piece of music fitted for marching to: the distance passed over
Mad as a March hare - Someone who is excitable and unpredictable is as mad as a March hare.
March to the beat of your own drum - If people march to the beat of their own drum, they do things the way they want without taking other people into consideration.
Steal a march - This expression indicates the stealthiness of a person over another to gain advantage of the situation. For instance, if two persons are offered some jobs which are vacant, they resolve to go together next day at an agreed time, but one of them, without telling the other, goes earlier than the other and secures the better of the two jobs, he is said to steal a march on the other person.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. marche, F. marche,; of German origin; cf. OHG. marcha, G. mark, akin to OS. marka, AS. mearc, Goth. marka, L. margo, edge, border, margin, and possibly to E. mark, a sign. √106. Cf. Margin Margrave Marque Marquis
It has been another great marching season, with the very last of the competitions ending today, and just a few marching opportunities left for band students.
KDHX and Twangfest SXSW day parties, Thursday, March 15 and Saturday, March 17 .
Titus Andronicus, Crooked Fingers, Justin Townes Earle and the Belle Brigade, Friday, March 16 and Saturday, March 17 . reports Friday, March 2 , 2012 may be known as one of the worst tornado outbreak for early March on record.
La Feria marching band marches away.
The honorable Vel Phillips and members of the NAACP Youth Council who marched during Milwaukee's Open Housing Movement will lead the march with MICAH Pres.
Ohio University's marching band, known as the Marching 110, isn't your normal marching band.
Stephanie Berzinski spent some time with the A and T Marching Band as they prepare to march in the Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade.
Oñate junior to march in Macy's Great American Marching Band.
Thirty high school marching band s from Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi are participating in the annual Northwestern State University Marching Contest Saturday, Nov 3 in Turpin Stadium.
The Bellefontaine High School Marching Band earned a Superior rating at the State Marching Band Finals Sunday afternoon at the University of Dayton Welcome Stadium.
Three local marching band s will compete in the inaugural West Virginia Marching Band Invitational at Glenville State College on Saturday, Nov 3.
Minutes spent per month on apps more than doubled from March 2011 to March 2012, according to comScore.
Fasts and street marches in New Delhi, March 2012—plus street movements in Slovenia, Quebec, Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Wukan in southern China, among others, throughout the past two years.
3:48 pm Thursday, March 30, 2006 Posted: 3:47 pm Thursday, March 30, 2006.
Prasad, Mumbai, who is retiring formally in March 2000. I take this opportunity to wish them both the very best.
Monte Carlo: Basics
Technical report, University of Twente, March.
Generating a 3D Simulation of a Car Accident from a Written Description in Natural Language: the CarSim System
Hehlen et al., talk at the APS March meeting 2001, Seattle; E.
Boson peak in an harmonic scalar model
Hehlen et al., talk at the APS March meeting 2001, Seattle; E.
Vibrations in glasses and Euclidean Random Matrix theory
The most important new feature of the numerics is the existence, due to the term (2.4), of a pole at x = −ξ which marches through the center of the analyticity strip 1 as ξ is varied.
Lattice Approach to Excited TBA Boundary Flows: Tricritical Ising Model
The portraits, coins, and miscellaneous curiosities were sold by auction in March 1742. "English Book Collectors" by
Friday, the 22d of March, of the year 1622, dawned brightly over a peaceful domain in Virginia. "Historical Tales, Vol. 2 (of 15)" by
They marched all day without interruption, eating their food as they marched. "The Border Watch" by
So closed the unexpected Atbara campaign in March last. "Khartoum Campaign, 1898" by
From March 23 onwards it had been one long strain, heavy marching most days and, with few exceptions, sleepless nights. "Q.6.a and Other places" by
For military reasons it was needful after the march forward yesterday to march back at once to Fourteen Streams. "The Second Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers in the South African War" by
And as he marched to meet the enemy distrust and fear marched in his ranks. "Historic Tales, vol 10 (of 15)" by
Octavius marched to meet him and Lepidus, who were marching southward with another large army. "Historic Tales, Volume 11 (of 15)" by
When all was ready, Cyrus set out from Sardis on his memorable march in the spring of 401. "The Two Great Retreats of History" by
They landed at Cork in March, 1689, and marched at once to Dublin. "The Huguenots in France" by
The soapsuds and the starch,
The troops of solemn people
Who to Salvation march.
No, no, my son, not yet;
That is an airy spot,
And no man knows what treads the grass.
To meet the march of Time,
With all his triumph poets rave about
And prophesy in rhyme.
Who practise virtue every day -
Of course, I mean to say, you know,
What we call virtue here below.
Who the world over suffer thus,
Who have scarce time for prayer indeed,
Who only march and die and bleed.
And marched against the Motherland,
Should never live to tell the tale
Of his unholy traitor-hand.