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This paper analyzes the prehistory of the War on Terror to explore how the meanings counterterrorists attributed to “terrorism” in the 1990s. A Tom Clancy novel, Rainbow Six, read in the context American cultural shifts in the 1990s... more
An account of the negative aliens' relatively recent agendas with respect to, once again, resorting to bio-viral weaponization and bio-warfare using a viral agent such as the so-called coronavirus as to try to depopulate Earth with the... more
This narrative describes the deeper root of bio-viral weaponization and consciousness warfare in distant human history with the negative aliens. It is explicated that this form of nefarious strive to create genetic mutation and... more
Comments on a 2017 paper by Matt Visser relevant to the achievement of low power warp drive and time travel.
The agenda topics before the General Assembly First Committee are: (I) Cyber Security and Protecting against Cyber Warfare; (II) The Threat of Transnational Organized Crime to International Security; and (III) Efforts to Control Weapons... more
This forthcoming (rewritten) paper argues for the significance of swearing as a different type of language (a "proto-language") - one that serves to project and express unbearable, pre-verbal frustration, fear and feelings about Life's... more
The paper maps the status of uranium in India and the legal and regulatory mechanisms to govern uranium in the country. This research analyses the Indian nuclear industry’s demand for natural uranium, its sources of supply and the legal... more
The 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States yielded no evidence to Saddam's possession of weapons of mass destruction. This paper aims to analyze the intelligence utilized by the U.S. Bush Administration to justify the invasion of... more
There is almost no international scientific, expert, political or economical meeting in which new threats of world and national security are not discussed. For all that, the threat posed by terrorism is of special concern and receives... more
Во академските кругови се повеќе се говори за “постомдерен тероризам” или “супер тероризам”, зад кој псевдоним се крие стравот од употребата на оружја за масовно уништување, како што се биолошкото, хемиското и нуклеарното. Покрај нивната... more
The ‘revolution’ in synthetic biology has generated widespread concern among security experts. While both bioweapons and genome editing are by no means new, significant developments in biotechnology over the last two decades have made... more
Ανέκαθεν ο όρος «όπλα μαζικής καταστροφής» αναφερόταν μόνο στα πυρηνικά όπλα, τα οποία όταν εκρήγνυνται εκλύουν ένα εκατομμύριο φορές περισσότερη ενέργεια από συμβατικές εκρηκτικές ύλες του ίδιου βάρους. Εμπρηστικά όπλα, παραδείγματος... more
On the heels of a National Academy of Sciences report critical of the FBI's investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks that claimed five lives, prominent anthrax researchers are preparing to publicly slam, the evidence the bureau replied... more
A 20. század utolsó harmadától felgyorsult globalizáció számos olyan biztonsági problémával és kihívással szembesítette a nemzetközi közösség tagjait, amelyek kezelése – nagyságrendjük, kiterjedtségük vagy komplexitásuk miatt – meghaladja... more
Work in progress explaining the flight of the Tic Tac UFO Close Encounter with US Navy Nimitz Battle Group off the coast of San Diego for two weeks in November of 2004. The apparent accelerations of ~ 6,000g and shape shifting are smoking... more
Abstrakt We współczesnym świecie zagrożenia asymetryczne odgrywają rosnącą rolę w konfliktach zbrojnych. Prowadzi to do zacierania się granic między wojna i nie-wojną, a także żołnierzami i nie-żołnierzami, bronią i narzędziami... more
In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States and the subsequent war against the Taleban and al-Qaeda in Afganistan, United States leaders turned their attention toward Iraq, specifically its... more
The Syrian government has made extensive use of improvised munitions delivering a chemical payload over the course of the civil war, with incidents involving re-purposed toxic industrial chemicals (TIC) substantially outnumbering those... more
MUST REVIEW! This Remonstrance/Brief is prepared as a Redress of Grievance, Affirmative Claims for Damages and Relief by and through Compensable Remedy, for Financial Crimes Against Humanity. It is with a certain sense of historical... more
Cyber Warfare can escalate to nuclear warfare. While this idea insults our sensibilities to a degree, the concept must be examined and argued. The Trump Presidency has upped the Cyber Warfare offensive response to the Cyber bad guys.... more
For the vast majority of Americans, a foreign war is something very far away that can be enjoyed in the living room in front of the television while eating junk food and/or having a beer or two. Now, in 2022, the US is provoking a war... more
Evolutionary history of Kali Yuga where "materialism" hits its wall in physics, economics, weaponry, global-interconnectedness, linguistic-autism and image-manipulations/fake news, youthful murder and suicides, Freud et als ruling... more
An overview of how viruses-retroviruses could be utilized as to instigate viral bio-weaponization and bio-warfare (much like other pathogens as bacteria, fungi, etc.), as well as a highlight of the history of how this has occurred in the... more
Dystopian movies are often the product of both creativity and analytics. As a result, they offer thought provoking reflections on how the world might turn into a place of desolation and misfortune if we do not recognize and intervene on... more
Policymakers must now assume that Iran has the enriched uranium it needs to build a nuclear weapon. Containment is a failure as Iran’s breakout time is now essentially at zero. [Additional background for non-scientists is appended].... more
DISCOUNT CODE: PROMO25 (for purchase of hard copy book at Cambridge Scholars Publishing website; EBOOK:... more
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD), nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, are commonly detected by monitoring an array of activities common to their development and testing. Lack of access to weapons production facilities, which in... more
The government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK, also commonly known as North Korea) is a strict and isolationist dictatorship ruled by Kim Jong-un (1984-2013). Despite decades of international diplomatic efforts,... more
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Technologies Underlying
Weapons of Mass Destruction, OTA-BP-ISC-115 (Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office, December 1993).
Stopping Power adalah besarnya sejumlah energi yang hilang oleh partikel dalam bahan tertentu karena terjadi penyerapan partikel bermuatan oleh bahan per satuan panjang. Contohnya : Saat pancaran sinar alfa dihalangi oleh Timbal, maka... more
An overview of what constitutes or signifies a "virus" has been presented. It is explicated that viruses are NOT solar organic living organisms, as inconsistent with what epitomizes a living organic organism, they are: (1) void of a... more
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) recently confirmed that laboratory tests of samples taken following Daesh attacks on Kurdish forces southwest of Erbil in August 2015 tested positive for sulphur mustard.... more
While CRISPR-Cas genome editing technology has been heralded as a great ad- vancement for science, human health, bioengineering and medicine, there is a potential dark side of CRISPR genome editing that may be a greater danger to humanity... more
Theoretical physicist Jack Sarfatti argued that the technology behind the Tic Tac UFO (2004 incident off the USS Nimitz) is not mysterious at all- it folds space into a warp drive in such a way as to get to where and when it desires with... more