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Theoretical and methodological aspects of spoken word order are considered, using Russian data as a basis for discussion. A number of major theoretical and empirical issues are addressed in detail, including the units within which the... more
This paper investigates the position of the language of conference interpreters along the written-oral cline. The use of demonstratives in a corpus comprising transcriptions of interpretation exams shows how students tend to overexploit... more
This paper explores the role of gaze in coordinating turn-taking in mixed-initiative conversation and specifically how gaze indicators might be usefully modeled in computational dialogue systems. We analyzed about 20 minutes of videotape... more
В документе описываются содержательные и технические принципы выполнения вокальной (вербально-просодической) разметки в рамках аннотации мультиканального корпуса «Рассказы и разговоры о грушах». Описана последовательность этапов разметки,... more
The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio-visual studio at the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The article begins by recalling the establishment of the corpus in 1997... more
La variabilità linguistica è un tema centrale della riflessione linguistica, che ha trovato spazio in una disciplina denominata sociolinguistica. Che cosa vuol dire che una lingua varia? Quali sono i parametri di variazione? Perché le... more
In Hughes, R. (ed.)  Spoken English, applied linguistics, and TESOL:  Challenges for theory and practice, pp. 245-270.  Palgrave Macmillan.  (2nd edition, 2008)
The volume Urban Voices presents studies, which analyse how speakers of Russian convey social meanings across a variety of speech situations. Rooted in different methodological frameworks including quantitative and qualitative approaches,... more
[PT] A partir de uma concepção modular da língua, proponho a discursivização, a semanticização e a gramaticalização como processos constitutivos da língua falada. Detendo-me na gramaticalização, examino o comportamento do item mas nos... more
Доклад, представленный онлайн на конференции «Слово и жест» памяти Е. А. Гришиной. Москва, Институт русского языка, 8 февраля 2022 г.
This book was published in 1992 and presents an intonational and syntactic corpus based analysis of Italian spontaneous speech belonging to different registers.
This paper deals with space deixis in the Baltic languages – Lithuanian and Latvian. The aim of this study is to overview the whole system of spatial deixis in spoken Lithuanian and in spoken Latvian: to present the existing researches on... more
Öncelikle, bu araştırmamızın çağdaş Türkiye Türkçesinin ve Paris çevresinde konuşulan Fransızcanın standart sözlü dil yapılarını konu aldığını belirtmekle başlayalım. Fransız dilinin sözdizimi « ÖYN » 1 iken, Türkçenin sözdiziminin «... more
Dans les deux types d'interview analyses dans cet articles, l'interview du personnage culturel et l'interview du personnage politique, il s'agit de deux approches opposées, l'une valorisante et l'autre critique, les deux disposant de... more
How grammar emerges is one of the most fascinating questions that linguistics faces. How grammar emerges from usage, and in particular from spontaneous speech, is not just fascinating but also challenging. Not only because of the inherent... more
EN The paper focuses on analyzing the quality of Czech monophthongs. The data for the analysis is mostly taken from the database NAKI (audio recordings of Czechoslovak and later Czech radio news). The probe analyzes and compares two... more
This is the first chapter of a book published on 2017, which explores the intertwining relationships between spoken communication, the verbal systems and their grammar.
Media language on public radio and television functions as a reference point for the rest of the society and is therefore widely debated. As Tracey (1998) and Bell & Garett (1998) argued, the policy of public broadcasting services has... more
Teaching intonation and the correct and effective manner of using intonation to communicate is a skill which is necessary for all ESL /EFL learners.
В главе рассматриваются явления, отклоняющиеся от преобладающего в устном дискурсе стандарта вида «одна элементарная дискурсивная единица = одна клауза» в сторону большей синтаксической сложности. Отдельные разделы посвящены конструкциям... more
Tampere kieliyhteisön käsittelee Tampereen monikielisyyttä ennen ja nyt. Vaikka Tamperetta on usein pidetty varsin suomenkielisenä kaupunkina, Hämeen sydämessä on vuosien saatossa puhuttu myös muita kieliä. Tamperelaisen kieliyhteisön... more
Диссертационное исследование посвящено анализу того, как в устной речи реализуются сложные синтаксические структуры, привычные лингвистам по изучению нормативного письменного языка, прежде всего — сложноподчиненные конструкции. В центре... more
... I had no specific theme in my mind. Thus, with an open-ended theme of ‘crossover’, ‘translation’ and ‘institutions’, I started contacting prospective contributors. The collection of essays, poetry and book reviews that were finally... more
The paper focuses on the issue of spoken language and colloquialness present in Slovak linguistics for half a century. The first attempts to differentiate these two highly synonymous terms occurred in the Slovak linguistics around the... more
Multimodality is the natural condition of human communication, thanks to which the human beings build social meaningful messages. The use of a unique channel and code seems to be an exception rather than the norm in human communication.... more
Das Schreckbild vom passiven Zuschauer, der hilflos am Tropf der Fernsehberieselung hängt und kommunikativ verkümmert, ist weit verbreitet. Was wirklich vor dem Fernseher passiert, vor allem wie, worüber und wozu Zuschauer bei der... more
La communication orale a longtemps été négligée dans la didactique du français. Aux cours des dernières années, la didactique de l'oral J s'est beaucoup développée (Plessis-Bélair, Lafontaine et Bergeron, 2007). D'importantes avancées ont... more
Despite the increasing interest in textual structure and the specific use of linguistic means in narratives, the concept of Narration has so far not been an issue of theoretical concern within linguistics and has been rather used than... more