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Fine Dictionary


Chaos in the notary's office where Abraham Hopman and Louis Samuel Loude have their will drawn up. Their wives pull their hairs out, children cry on the floor. In the background the unsuccessful attempts to fill the hot air balloon with hot air on the Overtoom in Amsterdam on 5 July 1804. On the walls there are pictures of earlier failed flights of hot air balloons. From the ceiling hangs a vessel equipped with a cannon, rudder, flags and a barometer. Hopman and Loude attempted on 5 and 6 July 1804 to make a trip in a hot air balloon called 'Lust tot Onderzoek'. Ultimately, the hot air balloon was released without passengers. See also the pendant.
Chaos in the notary's office where Abraham Hopman and Louis Samuel Loude have their will drawn up. Their wives pull their hairs out, children cry on the floor. In the background the unsuccessful attempts to fill the hot air balloon with hot air on the Overtoom in Amsterdam on 5 July 1804. On the walls there are pictures of earlier failed flights of hot air balloons. From the ceiling hangs a vessel equipped with a cannon, rudder, flags and a barometer. Hopman and Loude attempted on 5 and 6 July 1804 to make a trip in a hot air balloon called 'Lust tot Onderzoek'. Ultimately, the hot air balloon was released without passengers. See also the pendant.
  1. (n) chaos
    (physics) a dynamical system that is extremely sensitive to its initial conditions
  2. (n) Chaos
    (Greek mythology) the most ancient of gods; the personification of the infinity of space preceding creation of the universe
  3. (n) chaos
    the formless and disordered state of matter before the creation of the cosmos
  4. (n) chaos
    a state of extreme confusion and disorder
The chaos of the Brussels fair with in the foreground various music bands from the competition of 17 July 1827 returning to the places where they come from. On the right, two thieves are taken away by gendarmes on a cart. In the background a horse race on a racetrack. On the left Manneken Pis and a cart full of clowns pulled by two clowns. Below the presentation the legend 1-13 in French. Cartoon at the musical competition in Brussels, 17 July 1827.
The chaos of the Brussels fair with in the foreground various music bands from the competition of 17 July 1827 returning to the places where they come from. On the right, two thieves are taken away by gendarmes on a cart. In the background a horse race on a racetrack. On the left Manneken Pis and a cart full of clowns pulled by two clowns. Below the presentation the legend 1-13 in French. Cartoon at the musical competition in Brussels, 17 July 1827.
Chaos in the street during the unsuccessful attempts to fill the hot air balloon of Abraham Hopman and Louis Samuel Loude with hot air, on the Overtoom in Amsterdam on 5 July 1804. On the right a dog cart with nails and vitriol. Hopman and Loude attempted on 5 and 6 July 1804 to make a trip in a hot air balloon called 'Lust tot Onderzoek'. Ultimately, the hot air balloon was released without passengers. See also the pendant.
Chaos in the street during the unsuccessful attempts to fill the hot air balloon of Abraham Hopman and Louis Samuel Loude with hot air, on the Overtoom in Amsterdam on 5 July 1804. On the right a dog cart with nails and vitriol. Hopman and Loude attempted on 5 and 6 July 1804 to make a trip in a hot air balloon called 'Lust tot Onderzoek'. Ultimately, the hot air balloon was released without passengers. See also the pendant.
Litigium is removed from his mother's body (Chaos) by his father Demogorgon. Litigium floats in the air above. On the right is a goddess (Chaos?). Under a four-line verse in Italian. The scene is set in a decorative frame with caryatids.
Litigium is removed from his mother's body (Chaos) by his father Demogorgon. Litigium floats in the air above. On the right is a goddess (Chaos?). Under a four-line verse in Italian. The scene is set in a decorative frame with caryatids.
Traffic chaos outside the hotel and coffee house Old White Horse Cellar in Piccadilly.
Traffic chaos outside the hotel and coffee house Old White Horse Cellar in Piccadilly.
Theater performance on a stage in front of the Prinsenhof about the chaos of the war and the harmony and order restored by the administration of Charles V and Ferdinand. On the back wall the coats of arms of sixteen provinces of the Netherlands. Sheet no. 42 in a set of 42 plates illustrating the edition of the description of the entry of the Cardinal Infant Ferdinand of Austria into Ghent on January 28, 1635 as the new governor of the Spanish Netherlands.
