distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions -
distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom -
pronounce judgment on "They labeled him unfit to work here" -
assign a label to; designate with a label "These students were labelled `learning disabled'" -
attach a tag or label to "label these bottles" -
trade name of a company that produces musical recordings "the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent" -
a brief description given for purposes of identification "the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture" -
an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object -
a radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction
(Her) A barrulet, or, rarely, a bendlet, with pendants, or points, usually three, especially used as a mark of cadency to distinguish an eldest or only son while his father is still living. -
A brass rule with sights, formerly used, in connection with a circumferentor, to take altitudes. -
A slip of ribbon, parchment, etc., attached to a document to hold the appended seal; also, the seal. -
A slip of silk, paper, parchment, etc., affixed to anything, and indicating, usually by an inscription, the contents, ownership, destination, etc.; as, the label of a bottle or a package. -
A tassel. -
A writing annexed by way of addition, as a codicil added to a will. -
In mediæval art, the representation of a band or scroll containing an inscription. -
(Gothic Arch) The name now generally given to the projecting molding by the sides, and over the tops, of openings in mediæval architecture. It always has a square form, as in the illustration. -
To affix a label to; to mark with a name, etc.; as, to label a bottle or a package. -
To affix in or on a label.
A small loosely hanging flap; specifically, a pendant like a broad ribbon hanging from a head-dress; a lappet. -
In heraldry: -
One of the ribbons that hang down from a miter or the electoral crown. See infula, 3 . -
A fillet resembling a barrulet with three or more pendent drops or points, which were originally straight with parallel sides, but are now usually shaped like a dovetail. It is used as a bearing, but especially as a difference, as in cadency, to indicate the oldest son. Some authorities say that the label when used for cadency should have seven points while the great-grandfather of the bearer is alive, five while his grandfather is alive, and three while the father lives. In nearly all cases the label, whether a bearing or a difference, has an odd number of points. These points are also called lambeaux. In a very few cases the label is borne bendwise. A label of three (or more) points, crossed has, instead of the ordinary lambeaux, small crosses pointing downward, which may be Latin crosses reversed or Greek crosses. A label of three (or more) pomegranates pendent has, instead of lambeaux, rounded fruit represented as burst open. A label of three (or more) tags pendent has, instead of lambeaux, strips intended to represent the parchment ribbons to which seals are affixed in ancient documents. A label with the points crect, or a label reversed, is seldom used by itself, but in connection with an ordinary label, in which case the blazon is a label counterposed with another, the points erect, or two labels indorsed, or more rarely bars-gemel patté. See lambeau Also called file and lambel. -
A slip of paper or any other material, bearing a name, title, address, or the like, affixed to something to indicate its nature, contents, ownership, destination, or other particulars. -
A narrow slip of parchment or paper, or a ribbon of silk, affixed to a diploma, deed, or other formal writing, to hold the appended seal. -
In law, a paper annexed to a will by way of addition, as a codicil. -
A small reserved space in a work of art, or the like, forming a panel or cartouche, used for containing a name, monogram, or other mark for identification. -
In medieval architecture, a projecting tablet or molding over a door or window. See dripstone, Also called label-molding. -
A long, thin brass rule, with a small sight at one end and a centerhole at the other, commonly used with a tangent line on the edge of a circumferentor, to take altitudes, etc. -
Border; verge; marge. -
To affix a label to; mark with a label: as, to label a package to be despatched by express. -
To designate or describe by or on a label; characterize by inscription: as, the bottle was labeled poison. -
To set forth or describe in a label (in the legal sense). -
In architecture, to furnish with labels or hood-moldings. See label, n., 7. -
In botany, same as labellum, 1.
lā′bel a small slip of writing affixed to anything to denote its contents, ownership, &c.: : : -
to affix a label to: to describe by or on a label:—pr.p. lā′belling; pa.t. and pa.p. lā′belled -
lā′bel (law) a paper annexed to a will, as a codicil -
lā′bel (her.) a fillet with pendants -
lā′bel (archit.) the dripstone over a Gothic window or doorway arch
Pin down with a label - If you pin someone down with a label, you characterise them, often meant negatively as the label is restrictive.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF. label, sort of ribbon or fringe, label in heraldry, F. lambeau, shred, strip, rag; of uncertain origin; cf. L. labellum, dim. of labrum, lip, edge, margin, G. lappen, flap, patch, rag, tatter (cf. Lap of a dress), W. llab, llabed, label, flap, Gael. leab, leob, slice, shred, hanging lip
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. label (Fr. lambeau); perh. from Old High Ger. lappa (Ger. lappen).
