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Les recueils de « rencontres », « reparties » et « apophtegmes » du roi de France Henri IV compilés entre les années 1580 et 1660 témoignent de la réputation de rex facetus attachée au premier Bourbon. Cette communication entend replacer... more
Background & objectives: India witnessed a massive second surge of COVID-19 cases since March 2021 after a period of decline from September 2020. Data collected under the National Clinical Registry for COVID-19 (NCRC) were analysed to... more
Analytic expressions fitted to cross section data on collisions of H+, H+2, H3+, H, H2, and H− with H2 are given. The data used are those recommended by Phelps [J. Chem. Phys. Ref. Data 19, 653 (1990)] and additional experimental data,... more
Compiler compilers are in widespread use, but decompiler compilers are a more novel concept. This paper presents an approach for the decompilation of object code back to source code using a decompiler generator. An example decompilation... more
A compilation of 10 tall building in the Philippines as of 2014. Not necessarily in order.
ÖZET Klâsik Türk edebiyatı sahasındaki araştırmaların 2000'li yılların başından itibaren muhteva bakımından çeşitlenmeye başlamasından sonra, bu edebiyatın önemli bir parçasını teşkil ettiği hâlde uzun bir dönem hak ettiği değeri görmeyen... more
Ülkemiz coğrafyasında özellikle kent yaşantısının ve sosyal hakların henüz etkisini göstermediği kadının sosyo-ekonomik özgürlüklere ve özerkliklere tam anlamıyla ulaşamadığı bölgelerde bir yanda erkek egemen ataerkil yapının hakimiyeti... more
Sözlü gelenek içerisinde doğarak zamanla yazılı kültür içerisinde de kendine yer bulan fıkra türü, güldürürken düşündürmesi, kısa ancak yoğun mesajlar içermesi, sosyal ve kültürel yapıyı yansıtması, evrensel nitelikler barındırması gibi... more
Top-down (LL) context-sensitive parsers with integrated synthesis and use of attributes are easy to expressin functional programming languages, but the elegant functional programming model can also serve as an exact prototype for a more... more
The article focuses on the patterns of thinking about The Przemyśl Meditation, repeated in far-reaching scientific and popular-science compendia. In the canonical image of The Przemyśl Meditation, there is a popular belief that it is a... more
Çalışma TRT THM sözlü repertuarında kayıtlı Afyonkarahisar-Dinar türkülerinin notasyonunda tespit edilen problemleri ortaya koymak ve bu problemlere çözüm önerileri sunmak amacı ile hazırlanmıştır. Doküman analizi niteliği taşıyan... more
ProCoS aims to improve dependability, reduce timescales and cut development costs of construction for embedded systems, particularly in real-time and safety-critical applications. It uses and develops the results of basic research into... more
Compiler compilers are in widespread use, but decompiler compilers are a more novel concept. This paper presents an approach for the decompilation of object code back to source code using a decompiler generator. An example decompilation... more
While most English texts set by Handel are metrical poetry, a few anthem and oratorio librettos, including Messiah, comprise direct quotations from English versions of the Bible devoid of metre. Such texts are traditionally viewed as... more
Cross section data in the energy range above 1 eV have been critically evaluated for electron impact collision processes involving the impurity species (CO, CO2, and H2O) most relevant to low-temperature plasmas. A short review of the... more
The bibliographic descriptions and abstracts of Tatsuo Tabata’s papers, published in the years from 1959 to 2016 and collected at SAO/NASA ADS, were retrieved and edited in a list by applying corrections and modifications. The research... more
ProCoS aims to improve dependability, reduce timescales and cut development costs of construction for embedded systems, particularly in real-time and safety-critical applications. It uses and develops the results of basic research into... more
A study of 14th century manuscripts of the Roman de la Rose, with an extended look at Paris, BnF, 12786, one of only two extant manuscripts that give evidence of the single diffusion of Guillaume de Lorris's part of the Rose (the other... more
Computer architectures become more and more complex. It requires more effort to develop techniques that improve the programs of performance and allow to exploit material resources efficiently. As a result, many transformations are applied... more
While a compiler produces low-level object code from high-level source code, a decompiler produces high-level code from low-level code and has applications in the testing and validation of safety-critical software. The decompilation of an... more
This chapter presents a provably correct compilation scheme that converts a program into a network of abstract components that interact with each other by exchanging request and acknowledgement signals. We provide a systematic and... more
This paper generalizes an algebraic method for the design of a correct compiler to tackle speci fication and veri fication of an optimized compiler. The main optimization issues of concern here include the use of existing contents of... more
A compiler may be speci ed by a description of how each construct of the source language is translated into a sequence of object code instructions. It is possible to produce a compiler prototype almost directly from this speci fication in... more
The goal of the Provably Correct Systems project (ProCoS) is to develop a mathematical basis for development of embedded, real-time, computer systems. This survey paper introduces novel speci fication languages and veri fication... more
Cross sections for 138 processes in collisions of electrons with hydrocarbons, based on available literature sources, are critically compiled. The literature has been surveyed up to September 2000. A short comment is given for each... more
The correct compilation of block diagram languages like Lustre, Scade, and a discrete subset of Simulink is important since they are used to program critical embedded control software. We describe the specification and verification in an... more
Compilation of religious musical works is a survey that needs to be implemented promptly. In order to carry out such a survey, a connection is to be established between the last representatives of a great civilization and the modern... more
The study completes the compilation of the questionnaire on Chinese undergraduates’ moral values from six moral values dimensions: honesty and compliance, civility and self-discipline, love, unity and be helpful, esteem and filial... more
Résumé de la thèse de doctorat soutenue le 1er avril 2019 à l'université de Lausanne. Membres du jury: Catherine Croizy-Naquet, Estelle Doudet, Jean-Claude Mühlethaler, Michelle Szkilnik, Jean-Yves Tilliette. Experte externe: Catherine... more
This paper centers on the possibility of a textual relation between the tenth-century Excerpta Anonymi and the Constantinian Excerpts (CE). The two collections of excerpts should be seen within the context of the culture of sylloge. They... more
While most of the English texts that Handel set are metrical poetry, a few anthems and oratorio librettos, including Messiah, comprise direct quotations from English versions of the Bible devoid of metre. Such texts are traditionally... more
This paper contains the compilation of all my learnings from the subject Political and Economic Geography and on how I realized the value and connection of geography in the current pandemic, COVID-19.
Several programming contests are being held every year searching for the best team in programming. To achieve the first place in the context, training is a crucial factor for participants; where meeting regularly and face to face is... more
La scrittura negli ultimi secoli del Medioevo era un’attività molto diversa da quella di oggi. Differenze tecnologiche e varietà delle tecniche e pratiche scrittorie sono da analizzarsi nella loro reciproca interazione, così come le... more