Theater performance on a stage in front of the Prinsenhof about the chaos of the war and the harmony and order restored by the administration of Charles V and Ferdinand. On the back wall the coats of arms of sixteen provinces of the Netherlands. Sheet no. 42 in a set of 42 plates illustrating the edition of the description of the entry of the Cardinal Infant Ferdinand of Austria into Ghent on January 28, 1635 as the new governor of the Spanish Netherlands.
Chaos on the Neude in Utrecht on the night of 15 to 16 September 1787 when the patriot militias flee the square and the city because of the approaching Prussian troops. See the pendant.
Chaos on the Neude in Utrecht on the night of 15 to 16 September 1787 when the patriot militias flee the square and the city because of the approaching Prussian troops. See the pendant.
The four elements are created from the Chaos. In the bottom margin a four-line explanation, in two columns, in Latin.
The four elements are created from the Chaos. In the bottom margin a four-line explanation, in two columns, in Latin.
Divided the world into the Peaceful Republic on the one hand and chaos and violence on the other hand by the Church of Rome, 1614. The left half of the scene shows the Republic's land yacht / sailing ship and its allies, drawn by lions and accompanied by personifications of virtues. In the foreground Truth with the Ten Commandments and peacefully grazing sheep. In the middle the globe is divided in two, on top is a devil. On the right a world of violence where the devil and the Pope of Rome rule. In the foreground, the harlot of Babylon is carrying money and other worldly valuables to Roman pigs. On the globe a branch with severed heads. The sheet consists of two glued halves and belongs as a fold-out to a pamphlet entitled: Krachteloose Donder van den Helschen dog, from 1614. This title (with the year 1617) written in pen on a strip and pasted under the print. Cartoon of the Roman church.
Divided the world into the Peaceful Republic on the one hand and chaos and violence on the other hand by the Church of Rome, 1614. The left half of the scene shows the Republic's land yacht / sailing ship and its allies, drawn by lions and accompanied by personifications of virtues. In the foreground Truth with the Ten Commandments and peacefully grazing sheep. In the middle the globe is divided in two, on top is a devil. On the right a world of violence where the devil and the Pope of Rome rule. In the foreground, the harlot of Babylon is carrying money and other worldly valuables to Roman pigs. On the globe a branch with severed heads. The sheet consists of two glued halves and belongs as a fold-out to a pamphlet entitled: Krachteloose Donder van den Helschen dog, from 1614. This title (with the year 1617) written in pen on a strip and pasted under the print. Cartoon of the Roman church.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Chaos
    An empty, immeasurable space; a yawning chasm. "Between us and there is fixed a great chaos ."
  2. Chaos
    Any confused or disordered collection or state of things; a confused mixture; confusion; disorder.
  3. Chaos
    The confused, unorganized condition or mass of matter before the creation of distinct and orderly forms.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) chaos
    A vacant space or chasm; empty, immeasurable space.
  2. (n) chaos
    The confused or formless elementary state, not fully existing, in which the universe is supposed to have been latent before the order, uniformities, or laws of nature had been developed or created: the opposite of cosmos.
  3. (n) chaos
    A confused mixture of parts or elements; confusion; disorder.
  4. (n) chaos
    In the language of the alchemists, the atmosphere: first so used by Paracelsus. Synonyms Anarchy, Chaos. See anarchy.
  5. (n) chaos
    [capitalized] The void of unformed matter personified and deemed by some among the Greeks as the oldest of the gods.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Chaos
    kā′os shapeless mass: disorder: the state of matter before it was reduced to order by the Creator
Lord Byron
Out of chaos God made a world, and out of high passions comes a people.
Lord Byron
Paul Cezanne
We live in a rainbow of chaos.
Paul Cezanne
In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.
Carl Jung
Henry Miller
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written.
Henry Miller
George Santayana
Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds.
George Santayana
Freedom is just chaos with better lighting.
Alan Dean Foster

