an act of mass destruction and loss of life (especially in war or by fire) "a nuclear holocaust" -
the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime from 1941 until 1945
A burnt sacrifice; an offering, the whole of which was consumed by fire, among the Jews and some pagan nations. -
Sacrifice or loss of many lives, as by the burning of a theater or a ship. -
The mass killing of millions of Jews by the Nazis during the period from 1933 to 1945 in Germany and German-occupied lands; usually referred to as The Holocaust. In Hebrew, the same event is referred to by the word Shoah.
A sacrifice or offering entirely consumed by fire, in use among the Jews and some pagan nations. -
Figuratively, a great slaughter or sacrifice of life, as by fire or other accident, or in battle.
hol′o-kawst a burnt sacrifice, in which the whole of the victim was consumed.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. holocaustum, Gr. , neut. of , , burnt whole; "o'los whole + kaysto`s burnt, fr. kai`ein to burn (cf. Caustic): cf. F. holocauste,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L.,—Gr. holokauston—holos, whole, kaustos, burnt.
A Holocaust Survivor And A Concentration Camp Liberator Tell Their Stories. courant.com
Ever since the ashes of Hiroshima and the Holocaust left an impression on him as an undergraduate at Ohio State University. csmonitor.com
Native daughter brings Santa Fe experiences to Holocaust tale. sfreporter.com
Tony Judt's discussion of the "problem of evil" and how best to remember the Holocaust is both insightful and provocative. nybooks.com
Cantor Marvin Moskowitz holds the Holocaust Remembrance Day service at Menorah Park in Dewitt, Thursday, April 20, 2012. syracuse.com
A woman walks by a large photo of Auschwitz concentration camp at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum January 26, 2007 in Washington, DC. ashingtonpost.com
Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day and marks the 62nd anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. ashingtonpost.com
During Germany's long slouch toward war, the Holocaust, and disastrous defeat, why didn't more business and financial leaders oppose Hitler and work to undermine him. businessweek.com
How do you deal with Holocaust flashbacks. nytimes.com
Second Holocaust,' Roth's Invention, Isn't Novelistic . observer.com
T wenty years ago, the Doomsday Clock, a well-known barometer of how close the world was to nuclear holocaust, stood at three minutes before the fateful midnight hour. americamagazine.org
Hildegard Gernsheimer of Bernville speaks to Fleetwood High School students about how she and her sister survived the Holocaust but lost the rest of their immediate family. readingeagle.com
Documentaries and films have dramatically told the story of the Jewish Holocaust in Europe during World War II. readingeagle.com
During the Holocaust memorial ceremony in Brighton Beach last June, each of the neighborhood's synagogues sent forth one of its faithful to light a candle. nytimes.com
Using "religious symbolism" in a planned Ohio memorial to victims of The Holocaust may result in claims of unconstitutional government promotion of religion, a state official has warned. salemnews.net
It was a holocaust of lust, of passion, and of blood such as even the Spanish West Indies had never seen before. "Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates" by
No need for those waiting bayonets now, was his soul-rending thought, as he saw the trench disappear in a holocaust of flame and smoke. "With Haig on the Somme" by
Of the survivors of the awful holocaust the majority found themselves utterly ruined; their homes destroyed; their possessions gone. "The Watchers of the Plains" by
Holocausts overtake the world, and I struggle in vain to save my friends. "The World I Live In" by
Holocausts of spurious goods were not uncommon in Cheapside. "Old and New London" by
In fact, the more one reflects on the Wanamaker-Quay holocaust, the more mysterious it seems. "Belford's Magazine, Volume II, No. 8, January, 1889" by
By some miracle, the three men aboard had escaped the holocaust. "The Peacemaker" by
The sight and stench of that holocaust sickened me, but Mishka rode forward stolidly, unmoved either physically or mentally. "The Red Symbol" by
I have since that night often and vainly attempted to go back over that holocaust and arrange its details in some sort of chronology. "The Portal of Dreams" by
The solid bulk of Titan would be the shield between them and holocaust. "Big Pill" by
We pile no graven stone;
He serves thee best who loveth most
His brothers and Thy own.
Sleep before noon—but thee,
Wakeful each midnight for the rest,
No holocaust shall free!
Which burns
The earth-growth from the spiritual desire,
With all the lower life that ever spurns
Above thy dreadful holocaust;
The Christ again has preached through thee
The Gospel of Humanity!
Of one great spirit's holocaust
Will thousands wake to patriot ire —
Will raise to life a patriot host!
The holocaust disease will claim,—
As to God’s Judgment-Bar they haste,
They gaze on him who is to blame.