a lepton of very great mass
R = 200GeV and 500GeV as well as that in the SM for both the muon and tauon cases.
Rare decays of $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \gamma$ and $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda l^{+} l^{-}$ in universal extra dimension model
The neutrino beam by assumption contained some 10% of tau neutrinos, originating mostly from the decay of the heavy Ds ( cs ) meson. The tau neutrino would upon interaction of the type (6) in the steel plate hopefully produce a tauon.
The Neutrino - Its Past, Present and Future
Here the tauons are produced in the process e+ e− → τ + τ − .
CP Violation
Massive tauon neutrinos with even modest mixing angles can destroy the conditions necessary for the r-process.
Solar and Supernova Constraints on Cosmologically Interesting Neutrinos
This leads to a somewhat distressing situation where massive tauon neutrinos, if helpful cosmologically, may have properties that render direct detection particularly difficult.
Solar and Supernova Constraints on Cosmologically Interesting Neutrinos