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. chaos, chaos (in senses 1 & 2), Gr. cha`os, fr. cha`ineinroot cha) to yawn, to gape, to open widely. Cf. Chasm

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Gr.

Usage in the news

BEIJING—Charles Chao has built Sina Corp.

Imagine the chaos this flight caused in the Big Apple when three radio controlled aircraft enthusiast sent their latest creations skyward.

All great rock albums are a delicate dance between chaos and control.

They might have been easy to miss, what with all the bulldozers and jackhammers and general chaos, but a group of more demure residents have recently put down roots in Columbus Circle.

The Iraqi National Museum, home to priceless artifacts that were plundered in the chaos after the United States-led invasion in 2003, will reopen this month, an Iraqi official said Wednesday, Reuters reported.

The game ended in chaos after a call in the end zone gave the Seahawks the winning touchdown.

Some said they thought Monday night's Packers-Seahawks game, which ended in chaos after a call in the end zone gave the Seahawks the winning touchdown instead of a Packers interception, provided the final push toward a settlement.

Chaos After a President's Shooting.

With Albany reeling from the chaos of a scandal-plagued governor and rising discontent with the current crop of politicians, New York has been hearing more from a ghost of scandals past: Eliot Spitzer.

They're streaming "Cradle Robber" from their upcoming album Chaos Of Forms on their official Facebook page.

International sanctions, the government's lack of fiscal discipline, and Iranians' memories of hardship combine for chaos.

A sultry noir in contemporary clothes, this tight new thriller from Brown plays like measured chaos.

Lords of Chaos ringleader 's bid to overturn death sentence DENIED.

Cleveland's Ringworm is taking a brief jaunt down to Texas for the annual Chaos In Tejas festival in Austin, and Kansas City is lucky enough to get one of the dates on the way.

"Chaos" rules day in Philly with scab officiating, Ravens tightrope loss.

Usage in scientific papers

In that approach the Frobenius-Perron resonances constitute a link between classical and quantum chaos [5,6].
Frobenius-Perron Resonances for Maps with a Mixed Phase Space

A well-known theme in random matrix theory (RMT), zeta functions, quantum chaos, and statistical mechanics, is the universality of scaling limits of correlation functions.
Universality and scaling of zeros on symplectic manifolds

Cebrat∗ † Colorado Center for Chaos and Complexity, CIRES, CB 216, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA 80309 ∗ Institute of Microbiology, University of Wroc law, ul.S.
Random deaths in a computational model for age-structured populations

RMT may be applied as an exact theory for correlations of eigenvalues, as discussed in the first part of this review, or it may serve as a schematic model for chaos and disorder in physical systems.
Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Symmetry in QCD

Finally, RMT encapsulates a duality between order and chaos.
Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Symmetry in QCD

Usage in literature

He was regarded as the father of Seb, the earth having been formed from space or chaos. "The Religion of Ancient Egypt" by W. M. Flinders Petrie

But slowly as these professors returned to America order came out of chaos; the Y adjusted itself and became an efficient machine. "Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight" by Mathew Joseph Holt

He will make order out of chaos. "The Traitors" by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim

A maid was there, and the furniture might have stood as a type of chaos. "The First Violin" by Jessie Fothergill

The Russian line was turned into a spluttering chaos of earth, stones, trees, and human bodies. "The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of VIII)" by Various

Two pictures stood out so sharply from the background chaos of his impressions, that he believed them to be veritable memories. "Murder Point" by Coningsby Dawson

Beyond what he could see there lay, for him, a vast emptiness, a chaos of loneliness, an eternity of shattered hopes and broken dreams. "The Country Beyond" by James Oliver Curwood

He did not ask questions as they faced the black chaos of rain. "The Valley of Silent Men" by James Oliver Curwood

A chaos of grass and weeds thrust even through the rust of the high iron fence about the place. "In a Little Town" by Rupert Hughes

All seemed a meaningless chaos and jam. "The Harbor" by Ernest Poole

Usage in poetry
Is there no God—earth, sky, and sea
Are but a chaos wild!
Is there a God—I know that he
Must hear his calling child!
God of Mercy! God of Peace!
Make the mad confusion cease;
O'er the mental chaos move,
Through it speak the light of love.
The chaos reigning in the room
He does not try to master.
His tears and headache hide in gloom
The extent of his disaster.
The fields where chaos reigned supreme
And Nature frowned aghast,
By patient-toil have fruitage borne
And blossomed fragrance cast.
When oblivion reigns supreme,
Down the endless aisles of chaos,
All things become alike gangrene,
In the land where spirit leaves us.
Oh, man, why in thy foolish heart
Should one seed grow so well,
That naught but chaos there should reign,
'Mid poison plants of hell.