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e-Governance and Web based online commercial multilingual applications has given utmost importance to the task of translation and transliteration. The Named Entities and Technical Terms occur in the source language of translation are... more
This paper presents a comprehensive phonetic and phonological description of Northern Sangtam, an essentially undescribed Tibeto-Burman language of central Nagaland belonging to the Aoic subgroup. It is a noteworthy language from a number... more
La Fonética contrastiva, como parte de la Lingüística contrastiva, tiene por objetivo la comparación de los sistemas de la lengua materna del alumno (L1) y de la lengua meta (L2/LE), en este caso, en el ámbito fonético y fonológico. Dicha... more
[GL] A Gramática práctica da lingua galega é unha guía de contidos lingüísticos concibida para favorecer a comunicación e a identidade cultural dos falantes do noso idioma e destinada a todas aquelas persoas que deexen ampliar o seu... more
Over the years, research in ethno-linguistics contributed to gather corpora in a wide range of languages, cultures and topics. In the present work, we are investigating ritual speech in Yucatec Maya. The ritual discourse tends to have a... more
The role of morphology in reading aloud was examined measuring naming latencies to pseudowords and words composed of morphemes (roots and derivational suffixes) and corresponding simple pseudowords and words. Three groups of Italian... more
Attention! The related software (PANM script) can be downloaded from here: Background: This study aimed to introduce a low-cost... more
In this study, it was postulated that typically developing (i.e., normally developing without incidence of a speech or language delay or disorder) Spanish/Englishspeaking children ages 4 to 5 years old would show different articulation... more
Time Limit: 1 second In the Marvelous Mountain, there are N attractions. Each attraction is labeled from 1 to N. There are M one-way cable car lines to connect pairs of attractions. The length of a cable car line is a positive integer. As... more
A case study with a 12-year-old boy, R.F., who was a monolingual speaker of Greek is reported. R.F. showed slow word reading and a difficulty in spelling irregular words but not nonwords. Assessments revealed that R.F. did not appear to... more
Disponível em: ... Redalyc Sistema de Informação Científica Rede de Revistas Científicas da América Latina o Caribe, a Espanha e Portugal ... Nogueira Gregio, Fabiana;... more
Biological and cultural factors have been found to have a significant influence on cognitive development and performance in neuropsychological instruments such as verbal fluency tasks (VFT). Variations of traditional VFT, involving... more
Achieving progress in understanding the cause, nature, and treatment of autism requires an integration of concepts, approaches, and empirical findings from genetic, cognitive neuroscience, animal, and clinical studies. The need for such... more
This study investigated the effect of multilingual linguistic experience on the perception of Japanese durational contrast by learners of Japanese as a foreign language at the basic level. Five monolingual and five multilingual learners... more
Italian roots in Australian soil: coronal obstruents in native dialect speech of Italian-Australians from two areas of Veneto. We will discuss the maintenance of the heritage dialect coronal fricatives in the speech of Italian-Australian... more
Young children with Pierre Robin sequence are at considerable risk to develop delayed or disordered communication development. This study investigated the effectiveness of early communication intervention with four young children with... more
This study tested the relationship between prelinguistic vocalization and expressive vocabulary 1 year later in young children with mild to moderate developmental delays. Three vocalization variables were tested: rate of all vocalization,... more
Reading involves phonologic decoding, in which readers ``sound out'' a word; orthographic decoding, in which readers recognize a word visually, as in ``sight reading''; and comprehension. Because reading can involve... more