answer back in an impudent or insolent manner; "don't sass me!","The teacher punished the students who were sassing all morning" -
an impudent or insolent rejoinder "don't give me any of your sass"
Same as sauce. -
Vegetables, particularly those used in making sauces: as, garden sass. -
Insolence; impudence. -
To talk or reply saucily; be insolent in replying. -
To sauce; be saucy to.
sas (coll.) impudence: vegetables used in making sauces -
to be insolent in replies
Sass arrived at the finish line of the more than 1,000-mile race on Wednesday at 11:25 a.m.
And Byron Sass of Byron, N.Y.
Martin Sass 's office in Midtown is filled with figures of bulls and bears.
Schuller unseats Sass for treasurer.
A decade of real spunk and sass .
She Loves Me' full of retro sass .
SASs Goodnight Comes Out Swinging.
Sass and Dash From Ralph Lauren and Miguel Adrover.
Sorry, folks, I had a busy week last week and couldn't get to the Importometer, but we're back and ready to sass.
A decade of real spunk and sass.
Dennis Ray "Shorty" Steffens , the son of Raymond and Pearl Sass Steffen , was born June 11, 1944 in Hartley.
Sass & the City: Time to get off the ban wagon.
Above left, Fred Sass/The New York Times.
SASS & THE CITY: When samples are ample .
SASS & THE CITY: Kids, you better watch out.
Sasse reviewed the different interpretations of the Mashhoon effect, and discussed a description of fermions in a storage ring in a Serret-Frenet tetrad frame, instead of the usual Hehl-Ni frame. M.J.
Summary Talk on Cosmology and Gravitation: XXII Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields
Sasse delivered a contribution in collaboration with R.F.
Summary Talk on Cosmology and Gravitation: XXII Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields
Ebeling et al. (1998; 2000) identified the ma jority of their (e)BCS clusters from the data base produced by running the Standard Software Analysis System (SASS) on the RASS data (Voges 1992).
The Cluster Mass Function from Weak Gravitational Lensing
The SASS data have a total exposure time of 360s with the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC), this exposure time being constant across the sky.
The Cluster Mass Function from Weak Gravitational Lensing
Photon event table (PET) files were extracted in a 2◦ × 2◦ region centered on each of the SASS-based cluster candidates.
The Cluster Mass Function from Weak Gravitational Lensing
Marie Saxe, better known under her Italianized name of Marie Sasse. "Style in Singing" by
It was that of Isaac Sass. "The Frontier Fort" by
He done sassed me too much, Miss Sally. "The Pleasant Street Partnership" by
We can stand a little more of the same sort of sassing. "Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son" by
Cheek is a fine thing in its way, and on this occasion I developed enough brass to make a pan, and enough "sass" to fill it; but all in vain. "Memoirs" by
One day gran'pappy sassed Mis' Polly White an' she told him dat if he didn' 'have hese'f dat she would put him in her pocket. "Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States" by
They all shut up their sass when they spy yours truly! "The Rich Little Poor Boy" by
Annie sasses the entire factory. "Working With the Working Woman" by
The Sophomores may sneer at faculties and kings, but they wouldn't think of sassing you. "At Good Old Siwash" by
Why, I even sassed Dad! "Tabitha at Ivy Hall" by
Won't stand that, an' punished me,--
Nen when he was gone that day,
I slipped out an' runned away.
Don' gimme none o' yo' sass;
Better sing one song for de Baptis' crop,
Dey's mightily in de grass, grass,
Dey's mightily in de grass."
Afore he hed to grapple
With thet conundrum Satan rais'd
About the blam'd old apple;
He found Time sort ov smart tew pass
Afore Eve took tew apple sass.