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In English see here: Zárkózott, fojtott, szenvedélyes embernek írják le az emlékezők. Némelyek szerint folyton Monopol gyúrógumit,... more
This chapter is an introduction to the Art section of the book "Bob Dylan and the Arts".
Review of Bram Dijkstra and Ariel Plotek, eds., Charles Reiffel: An American Post-Impressionist (San Diego: San Diego Museum of art, 2012).
La produzione di Gauguin del 1890, stretta tra i capolavori bretoni come Il Cristo giallo, Visione dopo il sermone, Ondina e La bella Angèle (dell'anno prima) e la svolta tahitiana del 1891, ha ricevuto scarsa attenzione da parte della... more
Pioneers of the Global Art Market: Paris-Based Dealer Networks, 1850-1950: Ed. Christel H. Force, 2020. London : Bloomsbury, 288pp., 16 colour & 56 b/w illustrations. Hardback £90, Paperback £24.99, eBook and/or EPUB £81. ISBN... more
Dalla mostra, organizzata dal Centro Studi “L.A.Muratori” di Modena presso Fierarte 2002, con opere di collezioni private, emerge la straordinaria versatilità di Giuseppe Graziosi che, uscito dall’Istituto d’Arte modenese, dal 1898 si... more
A Brief Insight on Post-Impressionism Culture and Its Correspondence to Freud
A short summary of “We Field-Women” from T.J. Clark's "Farewell to an Idea: Episodes from a History of Modernism"
Questo lavoro nasce dalla volontà di ripercorrere, in poche pagine, la vita dell'artista olandese attraverso una selezione di opere meno conosciute. Quando Van Gogh decise che sarebbe diventato artista, nessuno, e tanto meno lui stesso,... more
Une histoire globale des avant-gardes picturales se doit d’expliquer pourquoi celles-ci apparurent en certains endroits et pas en d’autres, comment elles circulaient entre les pays et les capitales, ce qui les portait et si elles... more
In his latest book, Miguel Orozco has unearthed hundreds paintings of Jacques Villon, one of the 'forgotten' masters of the twentieth century. After completing two volumes on the graphic work of the cubist-impressionist painter, the... more
[TR] Gerçekliği insan gözünden bağımsız bir şekilde aktarma isteği Camera Obscura'dan hareketle fotoğraflama tekniklerinde birçok gelişime neden olmuş, görüntü-lerin kısa bir zaman diliminde yüzeye aktarımıyla göz ardı edilen gerçekler... more
In Pursuit of Universalism is the first comprehensive, English-language study of early twentieth-century Japanese modern art. In this groundbreaking work, which is also the inaugural recipient of the Phillips Book Prize (awarded by the... more
Charles Lucien Moulin, l'artista eremita che abbandona i potenziali fasti dell'Accademia per isolarsi in Molise e vivere per l'arte (e non di arte), alla luce di una nuova analisi che intende mettere al centro della discussione le scelte... more
These pages analyze Norman Raeben's figure and theories and discuss his influence on his former student Bob Dylan
Análise e Reflexão sobre a obra "Campo de Trigo com Corvos" de Vincent Van Gogh, inserida na fase final de vida do artista. Trabalho desenvolvido durante o 1º Ano (e posteriormente editado/melhorado) no curso de Arte Multimédia da... more
“The image created is that of an altarpiece in which Madame Roulin takes on the role of the Virgin Mary as Stella Maris and in which the sunflowers can be associated with Christ.” – Dr. Evert van Uitert, 1980. “His Berceuse culminated... more
La storia - l’Illuminismo (1750-1850) I motivi della rottura con l’arte tradizionale • A partire dalla metà del XVIII secolo si forma una filosofia dell’arte estetica. È allora che si produce una profonda rottura nella tradizione... more
The conceptualised period of 'Modernism' and its impression within the Art-world, is understood to be typified by the rejection of tradition (English and Quin 2009). This concept of 'stepping outside' of traditional style, pre-established... more
Interview with Michael C. FitzGerald, author of one of the most relevant books on the creation of the art market for twentieth-century art by Picasso and Matisse: “The transformation from the established model of the Academy to an... more
An examination of a painting cycle that Vincent Van Gogh executed in anticipation of Paul Gauguin's arrival at the "Studio of the South" in Arles in 1888. The essay discusses the larger context of the work's literary references and... more
“The patron of painters — St Luke — physician, painter, evangelist — having for his symbol — alas — nothing but the ox — is there to give us hope.” — Vincent van Gogh Rembrandt’s depictions of a Slaughtered Ox include one version in... more
В статье рассмотрены взаимоотношения импрессионизма, пост-импрессионизма, контемпорари и традиционной китайской живописи. На примере творчества художников ХХ–ХХI вв. Сунь Юньтая, Пань Юйлян и Вэй Дуна автор прослеживает историю восприятия... more
Thesis about Van Gogh and his connection with Japanese art prints (Van Gogh and Japonisme)
These are the table of contents and the introduction of the PhD thesis that I defended in may 29, 2015. The thesis focuses on the fortune of interior scenes in the 19th century French visual culture. Popular images of the July Monarchy... more
This essay examines the critical and artistic responses to the death of Georges Seurat in 1891. While some at the time saw the avant-garde divided between scientifically-oriented Neo-Impressionism and mystical Symbolism, the posthumous... more
{Nicole Fan, University College London} Virginia Woolf once asserted that the ‘arts of painting and writing lay close together’, and her commitment to this creative ethos is indeed evident in her visually evocative texts (Roger Fry 239).... more
Monograph on Baron Mednyánszky, a socially sensitive homosexual artist, the most famous painter of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, who went to the front lines of World War I as a war correspondent/Kriegsmaler. (with a final chapter in... more
Nuova versione, integrale e gratuita, del saggio pubblicato nel 2011 sull'influsso dei principi estetici della corrente pittorica post-impressionista francese sull'elaborazione del romanzo novecentesco modernista in Inghilterra, a partire... more
Klasik sanatın öğretilerinden ve kuralcılığından uzaklaşılmasına şahit olduğumuz 20. yüzyıl akımlarının ve sanata bakış açısının nasıl değiştiğini inceleyen bir araştırma.
One of the latest disciples of José Malhoa, Maria de Lourdes de Mello e Castro (1903-1996) was undoubtedly part of the late-naturalist movement, one of the most original artists of the twentieth century. In addition to the interest that... more
Il saggio - attraverso l'analisi e l'incrocio delle fonti, anche inedite - ricostruisce la storia e la fisionomia della sezione francese della prima mostra della Secessione romana del 1913, al fine di riflettere su alcuni aspetti della... more
Literature on neo-impressionism has focused historically on how advances in scientific color theory affected aesthetic principles of painting and contributed to the characteristic of divisionism in neo-impressionist painting. This paper... more
Ze „Wstępu”: Próba przedstawienia Wielkiej Awangardy jako artystycznej rebelii przeciwko zjawisku masowości nie jest zadaniem łatwym, przede wszystkim ze względu na złożoność znaczeniową pojęć niezbędnych do jej analizy. Istnieje wiele... more
L'aspetto del colore, come forza dirompente all'interno della tela, attraverso confronti, opere, riflessioni personali su artisti e tecniche artistiche dalla seconda metà dell'800 alla prima metà del '900.
« Henry van de Velde et les arts appliqués, archéologie d’une conversion», in Henry van de Velde, dessins et pastels (1884 – 1904), Bruxelles, musée Horta, du 12 octobre 2017 au 7 janvier 2018, pp. 39 – 55. This article will focus... more