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House organ
House organ
House organ from the Gereformeerde Kerk Scherpenzeel. Keyboard: C-f3. Registers: Fluyt 4 'Bass, Octave 2' Bass, Holpijp 8 'Bass, Viola 8', Tremulant, Valve (left). Viola 8 'Treble, Holpijp 8' Treble, Gluyt 4 'Treble, Sexq [uialter], Octave 2' Treble, Principal 8 'Treble (right). Marked: "Mr. Organmaker Axen Amsterdam 1797".
A sea bass and a crayfish from Ise. With one poem.
A sea bass and a crayfish from Ise. With one poem.
Black painted dish with a squid, sea bass and a black fish. On the right a puffer fish (fugu). The print is ab copy.
Black painted dish with a squid, sea bass and a black fish. On the right a puffer fish (fugu). The print is ab copy.
Copper bass horn mouthpiece
Chromatic bass horn mouthpiece
Bass relief in pressed whalebone (gas coal), with matching leather box with separate lid, green on which gilded leaf motif. bust to the left. Henry VIII is bearded and wears a flat hat, decorated with rosettes and gemstones on the brim and on top with ostrich feathers. Over the tabard with fur collar that is open, and over the jacket worn underneath a heavy chain with gems and a chain with H-links, from which a medallion hangs. A pipe collar around the neck.
Bass relief in pressed whalebone (gas coal), with matching leather box with separate lid, green on which gilded leaf motif. bust to the left. Henry VIII is bearded and wears a flat hat, decorated with rosettes and gemstones on the brim and on top with ostrich feathers. Over the tabard with fur collar that is open, and over the jacket worn underneath a heavy chain with gems and a chain with H-links, from which a medallion hangs. A pipe collar around the neck.
Silver bass relief of a lady on horseback turned to the left. Under a crowned alliance coat of arms of Prussia and the Netherlands, on the left a crowned lion, on the right a man with a loincloth and a club in his left hand. The whole in an oval, gilded wooden frame behind glass. On the reverse the inscription on a piece of paper, pasted on wood, also behind glass. Equipped with a copper support ring. Front inscription on coat of arms: HONI SOIT MAL Y PENSE. reverse: FREDERIKA WILHELMINA Royal Princess of Prussia (..........)
Silver bass relief of a lady on horseback turned to the left. Under a crowned alliance coat of arms of Prussia and the Netherlands, on the left a crowned lion, on the right a man with a loincloth and a club in his left hand. The whole in an oval, gilded wooden frame behind glass. On the reverse the inscription on a piece of paper, pasted on wood, also behind glass. Equipped with a copper support ring. Front inscription on coat of arms: HONI SOIT MAL Y PENSE. reverse: FREDERIKA WILHELMINA Royal Princess of Prussia (..........)
Basviola da gamba with six strings, the curl ending in the woman's head.
Basviola da gamba with six strings, the curl ending in the woman's head.
Company with on the left a musician with bass, in front of him a singing boy, to his right two men, one of them pointing to the book. A woman on the far right, looking at the viewer.
Company with on the left a musician with bass, in front of him a singing boy, to his right two men, one of them pointing to the book. A woman on the far right, looking at the viewer.
Brass bass trombone with one winding. A grip for the right hand at the cross joint of the slide. A wreath has been placed around the cup, in which is engraved 'Pierre Colbert m'a faict a Reims 1593' between geometric motifs. Vote: G.
Bass trombone
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Basse
    a marine fish allied to the perch.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. bærs; cf. Ger. bars, the perch.

Usage in the news

Just days remain before what promises to be an historic Bass Player LIVE.

Solo bass artist and doubler extraordinaire Brian Bromberg has requested a press conference to address his plucking peers.

As they walked out onto the dance floor last weekend, Wendell Bass tenderly brushed the veil from his bride's face and gathered her into his arms.

Joe Buck, ex-bass player for Hank Williams III, blew through Boise to play two sets at The Shredder Saturday night.

' The recording features members of Guns N' Roses: Frank 'Thunderchucker' Ferrer on drums, Tommy Stinson on bass, Richard Fortus and DJ Ashba on rhythm guitars.

