lowered in value "the dollar is low","a debased currency" -
unrestrained by convention or morality "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society","deplorably dissipated and degraded","riotous living","fast women"
(Her) Having steps; -- said of a cross each of whose extremities finishes in steps growing larger as they leave the center; -- termed also on degrees. -
(Biol) Having the typical characters or organs in a partially developed condition, or lacking certain parts. "Some families of plants are degraded dicotyledons." -
Reduced in rank, character, or reputation; debased; sunken; low; base. "The Netherlands . . . were reduced practically to a very degraded condition."
Reduced in rank; deprived of an office or a dignity. -
Lowered in character or value; debased; low. -
In biology, reduced in taxonomic rank, or in complexity of structure or function; brought to or being in a state of degradation. -
In heraldry, placed upon steps. Also degreed. -
In geology, worn down; leveled by erosion. -
In thermodynamics, reduced to a form less available for further transformation: said of energy which as the result of transformations has been converted into heat.
reduced in rank: base: low: -
(her.) placed on steps
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. F. degré, step
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. dégrader—L. de, down, and gradus, a step. See Grade.
Microbes found in an undersea cloud of oil from the Deepwater Horizon blowout may have the potential to degrade oil faster than previously thought, according to a new study published Tuesday.
As it doesn't degrade in the environment, it can be classified as a persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemical.
To grasp how unusual this kind of dancing is, it is worth recalling how degrading most ballet training has become.
Typical maintenance recommendations such as systematic pressure checking or performance degradation monitoring leave much to be desired.
Ross's vertical blender is suitable for blending easily degradable solids.
About once a week, she will call my wife, crying, and tell her about being degraded one way or another.
As a consequence of these changes, the operating temperatures of hydraulic fluids used in these systems are significantly higher, leading to greater risks of oxidation and thermal degradation of the addi...
Claudia Helena Oxee, who worked at JFK for Pan Am, TWA and LTU International, says in her book: 'The level of passengers has been degrading.'.
Those of us active in preserving and restoring natural areas recognize the traditional approach to economic development could, over time, degrade our restoration efforts.
The problem lies in the conversion or degradation of complex biomass to make products of interest.
But where it's really bad is it doesn't degrade, so it's easier for it to end up as litter.
Compost also filters and degrades pollutants, protecting both surface and groundwater quality.
Pirelli says it needs a bigger choice of dry-weather F1 tire compounds to choose from to avoid low-degradation one-stop races like the Indian Grand Prix.
Start with degradation and end in celebration.
Degradation can be cured .
Construction and material inhomogeneity contribute to the constant term of energy resolution and is a common source of performance degradation.
CALICE Si/W electromagnetic calorimeter prototype, first testbeam results
Comparison between the full and staged pixel systems shows that at constant QCD background rate, the signal e–ciency is degraded by approximately 10% in the staged conflguration.
The CMS High Level Trigger
No degradation is visible, so the online selection does not result in a reduced performance. A comparison of the performance with the staged and full pixel detector is shown in flgure 56.
The CMS High Level Trigger
To achieve a homogeneous selection, ACS images were degraded and re-sampled to the WFPC2 quality using a point spread function (PSF) generated with the Tiny Tim software.
3D spectroscopy with VLT/GIRAFFE - II: Are Luminous Compact Galaxies merger remnants ?
Degrading the angular resolution of the images would allow to stack the images longer, but will decrease the contrast by increasing the noise, so that the limit will not improve.
Is Radiation of Quantized Black Holes Observable?
I saw that as long as I remained friendless and unknown nothing but degraded toil was open to me. "The Trail of '98" by
Must I continue this degradation? "Possessed" by
Her home life was of the most degrading nature. "Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence" by
Out of the streets, out of the bestial degradation of that life of shame and drink, into sheer hell? "Despair's Last Journey" by
After the ceremony of degradation was over, the bishops delivered Dr. Huss to the emperor, who put him into the hands of the duke of Bavaria. "Fox's Book of Martyrs" by
It is good to wander along lines of sea-coast, when formed of moderately hard rocks, and mark the {283} process of degradation. "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" by
Drink and unrestrained selfishness had utterly degraded him. "Mary Wollstonecraft" by
Foreigners generally extremely ignorant and degraded. "The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52" by
It is and always has been the result of moral degradation and wantonness. "Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners" by
Not only could he degrade the peerage by lavishing its honours, but he could degrade it yet more by putting them up to sale. "History of the English People, Volume V (of 8)" by
These verses, written in your crumbling sty,
Proclaim the faith that I have held and hold
And publish that in which I mean to die.
Were thus impaired, and he became
The slave of low desires:
A Man who without self-control
Would seek what the degraded soul
Unworthily admires.
Thy wounds are healed—thou need’st no Gilead-balm;
Defeated and degraded, yet thy brow
Is crowned,—with death and calm.
Prostrate and trampled in the dust,
Shall rise no more;
Others, by guilt and crime, maintain
The scutcheon, that without a stain,
Their fathers bore.
Love's blighted flower, can never bloom again.
Weep for thy fault—in heart—in mind degraded:
Weep, ifthy tears can wash away the stain.
And in my opinion it's a very great shame;
And the man that calls him a beggar is not the soldier's friend,
And no sensible soldier should on him depend.