Alfred Lion, who founded the influential Blue Note Records jazz label, died last Monday of heart failure at Pomerado Hospital in the San Diego suburb of Poway.
Adrian Grenier, Kelly Slater, Erykah Badu, and Parsons students designed labels for Kiehl's new lotion.
The time he papered a New York City wall with stock shots of actors who'd been cut at an audition and labeled them "rejects".
Menu labeling, for which government hasn't yet issued final rules, drew varied responses from the executives.
Giant Food Stores, following a recall by Tyson Foods Inc, announced it removed from sale two varieties of its Boneless Chicken Wyngz due to undeclared milk, egg, and soy on the ingredient label.
Not only does Randall Grahm make great wine, but his eye-catching labels and skewering of pretensions can be real corkers.
The brewery recently added a six-head, Meheen bottling machine and a Quadrel labeling machine.
(Quadrel Labeling Systems is based in Mentor, Ohio.
It should be labeled "The Has Been vs The Never Was.".
'Oat Bran ' May Be on the Label, but How Much Is in the Box.
The system accommodates up to eight label reels with a diameter up to 650mm and a label height of 30 to 150mm.
The latest labeling battle is coming out of California where voters will decide in November whether to require that retail products containing genetically modified ingredients be clearly labeled as such.
Located out of Santiago, Chile , Impresoras Digitales will be providing customers with superior quality and service with iSys Label solutions for the short-run, continuous label printing market.
One of the collaborations between the label mates-turned-friends (both are with Interscope Records), "Partynauseous," didn't make the cut due to label holdups and creative differences.
A new rumor suggests that negotiations between record labels and the search giant have soured to the point that Google may launch its much-anticipated music service without label licenses.
Note that in this formulation, many labeled graphs do not appear (for example, the labeled graphs for which vertices 1 and 2 are not linked by an edge).
Random incidence matrices: moments of the spectral density
Indeed, two distinct labelings have to describe a non-trivial automorphism of G because W determines completely a labeled graph isomorphic to G.
Random incidence matrices: moments of the spectral density
Recall that W induces a walk covering T , hence a labeling of T (vertices are labeled in order of their appearance in the walk).
Random incidence matrices: moments of the spectral density
The labels of the extension are then equivalence classes of pairs (ρ, ψ), where ρ is a label with QJ (ρ) = 0 for all J ∈ G ′ and ψ is a character on the untwisted stabilizer (26).
Conformal field theory, boundary conditions and applications to string theory
The boundary labels are now defined as equivalence classes [ρ, ψ ] of pairs, where ρ is any label of A and ψ is a character of the central stabilizer.
Conformal field theory, boundary conditions and applications to string theory
Label sloping to right. "Gambia" by
Mix well, bottle and label. "One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed" by
Fancy a scientist with a new bird to label, contenting himself with one word! "Little Brothers of the Air" by
Label the bouillon tube with (a) the name of the organism and (b) the date of inoculation. "The Elements of Bacteriological Technique" by
David shook his head at a brilliantly labelled cigar eight inches long. "IT and Other Stories" by
A vision of the little blue-glass, yellow-labelled vial that held the swift dismissing pang, floated before him. "The Dop Doctor" by
The 'XX' upon the label here signifies approval. "The Double Four" by
Every waggon was plainly labelled with the number of men to go in it and the name of the unit to which they belonged. "A Padre in France" by
You will find the bells and telephones all labelled. "Christopher Hibbault, Roadmaker" by
When several plants are put in the same jar, a label, thus marked, should be attached to each. "Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846" by
Must surely mean the soul's release
From this small labeled entity —
This passing limitation — Me!
Everywhere so plenty, yet so little mine—
Doubtless they are angels wrongly labelled,
Angels made in other spheres to shine.
Of time and space—art heir of all things grown;
And not my name, poor, earthly label-word,
But I myself thenceforward am thine own.
An angry man upon the street —
A man of wrath, a man of war,
A man who truculently bore
Over his shoulder, like a lance,
A banner labeled “Tolerance.”
That telleth me whereto I must;
I see the sentence eke that saith
Remember, man, that thou art dust!
But yet, alas, but seldom I
Do think indeed that I must die.
What matters our label, so truth be our aim?
The creed may be wrong, but the life may be true,
And hearts beat the same under drab coats or blue.