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Fine Dictionary


Matthew is beaten to death with a sword as he reads Mass. To the left of the scene of his martyrdom he is depicted again, with a square in his hand. Below the picture an explanatory text in Latin. This print is part of an album.
Matthew is beaten to death with a sword as he reads Mass. To the left of the scene of his martyrdom he is depicted again, with a square in his hand. Below the picture an explanatory text in Latin. This print is part of an album.
  1. (adj) mass
    formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year","the aggregated amount of indebtedness"
  2. (v) mass
    join together into a mass or collect or form a mass "Crowds were massing outside the palace"
  3. (n) Mass
    (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist
  4. (n) mass
    the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field
  5. (n) mass
    the property of something that is great in magnitude "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk","he received a mass of correspondence","the volume of exports"
  6. (n) Mass
    a sequence of prayers constituting the Christian Eucharistic rite "the priest said Mass"
  7. (n) Mass
    a musical setting for a Mass "they played a Mass composed by Beethoven"
  8. (n) mass
    an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people)
  9. (n) mass
    the common people generally "separate the warriors from the mass","power to the people"
  10. (n) mass
    a body of matter without definite shape "a huge ice mass"
  11. (n) mass
    (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent "a batch of letters","a deal of trouble","a lot of money","he made a mint on the stock market","see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos","it must have cost plenty","a slew of journalists","a wad of money"
During a procession, a carriage is attacked by the masses because of the suspicion that it would contain Reformed people, Paris, 1671. However, in the carriage are the Catholic councilor Du May (Dumay) and his wife. They are dragged from the carriage and beaten. Print marked top right: Vierde Deel Fol. 117.
During a procession, a carriage is attacked by the masses because of the suspicion that it would contain Reformed people, Paris, 1671. However, in the carriage are the Catholic councilor Du May (Dumay) and his wife. They are dragged from the carriage and beaten. Print marked top right: Vierde Deel Fol. 117.
Raymundus van Capua celebrates Holy Mass and blesses bread and wine. Catherine receives her host from Christ. Part of a series about Catherine of Siena, consisting of a title print, a portrait and 32 numbered scenes from her life.
Raymundus van Capua celebrates Holy Mass and blesses bread and wine. Catherine receives her host from Christ. Part of a series about Catherine of Siena, consisting of a title print, a portrait and 32 numbered scenes from her life.
The Roman Catholic High Mass or Solemn Mass, as it is sung and held on Sundays and public holidays. The bishop lifts the host in front of the altar. The other ecclesiastical dignitaries and believers present kneel.
The Roman Catholic High Mass or Solemn Mass, as it is sung and held on Sundays and public holidays. The bishop lifts the host in front of the altar. The other ecclesiastical dignitaries and believers present kneel.
During a visit to Rolduc, Saint Norbert celebrates Mass. During the consecration, a spider falls from a web into the chalice. In spite of this, Norbert drinks the sacramental wine out of respect for the holy sacrament. Later, the spider will crawl out of the saint's nose alive. The print has two Latin inscriptions: one above and one below the image.
During a visit to Rolduc, Saint Norbert celebrates Mass. During the consecration, a spider falls from a web into the chalice. In spite of this, Norbert drinks the sacramental wine out of respect for the holy sacrament. Later, the spider will crawl out of the saint's nose alive. The print has two Latin inscriptions: one above and one below the image.
Portrait of the merchant and diplomat Isaac Abrahamsz. Mass at age 48.
Portrait of the merchant and diplomat Isaac Abrahamsz. Mass at age 48.
Ignatius of Loyola kneels behind the priest during the celebration of Mass. In the sky above him a vision of the Trinity, surrounded by music-making angels. In the margin a three-line caption in Latin.
Ignatius of Loyola kneels behind the priest during the celebration of Mass. In the sky above him a vision of the Trinity, surrounded by music-making angels. In the margin a three-line caption in Latin.
Three Scenes from the Life of Ignatius of Loyola. Central Loyola's funeral. A mass gathers around the body. A woman touches the saint's body and is healed. In the top right corner some angels are playing music above Ignatius's tomb. The print has Latin captions with references to the scenes in the print. The print is part of a fifteen-part series about the life of Ignatius of Loyola.
