make a mess of or create disorder in "He messed up his room" -
eat in a mess hall -
a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax -
a meal eaten in a mess hall by service personnel -
soft semiliquid food "a mess of porridge" -
(often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent "a batch of letters","a deal of trouble","a lot of money","he made a mint on the stock market","see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos","it must have cost plenty","a slew of journalists","a wad of money" -
informal terms for a difficult situation "he got into a terrible fix","he made a muddle of his marriage" -
a state of confusion and disorderliness "the house was a mess","she smoothed the mussiness of the bed"
A disagreeable mixture or confusion of things; hence, a situation resulting from blundering or from misunderstanding; as, he made a mess of it. -
A set of four; -- from the old practice of dividing companies into sets of four at dinner. -
mĕs Mass; church service. -
The milk given by a cow at one milking. -
To make a mess{5} of; to disorder or muddle; to muss; to jumble; to disturb; to mess up. "It was n't right either to be messing another man's sleep." -
To supply with a mess. -
To take meals with a mess; to belong to a mess; to eat (with others); as, I mess with the wardroom officers.
A supply or provision of anything to be eaten at one meal; a quantity of food sufficient for one or more persons for a single occasion: as, a mess of peas for dinner; a mess of oats for a horse. -
In fishing, the amount or number of fish taken; the take or haul of fish. -
A number of persons who eat together at the same table; especially, a group of officers or men in the army or navy who regularly take their meals in company. -
A set of four; any group of four persons or things: originally as a convenient subdivision of a numerous company at dinner, a practice still maintained in the London inns of court. -
To share a mess; eat in company with others or as a member of a mess; take a meal with any other person: as, I will mess with you to-day. -
To supply with a mess: as, to mess cattle. -
To sort in messes for the table, as meat. -
A disorderly mixture or jumble of things; a state of dirt and disorder: as, the house was in a mess. -
A situation of confusion, disorder, or embarrassment; a muddle: as, to get one's self into a mess. -
To make a mess of; disorder, soil, or dirty. -
To muddle; throw into confusion: as, he messes the whole business. -
An obsolete form of mass -
Mass. See by the mass, under mass. -
An obsolete form of mace.
mes a mixture disagreeable to the sight or taste: a medley: disorder: confusion -
to make a mess of: to muddle -
mes a dish or quantity of food served up at one time: a number of persons who take their meals together at the same table, esp. in the army and navy: the take of fish at one time -
to supply with a mess -
to eat of a mess: to eat at a common table -
mes =mass
Mess with a bull, you get the horns - If you do something stupid or dangerous, you can get hurt.
Sell your birthright for a mess of pottage - If a person sells their birthright for a mess of pottage, they accept some trivial financial or other gain, but lose something much more important. 'Sell your soul for a mess of pottage' is an alternative form.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. mes, OF. mets, LL. missum, p. p. of mittere, to put, place (e. g., on the table), L. mittere, to send. See Mission, and cf. Mass religious service
Sandy makes a mess, leaving East Coast dazed, confused by storm.
A whole mess of the Murphys.
The Buell is a filthy mess.
El Dorado Hills Boulevard turned intoa soggy mess Wednesday evening when a water main in the median broke.
Don't mess with the Electoral College .
Reason why his nose is so messed up is because of his massive cocaine use.
Sometimes little mistakes leave a big mess.
The Dallas dining scene, summer's most sizzling accessory and one big, hot mess — just a few items included in our HOT August rundown.
Sure, they mess with the movie and poke fun at it.
Kohl pencils can smudge easily and liquid—for those of us with a shaky hand—can result in looking like a hot mess.
Kevin Federline owes big bucks after leaving a big mess.
As any Evil Dead fan should know, it's dangerous to mess with ancient texts.
The singer, who performed in Los Angeles Monday, is called "entertaining" and "a mess pretty much from start to finish.".
Don't Mess – I am RAD.
What a mess the Christmas blizzard made here in northwest Iowa.
It now looks as if z → z + 1 produces a complete mess, and it is difficult to understand this action from (4.14).
Lectures on Nongeometric Flux Compactifications
It is hard to extract further physical results from this, because as soon as the number of efolds after Sc become substantial, it could well be that this messes up the WMAP agreement in the density perturbation, which is dependent on the region about 60 efolds before the end of inflation.
D-term inflation after spontaneous symmetry breaking
The minimal version, which introduces messengers in the fundamental representation of SU(5), produces O(100 GeV) SUSY masses for a messenger scale Λmess ∼ 100 TeV.
Status of Constraints on Supersymmetry
The triplescalar couplings (A-terms) are almost zero at the messenger scale Λmess ∼ 100 TeV and remain relatively small at the electroweak scale.
Status of Constraints on Supersymmetry
As already said before, the observations of the process X are blurred with a (small) noise, which messes things up when data are recorded with high-frequency.
Testing for jumps in a discretely observed process
Make any kind of a mess out of it you want to. "Space Viking" by
Of course, you have not got your full kit yet; but you will want a mess jacket and waistcoat. "At the Point of the Bayonet" by
He just caught a fleeting glimpse of something dropping lightly to the ground close beside the mess tent. "The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour" by
You've got in a nice mess! "Follow My leader" by
In other words, you're making a jolly mess, and are enjoying yourselves. "Tom, Dick and Harry" by
Now, you come down and mess with us, and Mr. Peters can take the deck when he comes. "The Pirate Shark" by
And you are going to dine with him at the mess this evening. "In Honour's Cause" by
I was let into all the secrets of the mess in which the youngsters were placed by the captain to be instructed and kept in order. "Frank Mildmay" by
Now that we are in harbour, I mess here, because Mrs Trotter is on board. "Peter Simple" by
For a modest fellow you are certainly capable of stirring up a queer mess of situations. "Blacksheep! Blacksheep!" by
For a mess ov worldly pottage:
But spend less time i'th' squire's hall
An moor i'th' poor man's cottage.
They agreed in the choice of their "set,"
And they also agreed in adoring, alas!
The Vivandiere, pretty FILLETTE.
On that rack when they wouldn't confess
They were crushed till their life's blood ran drip, drip, drip.
Feeling faint, Sir? Well, here's sergeant's mess.
Felling and floating our beautiful trees,
Say that the Brethren and I desire
Talk with our Brethren who use the seas.
And we shall be happy to meet them at mess
As Fellow-Craftsmen-no more and no less."
To sergeant when 'e last went on 'is leave;
And now the 'ole shebang's a bloody mess;
I didn't think the missis would deceive.
And 'ere was I, a-riskin' of me life,
And thee was 'e, a-sleepin' wiv me wife.
She's a mess o' funny capahs f'om huh slippahs to huh hat.
Ef you tries to un'erstan' huh, an' you fails, des' up an' say:
"D' ain't a bit o' use to try to un'erstan' a woman's way."