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Deutung und Bewertung des Rilkeschen Lebenswerkes, insbesondere seiner »Duineser Elegien«, sind nach wie vor durch eine erstaunliche Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Dies erklärt sich wohl vor allem aus der weitgehenden Vernachlässigung... more
Between the gangsters, the beautiful girls, the vibrant nightlife and the gigantic scale of the city itself, full of its diverse millions and their struggles, the lurid and colorful world of Bangkok's notorious nightlife is brought to... more
Both in literature and art, exponents of modernism sought new forms of expression that took into account changes in the social, economic, technical and political conditions of the time. A similar trend towards questioning outmoded forms... more
Bangkok Noir/Southeast Asia Noir is fertile and deep and provides a rich almost infinite source of materials, ideas, stories and visual images for all sorts of writers, musicians, film-makers and artists.
Metropolis and Our Uncanny Reality Both Crary and Burch discuss the varying degrees and progression of different cinematic techniques and their effects on entertainment itself and the viewer. The progression of monocular and... more
In this paper I tried to show that Franz Jungs novel "Gequaeltes Volk. Ein oberschlesischer Industrieroman" (roughly translated as "Tormented people. An industrial novel based in Upper Silesia") is an expressionistic piece of work which... more
This Hebrew essay illuminates central issues in two seminal texts written at the beginning of the twentieth century by the German Jewish poet Else Lasker-Schüler. Published as an afterword to the Hebrew edition of two short stories by... more
Abstract: The Cinema has undergone a transformation in recent years, and the societal thirst for horror begs an important question: why do so many of us enjoy being horrified, disturbed, or afraid? The virtual world of cinema's... more
The study of creation deals with the ways that lead to form. It is the study of form, but emphasises the paths to form rather than the form itself. The word Gestaltung suggests as much.
Аннотация: Георг Гейм-поэт, стоявший у истоков экспрессионистской лирики и заложивший основы поэтики этого направления. Его творчество, однако, является малоисследованным в российском научном пространстве. Одной из основных особенностей... more
This study has concentrated on women that have played a significant role in the advocacy of Modern German Art pertinent to the collection accommodated in Leicester. The scarcity of opportunity for women to advance within a creative and... more
With Bernhard Fulda. Overview of research on various aspects relating to the exhibition on Emil Nolde during the Nazi Period at Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, April - September 2019, curated by Bernhard Fulda, Christian Ring, Aya Soika
KOLONIALES ERBE IM KUNSTMUSEUM EIN STUDIENTAG ANLÄSSLICH DER AUSTELLUNGEN "WHOSE EXPRESSION?" UND "TRANSITION EXHIBITION" Die Forderung nach Dekolonisierung der Museen und kritischer Aufarbeitung kolonialer Wissensbestände stellt... more
Charlotte Salomon was a painter belonging to the current of German Expressionism. Being a Jewish in the city of Berlin during 1930s, she was forced to move to the south of France to escape Nazism. There, by connecting her personal moving... more
The mark of a major artist is the contribution, legacy and influence of his or her’s oeuvre on a time and place, which lives on after the artist has departed. For the German Expressionists, in particular, the Blaue Reiter group, the major... more
The article’s point of departure is an exhibition from 1955, popularly known as the ‘Arsenal’, which holds an important place in Polish art historiography. The showing was a forum where discussions reflecting the then current cultural... more
In Yiddish Writers in Weimar Berlin, Marc Caplan explores the reciprocal encounter between Eastern European Jews and German culture in the days following World War I. By concentrating primarily on a small group of avant-garde Yiddish... more
Scelte, "tagli" e motivi della mostra «Paul Klee. Alle origini dell'arte», Milano, MUDEC 30.10.2018|3.3.2019
En comparant l’approche particulière du nu par les peintres de Die Brücke avec celle de Matisse, Derain et Van Dongen, ce texte propose une variation dans l’appréciation du lien entre l'homme et la nature traité de manière spécifique par... more
En el presente escrito se analiza la ambigüedad que presenta el expresionismo como movimiento de vanguardia y los conflictos estilísticos de cine expresionista alemán, dando cuenta de la potente influencia que tiene el romanticismo alemán... more
Une histoire globale des avant-gardes picturales se doit d’expliquer pourquoi celles-ci apparurent en certains endroits et pas en d’autres, comment elles circulaient entre les pays et les capitales, ce qui les portait et si elles... more
A discussion of the rise of German Expressionist films and the cioncurrent use of Expressionist film posters during the WWeimar period.
Ces notes sur Nosferatu le vampire (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau 1922) ne mettent l’accent que sur des questions de technique cinématographique, de narratologie et de scénographie. Pour les questions... more
Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll (Ed.) Botanical Drift Protagonists of the Invasive Herbarium Contributions by David Edward Allen & Maria Buzhor, Rebecca Anderson, Bergit Arends & Sunoj D, Connie Butler & Hazel Dowling, Caroline Cornish &... more
Abstract: The Cinema has undergone a transformation in recent years, and the societal thirst for horror begs an important question: why do so many of us enjoy being horrified, disturbed, or afraid? The virtual world of cinema's concept... more