He's just as compelling working on classical music and nimble on everything from the viola to the bass guitar.

Southern California Coastal Fishing for Calico Bass Turns Red Hot.

Tenors, baritones, basses and guests are invited to a rehearsal Oct 10 for this non-audition men's a cappella group 503-234-0294 or

ICAST 2012 – Ardent Reels Legendary bass pro Denny Brauer showed us two of Ardent's reel series.

A powerful fish-killing toxin that has caused major losses in commercial ponds of catifish, striped bass and tilapia may also have cancer-killing properties.

LYRA, the acclaimed a capella vocal ensemble of two women and three men, soprano, mezzo-soprano, two tenors and a deep bass from St Petersburg, Russia, will return to Hope for an evening of Russian music.

This time of year, Ms Rogers says, sea bass is especially popular.

The bass culling bill would allow tournament anglers to " cull " bass.

Conditions at Colorado Springs, CO. A spontaneous stint on stage, and it was a blast from the past on bass.

Oh yeah, you gotta love the funky bass slap… that's it.

Usage in scientific papers

Instantons provide an example how to generate topological x = 0 polarization (Bass, 1998).
The Spin Structure of the Proton

It is very important for strangeness and charm production (Bass et al., 1999).
The Spin Structure of the Proton

Bass et al., 1998) of the fundamental GDH sum-rule.
The Spin Structure of the Proton

These different choices of infrared cut-offs correspond to different jet definitions and different factorization schemes for photon-gluon fusion in the QCD parton model – see Bass et al. (1991); Bass et al. (1998); Mankiewicz (1991) and Manohar (1991).
The Spin Structure of the Proton

We refer to Bass (2002b) for an overview of the phenomenology.
The Spin Structure of the Proton

Usage in literature

He sometimes even added to the harmony by uttering a bass growl at the pipe. "The Lonely Island" by R.M. Ballantyne

Mr Long had a magnificent bass voice and made good use of it. "Personal Reminiscences in Book Making" by R.M. Ballantyne

Then, uttering something like a deep bass growl, he ordered the lad to follow him into his private cabin. "Philosopher Jack" by R.M. Ballantyne

It included fried bass, ham and eggs, and baked potatoes, with milk and pie for desert. "Canoe Boys and Campfires" by William Murray Graydon

You can catch a minnow with a worm, and a bass will take your minnow. "Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son" by George Horace Lorimer

Strings of immense size were used alike on Violins, Violoncellos, Tenors, and Double Basses. "The Violin" by George Hart

On the tops of these very high hills, good land, timber, some very large chestnut, hickory and bass. "The Country of the Neutrals" by James H. Coyne

His catalogues from 1564 to 1592 were printed by Nicholas Basse at Frankfort. "The Book-Hunter at Home" by P. B. M. Allan

Immediately the bass Narrator announces the approach of the awful tragedy. "The Standard Oratorios" by George P. Upton

He was ciphering in fractions at school, and what most puzzled him were the figures set to the bass. "Winning His Way" by Charles Carleton Coffin

Usage in poetry
He turnt her heid intil the north:
Quo' the nobles, "He s' droon, by the mass!"
Quo' the skipper, "Haud afif yer lady-ban's
Or ye'll never see the Bass."
Tenors and Basses:
Blessed was the food that fed Thee,
Blessed was the hand that led Thee;
Blessed was the parent's eye,
That watch'd Thy slumb'ring infancy.
Our tiny girl’s a sturdy lass;
Our boy’s shrill pipe descends to bass;
New friends appear, the old we miss;
My Love grows old … in spite of this
My love’s unchanged.
"Had not a kind cricket fluttered,
Perched upon the place
Vacant left, and duly uttered
'Love, Love, Love,' whene'er the bass Asked the treble to atone
For its somewhat sombre drone."
The liquid, dripping songs of orchard-birds--
The wee bass of the bees,--
With lucent deeps of silence afterwards;
The gay, clandestine whisperings of the breeze
And glad leaves of the trees.
When far through the cloisters the anthem was stealing,
Thy heart was ablaze with a heavenly ray--
When thy organ was softly and tenderly pealing,
Or the bass of thy bourdon was rolling away.