publisher of the first newspaper printed in America (1673-1713) -
British marshal of the Royal Air Force; during World War II he directed mass bombing raids against German cities that resulted in heavy civilian casualties (1892-1984) -
Irish writer noted for his sexually explicit but unreliable autobiography (1856-1931) -
United States diplomat who was instrumental in opening Japan to foreign trade (1804-1878) -
United States linguist (born in Ukraine) who developed mathematical linguistics and interpreted speech and writing in a social context (1909-1992) -
United States author who wrote the stories about Uncle Remus (1848-1908)
Any Tom, Dick or Harry - If something could be done by any Tom, Dick or Harry, it could be done by absolutely anyone.
Every Tom, Dick and Harry - If every Tom, Dick and Harry knows about something, then it is common knowledge.
Son of the late Harry Ephram and Ola Belle Borden Boner , he was a US Army veteran of World War II and of the Baptist belief. standard-democrat.com
'Harry Potter' Book Release on ArtsBeat. nytimes.com
Former Border Patrol agent Mike Harris now leads customers on border tours for $75 a pop. sdreader.com
Mike Harris drives his blue Ford Ranger pickup south on Hollister Street, through the Tijuana River Valley, toward the border. sdreader.com
Prince Harry's nude Vegas romp: Censure in UK, boredom in Vegas. latimes.com
Prince Harry, watching track cycling during the 2012 Summer Olympics in… (Matt Rourke / Associated…). latimes.com
Edward Bowser & Javacia Harris Bowser share what makes a marriage. al.com
Edward Bowser and Javacia Harris Bowser have always loved words. al.com
Governor's Office Gov Chris Christie appears in this January file photo to nominate Philip Kwon, left, and Bruce Harris, right, for the New Jersey Supreme Court. nj.com
Randy Harris has breathed new life into the Niagara University men's hockey team this season. tonawanda-news.com
And it's because after three years of frustration, Harris can breathe again himself. tonawanda-news.com
John Harris, III, 52, takes out two fish to clean while his father, John Harris, II, 82 takes a break from fishing Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at the shore of the Kenai River during the first opening of the personal use salmon dipnetting season. adn.com
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort kicked off its grand opening celebration on June 17 with help from Harry Potter film stars. eosun.com
I read the first novel in the Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," in April 1999 and was only moderately impressed. nytimes.com
Harry Potter first arrived in the United States in 1998 in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone". csmonitor.com
For short-range correlations a ≥ dh the leading behavior is that of Eq. (5), such that the Harris criterion stays in effect.
The Harris-Luck criterion for random lattices
If, on the other hand, correlations decay exponentially, the threshold αc = 0 of the Harris criterion should stay in effect.
The Harris-Luck criterion for random lattices
PR/0302271 [DKL02] Rick Durrett, Harry Kesten and Vlada Limic, Once edge-reinforced random walk on a tree, Probab.
Excited random walk in three dimensions has positive speed
Harris et al. 2002) subsequently published lists of probable GC candidates in small fields based on imaging data alone.
The Globular Cluster System of NGC 5128 I. Survey and Catalogs
However, a prediction of this model is polarization of the light in scattering lines, which is not observed in most Wolf-Rayet stars (Harries, Hillier, & Howarth 1998; Kurosawa et al. 1999); in those stars that do show polarization, the required equator:pole density ratio is ∼ 2 − 3 (Harries et al. 1998).
The Diversity of Gamma-Ray Bursts and the Surroundings of Massive Stars
That wasn't much to go on, and, subsequently, Harry regretfully abandoned his plan. "Left Guard Gilbert" by
In a moment more Harry had turned his shell over to old Jack Broxton and had leaped into a row-boat. "The Young Oarsmen of Lakeview" by
Marthy, bring Harry here and let him speak to Miss Susan. "Virginia" by
Harry hastily thrust the paper out of sight. "The Hero of Garside School" by
But Mary is a lady, and Harry Gilmore thinks her the sweetest woman on whom his eye ever rested. "The Vicar of Bullhampton" by
You know yourself, Harry, how independent I am by nature. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by
Up went Harry's hands, and he fell prostrate, with blood streaming from a wound on the side of his head. "The Bradys Beyond Their Depth" by
To this the man Harris shook his head with all possible vigor, while 'Tana was quite as emphatic in an audible way. "That Girl Montana" by
If he did not take little Harry, the boy must go into the workhouse. "The Girls of St. Olave's" by
Harry, I notice more oats than need be mixed with that chop. "Lorimer of the Northwest" by
But harry us with hopes that come to nothing,
Because we are not proud, imperishable,
Alone and winged.
Her Harry and mine, but mine the weeping:
In a month or twain you two will marry--
And I in my grave be sleeping."
And a harried man I think I be!
There's naething left at the fair Dodhead,
But a waefu' wife and bairnies three.
Bidding me toil for its fading shows:
Back I spring to your arms, forgiven,
Back to the truth that a dreamer knows.
And a harried man I think I be!
There's nought left in the fair Dodhead,
But a greeting wife and bairnies three."
And she closed her blue eyes with a sigh;--
"Don't forget me, dear Harry, when dead,
But meet me in Heaven by-and-bye."