Three Scenes from the Life of Ignatius of Loyola. Central Loyola's funeral. A mass gathers around the body. A woman touches the saint's body and is healed. In the top right corner some angels are playing music above Ignatius's tomb. The print has Latin captions with references to the scenes in the print. The print is part of a fifteen-part series about the life of Ignatius of Loyola.
Saint Philip Neri floats on a cloud while reading Mass and looks at a burning heart held by an angel. A lily lies on the ground as a symbol of his veneration of the virgin Mary.
Saint Philip Neri floats on a cloud while reading Mass and looks at a burning heart held by an angel. A lily lies on the ground as a symbol of his veneration of the virgin Mary.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The sun is approximately 75% hydrogen, 25% helium by mass
  1. Mass
    A large quantity; a sum. "All the mass of gold that comes into Spain.", "He had spent a huge mass of treasure."
  2. Mass
    Bulk; magnitude; body; size. "This army of such mass and charge."
  3. Mass
    (Mus) The portions of the Mass usually set to music, considered as a musical composition; -- namely, the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Credo, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei, besides sometimes an Offertory and the Benedictus.
  4. Mass
    The principal part; the main body. "Night closed upon the pursuit, and aided the mass of the fugitives in their escape."
  5. Mass
    (Physics) The quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume.
  6. Mass
    (R. C. Ch) The sacrifice in the sacrament of the Eucharist, or the consecration and oblation of the host.
  7. Mass
    To celebrate Mass.
  8. Mass
    To form or collect into a mass; to form into a collective body; to bring together into masses; to assemble. "But mass them together and they are terrible indeed."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Prior to 1907, when the United States started mass production of asphalt from crude oil, the roads were paved from asphalt bought from Trinidad, which had a pitch lake that was the world’s first large commercial source of natural asphalt.
  1. (n) mass
    The celebration of the Lord's Supper or eucharist.
  2. (n) mass
    The office for the celebration of the eucharist; the liturgy. The component parts of the mass or liturgy are the ordinary of the mass (ordo missæ) and the canon of the mass (canon missæ), succeeded by the communion (sometimes counted part of the canon) and post-communion. Anciently and technically the part preceding the offertory is the mass or liturgy of the catechumens (missa catechumenorum), the remainder the mass or liturgy of the faithful (missa fidelium). In the Roman Catholic Church different classes of masses are high mass, low mass, private mass, votive mass, etc. See the phrases below.
  3. (n) mass
    The sacrament of the eucharist or holy communion. The word mass in this and the preceding senses is popularly used of the eucharist as celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church, or of the teachings of that church with regard to the sacrament, as involving not only the doctrines of the real presence and the eucharistic sacrifice, held in some other churches also, but the doctrine of transubstantiation as defined by the Council of Trent. The use of the word mass (missa) in the Western Church is as old as the fourth century. The Greek Church has no term precisely corresponding to mass, the sacrament being generally called the eucharist or holy communion, and the office the liturgy. At the Reformation the first Prayer-Book (1549) of the Church of England retained the name mass, which was omitted in the second book (1552) and fell into disuse, being popularly regarded as involving a Roman Catholic view of the sacrament. The use of the word has, however, been revived to some extent among Anglicans in the present century. Swedish and Danish Protestants use the corresponding word for their own communion office.
  4. (n) mass
    A musical setting of certain parts of the Roman Catholic liturgy, also of corresponding parts of the Anglican liturgy. It consists usually of the following sections, each of which is sometimes divided into separate movements: Kyrie, Gloria (including the Gratias agimus, Qui tollis, Quoniam, Cum Sancto Spiritu), Credo (including the Et Incarnatus, Crucifixus, Et Resurrexit), Sanctus (including the Hosanna), Benedictus (including a repetition of the Hosanna), and the Agnus Dei (including the Dona nobis). To these an Offertorium (after the Credo and before the Sanctus) is sometimes added. The Requiem Mass differs largely from the regular mass, and includes settings of several of the stanzas of the hymn “Dies Iræ.” The artistic form of musical masses varies widely, from unaccompanied plain-song to the most elaborate polyphony with orchestral accompaniments. Medieval masses were named usually from the melody which was taken as the subject for contrapuntal treatment, as Josquin's mass “L'homme armé”; modern masses are named from the key of the first movement, as Bach's “Mass in B minor.”
