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Recent studies have shown how cycles of illumination provide a "reading" or interpretation of the text; the present piece sets forth the hypothesis that the planner of Ars. 5218 (probably Pieratt dou Tielt) "read" the Queste del saint... more
El principal objetivo del presente trabajo será proporcionar al traductor una herramienta que le ayude a cubrir sus necesidades terminológicas cuando tenga que hacer frente a una traducción técnica, en particular, de fichas técnicas de... more
This paper proposes an accessible measure of the relevance of additional terms to a given query, describes and comments on the steps leading to its development, and discusses its utility. The measure, termed relative query term relevance... more
CoCELD has been compiled by Paula Rodríguez-Puente and David Hernández-Coalla at the University of Oviedo. It contains over 700,000 words of judicial decisions issued in the UK between 1950 and 2021. The corpus is presented in two... more
Este estudio investiga la producción a través del role-play de tres actos de habla en español por parte de tres grupos diferentes de hablantes: nativos de español, nativos de inglés con un nivel avanzado de español, y nativos de inglés... more
The objective of this article is to present a pragmatic model for text classification that can represent the different communicative situations, and consequently, the different levels of text specialization. The main purpose of the model... more
This study aims at analysing the differences between two lexicological databases for English language, the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and the British National Corpus (BNC). Taking as a starting point the lexemes LEARN... more
Is the British press prejudiced against Muslims? In what ways can prejudice be explicit or subtle? This book uses a detailed analysis of over 140 million words of newspaper articles on Muslims and Islam, combining corpus linguistics and... more
This paper describes the compilation of a social media corpus with Facebook posts and WhatsApp chats. Authentic messages were voluntarily donated by Dutch youths between 12 and 23 years old. Social media nowadays constitute a fundamental... more
This LIA International Conference and Cultural Events 2015 proceeding elaborates how a freeware concordancer named AntConc facilitates teaching and learning of grammar to 21st century learners and it suggests some activities to encourage... more
The aim of this paper is first to present some theoretical guidelines on the design and compilation of a specialized corpus in compliance with Corpus Linguistics standards; second, to provide a comprehensive description of the stages... more
[Download full paper here:] This paper examines the discursive construction of refugees and asylum seekers (and to a lesser extent immigrants and migrants) in a 140-million-word corpus of UK... more
This methodological paper describes and critically examines the major stages of building a spoken language corpus by reporting on the process of compiling the London-Lund Corpus 2 (LLC 2) of spoken British English. LLC 2 is of the same... more
While demands for corpora from media which mix visual and linguistic elements have increased in recent years with developments in corpus-based linguistics research, the actual creation and design of such corpora present many unique... more
This chapter aims at showing that: 1) a coding system such as the schwa coding in the Phonologie du Français Contemporain project can be a useful procedure to exploit an L2 phonological corpus for research-oriented purposes; 2) such a... more
This paper presents the current status of the proje ct Reference Corpus of Late Middle English Scientific Prose, which pursues the digital editing of hitherto unedited scientific, particularly medical, manuscri pts in late Middle English,... more
From the editors' introduction: "The Late Modern English period is taken care of, as it were, by Stefan Dollinger and his article on problems involved in the compilation of a historical corpus. Based on his experience in transcribing... more
The tools of corpus linguistics have become indispensable for research in descriptive translation studies (DTS), which aims to describe the characteristics of the translation process, and translational texts. Machine-readable corpora of... more
Dada la carencia de recursos terminológicos para la traducción en el ámbito técnico, se presenta una metodología de explotación de corpus para la traducción inversa (español-inglés) que se aplica a las fichas técnicas de impresoras 3D.... more
Résumé (fra) Les méthodes de traitement automatique de corpus se sont jusqu’à présent plus intéressées aux corpus multilingues (textes de différentes langues portant sur un même thème) qu’aux corpus plurilingues (corpus présentant une... more
ce cours se vocalise sur :
- la structure d'un commpilateur.
- Analyse Lexicale
-Analyse Syntaxique
-Analyse Sémantique
The paper presents parallel corpora within the Russian National Corpus (RNC) featuring Circum-Baltic/Russian language pairs and describes the choice of texts, morphological annotation and possible applications. The following languages of... more
An important source of evidence for a terminologist comes from the different types of texts produced within a community of discourse or “epistemological community” (Alcaraz, 2000). Thus, the articles of specialised or professional... more
This paper uses methods from corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis in order to examine patterns of representation around the word Muslim in a 143 million word corpus of British newspaper articles published between 1998 and... more
Historical corpora offer many potentialities for linguistic research. Thus, the present article provides an overview of the major English historical corpora compiled or being compiled both in Spain and abroad. They include different types... more
Resumo O presente trabalho visa descrever a construção de corpus em uma área específica: a Teologia, de acordo com os postulados da Linguística de Corpus. Trata-se de um corpus piloto que não tem a pretensão de ser exaustivo, mas ser... more
Perspectives on Corpus Linguistics is a collection of interviews with fourteen well-known researchers in the field of linguistics. Each interview consists of a set of ten questions: the first seven are common to all contributors while the... more
"In the Wake of the Compendia" presents papers that examine the history of technical compendia as they moved between institutions and societies in ancient and medieval Mesopotamia. This volume offers new perspectives on the development... more
This chapter presents a provably correct compilation scheme that converts a program into a network of abstract components that interact with each other by exchanging request and acknowledgement signals. We provide a systematic and... more
The design of an oral corpus and the processes of registering, codifying and treating the materials in order to build a useful resource for linguistic analysis prompt numerous decisions regarding theory and methodology. This article is... more