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Metropolis and Our Uncanny Reality Both Crary and Burch discuss the varying degrees and progression of different cinematic techniques and their effects on entertainment itself and the viewer. The progression of monocular and... more
Finire dentro un vortice e farsene risucchiare, ci sembra una disgrazia, come inciampare su un sasso o ricevere una tegola in testa. Invece è un evento molto quotidiano, non facciamo che incontrare vortici, anche noi siamo vortici. Il... more
La struttura e la destrutturazione del tempo nel tardo capitalismo e la conseguente dimostrazione che il capitalismo è il totalitarismo della contemporaneità, partendo da due volumi di Jonathan Crary e Hartmut Rosa.
The animation’s studies are still base on dichotomies such as fact/fiction, real/fake, natural/artificial. Such dichotomies characterize the animation’s studies from the beginning, even before the emergence of the moving image. New... more
ABSTRACT: This assay aims to make a brief review of 24/7 Late capitalism and the end of sleep by Jonathan Crary considering the thesis that every time the capitalist society tries to eliminate the dream/sleep and that the only... more
On Thomas Ruff’s “Jpegs,” the internet as an archive, mass media imagery, and photography after 9/11. Other artists: Gerhard Richter, Chuck Close, Louise Lawler, Laura Poitras, Vik Muniz, Thomas Struth, Andreas Gursky, and more. Theorists... more
This essay both draws on and extends materialist efforts at rehabilitating the category of “nature” from critical disparagement and/or erasure. It does so by linking nature both to sleep and to the temporal heterogeneities that... more
The attached PDF is the author's final version. It differs from the printed version in some points such as page numbers and even some paragraphs. Please refer to the original version when you cite this. Thanks.... more
Se analiza el simbolismo de la composición de este cuadro de Seurat y el proceso gradual de añadidos de figuras, que culmina en el año 1886. Se propone una interpretación irónica y mordaz de los personajes en la última revisión del cuadro.
Historicity of Observing and Vision in Jonathan Crary, w: The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies, red. Kresimir Purgar, Palgrave Macmillan 2021.
Au croisement des Quatre-Chemins, Katinka et Clara Gensburger, qui travaille aux Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, ont identifié un certain nombre de commerçants à qui elles ont proposé un échange. Katinka leur a remis une sculpture, le... more
Nosso estudo tem como proposta analisar o informe, conceito formulado por Georges Bataille, aplicando-o nas obras Cent mille milliards de poèmes, de Raymond Queneau, Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son, de Ken Jacobs, e Patterns: Divided, Mirrored,... more
There is a relationship between modernity and boredom. People in modern society are more bored than people in previous societies. But why? Other authors have identified a number of candidates (alienation, atomization, disenchantment,... more
This paper was written for the online workshop “Connecting the Dots: Conceptualising the Trace in the Nexus of Novels and Readers’ Sensory Imaginings’, convened by Monica Class and Natasha Anderson, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz,... more
By explicitly hinting in my title at Erwin Panofsky’s essay “Perspective as symbolic form” (1991 [1927]), I try to understand in this article if it is possible to develop a discourse on the situation of contemporary visual culture that... more
A first attempt at a rational linguistic distinction of the real that separates the determination of characteristics from the absence of this determination—this being an attempt to assign the real to another space other than the reality... more
Recebido em: 11 out. 2019. Aprovado em: 26 mar. 2020. Publicado em: 2 dez. 2020. Resumen: La concepción clásica de la Bildung se construía sobre actividades culturales, sobre todo la de la lectura, que presuponían un grado alto de... more
В статье анализируется камера обскура как источник метафоры идеологии в работе Карла Маркса и Фридриха Энгельса «Немецкая идеология» (1846). Гипотеза Джонатана Крэри о том, что обращение к камере обскуре было обусловлено развитием... more
This paper argues for the legitimacy of daydreaming as an important condition of a liberatory political vision, using a Marcusean framework to supplement and extend the critique of productivism recently made by Kathi Weeks. By... more
The present paper is a result of a two-year intensive ethnography of an intercultural Japanese company. While most of the literature on the anthropology of work in Japan regarding foreign workers tend to focus mainly on two types of... more
Este texto procura refletir sobre a questão da representação nas imagens fazendo uma análise sobre a dicotomia entre arte e realidade: como uma obra de arte visual se relaciona com a realidade que ela representa? Busca-se entender quais... more
What if Carnival was born at sea to sailors and others mariners rather than on land to masters and planters, their serfs and slaves? How was Carnival reborn in the Americas in the colonial era following its development in feudal Europe?... more
Recent scholarship around the topic of 3D mainly deals with the visual developments that have occurred in the medium during the 21st century. A common perception in these strands of research is that in comparison to the production... more
RESUME : La formule « l'âge de l'enquête » est un propos zolien qui lui permet de caractériser son époque, en 1880, dans Le Roman expérimental. La formule zolienne a été tout récemment reprise dans un livre de Laurent Demanze qui... more
Postfazione alla traduzione di B. Stiegler, La società automatica 1, Milano: Meltemi, 2019.
O trabalho realiza uma breve reflexão sobre como a experiência visual, influenciada pelo racionalismo moderno, se relaciona à uma reconstrução do observador. Com base na discussão sobre o acúmulo de conhecimento sobre a visão e a... more
El propósito de este texto es examinar las implicaciones de la conjunción de los derechos a la no discriminación y a la ciudad para una idea de espacio público que refleje las características de la noche urbana. Lo anterior en el... more
This paper was presented in the session ‘ Autofiction and its Persistent Others: Gender, Sexuality and the Long HIstory of the Novel,’ which was convened by Marcie Frank at the MLA, January 2021. The paper comes from the book I am... more
A partir da análise interpretativa das obras Um dia na vida de um consumidor (1993), Eu pensei que estava vendo condenados (2000), Olho/Máquina (2000-2003) e Os criadores dos impérios das compras (2001), de Harun Farocki, este texto busca... more
In the wake of the events of September 11, 2001, the RETORT Collective published a collection of essays that revisited Debord to analyze the annihilation of bodies as a spectacular repetition of the society of spectacle's logic. Some 20... more
Breve ensaio que parte da leitura do livro 24/7 de Jonathan Crary... Questiona-se a principal função do ecrã na actualidade: a vigilância das massas para a imposição de um sistema contínuo de produção-consumo... Talvez um tema recorrente... more
En 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep (2013), el crítico de arte y profesor de la U. de Columbia, Jonathan Crary, describió con provocadora lucidez las trayectorias del que, por entonces, podía considerarse el obsesivo blanco de... more
In our 24/7 society (Crary 2014) with cities and economies that never sleep, resting and sleeping have become endangered goods. Moreover, the all-encompassing tendency towards commodification and performance leads to the consideration of... more