  5. (n) mass
    A church festival or feast-day: now only in composition: as, Candlemas, Childermas, Christmas, Lammas, Martinmas, Marymas, Michaelmas, Roodmas (compare kermess).
  6. (n) mass
    Any mass where only the priest communicates, especially such a mass celebrated in a private oratory.
  7. mass
    To celebrate mass.
  8. (n) mass
    A body of coherent matter; a lump, particularly a large or unformed lump: as, a mass of iron or lead; a mass of flesh; a mass of rock.
  9. (n) mass
    An assemblage or collection of incoherent particles or things; an agglomeration; a congeries; hence, amount or number in general: as, a mass of sand; a mass of foliage, of troops, etc.
  10. (n) mass
    The bulk or greater part of anything; the chief portion; the main body.
  11. (n) mass
    Bulk in general; magnitude; massiveness.
  12. (n) mass
    The quantity of any portion of matter as expressed in pounds or grams, and measured on an ordinary balance with the proper reduction for the buoyancy of the atmosphere; otherwise, the relative inertia, or power in reaction, of a body. For example, if two bodies at rest, but free to move, as a gun suspended in vacuo and a bullet in it, are suddenly separated by a force acting between them, their respective velocities will be inversely as their masses, and this phenomenon best defines mass. It is usually confounded with weight, which is more properly the force with which a body is accelerated in the direction in which a plummet points, in consequence of the earth's attraction and rotation. Thus, if a piece of lead which is found to weigh a pound at the base of the Washington monument is transported to the top, it will be found to weigh a pound there, for its mass is unchanged. But if only the piece of lead and the balance are carried to the top of the monument, while the weight against which it has been weighed is left at the base, and there attached to the balance at the top by means of a long string or wire (the weight of which is to be properly allowed for), the piece of lead would be found to have lost the weight of one third of a grain, the weight thus varying though the mass does not.
  13. (n) mass
    In entomology, the terminal joints collectively of an antenna when they are enlarged and closely appressed to each other, forming a clava or club.
  14. (n) mass
    A large bunch of strung beads (12 small bunches fastened together).
  15. mass
    To form into a mass; collect into masses; assemble in one body or in close conjunction: as, to mass troops at a certain place; to mass the points of an argument.
  16. mass
    To strengthen, as a building for the purpose of fortification.
  17. mass
    To collect in masses; assemble in groups or in force.
  18. (n) mass
    See mas.
  19. (n) mass
    In pharmacy, a preparation of thick, pasty consistency with which is incorporated some active medicinal substance: the mass is made up into pills of definite size and weight for administration.
  20. (n) mass
    In the fine arts, any large and simple expanse of form, light, shade, or color, in which the details of a composition arrange themselves.
  21. (n) mass
    In electrochemistry, the concentration of that fraction of the electrolyte which, at the given dilution, is dissociated into ions, and is therefore capable of carrying the electric current.
  22. (n) mass
    An abbreviation of Massachusetts.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Western Electric mass-produced color telephones for the first time in 1954.
  1. (n) Mass
    mas a lump of matter: a quantity: a collected body: the main body: magnitude: the principal part or main body: quantity of matter in any body, weight being proportional to mass:
  2. (v.t) Mass
    to form into a mass: to bring together in masses
  3. (v.i) Mass
    to assemble in masses
  4. (n) Mass
    mas the celebration of the Lord's Supper or Eucharist in R.C. churches, also the office for the same: a musical setting of certain parts of the R.C. liturgy: a church festival or feast-day, as in Candlemas, Christmas, Martinmas, &c
  5. (n) Mass
    mas (pl.) the lower classes of the people
William E. Gladstone
All the world over, I will back the masses against the classes.
William E. Gladstone
The first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.
Sir William Osler
Two parts of empathy: Skill (tip of iceberg) and Attitude (mass of the iceberg).
Source Unknown
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The masses have no habit of self reliance or original action.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
No amount of political freedom will satisfy the hungry masses.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Mao Zedong
I have witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses. On this foundation it is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever.
Mao Zedong

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. masse, messe, AS. mæsse,. LL. missa, from L. mittere, missum, to send, dismiss: cf. F. messe,. In the ancient churches, the public services at which the catechumens were permitted to be present were called missa catechumenorum, ending with the reading of the Gospel. Then they were dismissed, with these words : “Ite, missa est” [sc. ecclesia], the congregation is dismissed. After that the sacrifice proper began. At its close the same words were said to those who remained. So the word gave the name of Mass to the sacrifice in the Catholic Church. See Missile, and cf. Christmas Lammas Mess a dish, Missal

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. masse—L. massa—Gr. mazamassein, to squeeze together.

Usage in the news

The thickness or mass per unit area of a coating is often critical to its performance.

Legacy Bancorp Inc of Pittsfield, Mass.

Highlights include a mass hit air balloon inflation and ascension at 6:30 pm, Money's concert at 8 pm, and a fireworks extravaganza at 9:30 p.m.

Brett Sigworth said he was tending to the outdoor grill at his lakeside home in Stow, Mass.

Playing at Mass MoCA's Club B-10.

More Events at Mass MoCA.

The town of Middleborough, Mass.

But when it's this nice outside, and our muscle mass is shrinking by the second, can you blame us.

Clyde Young, Revolutionary Communist and former prisoner, and a member of the Stop Mass Incarceration.

The other day my wife and i went to the Pontifical High Mass at the National Shrine in Washington.

A 68-Year-Old Woman Presents With Scalp Mass, Biopsy Reveals Basal Cell Carcinoma.

A 68-year-old woman presented with a 6.4-cm2 mass on the scalp that had been present for approximately 7 years.

Mexican mariachi musicians honor patron saint with serenade, procession and Mass at basilica .

MEXICO CITY – Mexican mariachi musicians have celebrated their patron St Cecilia with songs and a church Mass.

The Mary Maguire Band performs at the Rose Garden Coffeehouse in Mansfield, Mass.

Usage in scientific papers

The mass of ICP metals is Mmetals,IC P ≃ 5 × 0.4 (Z/Z⊙ ) Mstars , which is two times larger than the mass of the metals present in galactic stars and consistent with the mass in metals produced during the SB phase.
High-Redshift Galaxies: The Far-Infrared and Sub-Millimeter View

Now, the product of all Z ’s is multiplied with an extra mass term (Mass Terms()) which corresponds to the real and virtual propagator mass, see Eq. (2.13).
AMEGIC++ 1.0, A Matrix Element Generator In C++

Set Mass() calculates the mass term which occurs during the decomposition of the fermionic propagator into products of spinors (via Composite Zfuncs::Set Mass()).
AMEGIC++ 1.0, A Matrix Element Generator In C++

For investigating the masses and couplings of pseudoscalar mesons one should reach the quark mass range below about one quarter of the strange quark mass (mud ≤ 1 4 ms ) [4, 5].
On the price of light quarks

We, however, consider a system in which the masses themselves, not the mass ratios, are chosen from a given distribution so that the mass ratios remain narrow under the renormalization and thus this procedure does not work for a one dimensional system.
Random Vibrational Networks and Renormalization Group

Usage in literature

So by knowing the length of year and distance of any planet from the sun, the sun's mass can be calculated, in terms of that of the earth. "Pioneers of Science" by Oliver Lodge

A. Woodard, Weymouth, Mass. "The American Missionary--Volume 39, No. 02, February, 1885" by Various

The spores when seen in masses possess certain colors, white, rosy, rusty, purple-brown and black. "The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise" by M. E. Hard

Jim stepped back to the controls with a white face, and slowly we moved closer to the mass. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science July 1930" by Various

The fused mass has broken up into isolated masses, and each mass of itself is assuming one of the many forms! "Astounding Stories of Super-Science September 1930" by Various

It is needful now to look at the other term in the product we call energy, namely, the substance moving, sometimes called matter or mass. "The Machinery of the Universe" by Amos Emerson Dolbear

Also there was much to learn in the management of masses of people. "Annals of Music in America" by Henry Charles Lahee

The masses of the industrial population are not in favour of Home Rule. "Ireland as It Is" by Robert John Buckley (AKA R.J.B.)

From the mass extended a pseudopod; touched Gunga on the arm. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930" by Various

With this mass of prejudice, selfishness and inertia to overcome is there any hope of future success? "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV" by Various

Usage in poetry
"What tidings hear you," said the king.
"As you ride far and near?"--
"I hear no tidings, sir, by the mass,
But that cow-hides are dear."--
Thou'rt great, thou mighty, foaming mass
Of water, plunging, roaring down,
But so are we, yea, we surpass
Thee, and we wear a nobler crown.
Little Musgràve came to the church door,
The priest was at the mass ;
But he had more mind of the fine women,
Then he had of our Ladyes grace.
An outcast he who dared not take
The wafer that God's vicars break,
But dull-eyed watched his neighbours pass
With shining faces from the Mass.
Take cheer. I'll pass the thin partitions
Right through; yes, like a beam I'll pass,
As image blends into an image,
As one mass splits another mass.
The sacred lights on the altar burn'd,
Where the blessed symbol lay;
The mass for the dead and the rites were said
For a soul that had pass'd away ....