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An Algebraic Approach to Hardware Compilation

2006, Modern Formal Methods and Applications

This chapter presents a provably correct compilation scheme that converts a program into a network of abstract components that interact with each other by exchanging request and acknowledgement signals. We provide a systematic and modular technique for correctly realizing the abstract components in hardware device, and use a standard programming language to describe both algorithms and circuits. The resulting circuitry, which behaves according to the program, has the same structure as the program. The circuit logic is asynchronous, with no global clock.

7. Hardware Compilation 7 An Algebraic Approach to Hardware Compilation Authors Jonathan P. Bowen1 and He Jifeng2 1 London South Bank University Centre for Applied Formal Methods, Institute for Computing Research Faculty of Business, Computing and Information Management Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, UK Email: URL: 2 The United Nations University International Institute for Software Technology P.O. Box 3058, Macau, China Email: URL: Summary This chapter presents a provably correct compilation scheme that converts a program into a network of abstract components that interact with each other by exchanging request and acknowledgement signals. We provide a systematic and modular technique for correctly realizing the abstract components in hardware device, and use a standard programming language to describe both algorithms and circuits. The resulting circuitry, which behaves according to the program, has the same structure as the program. The circuit logic is asynchronous, with no global clock. Keywords: compilation; formal methods; hardware design 1 7. Hardware Compilation 2 7.1 Introduction With chip sizes consisting of millions of transistors, the complexity of VLSI algorithms – i.e., algorithms implemented as a digital VLSI circuits – is approaching that of software algorithms – i.e., algorithms implemented as code for a stored-program computer. For many applications, particularly where speed of execution or security is important, a customer-built circuit is better than the traditional processor-and-software combination. The speed is improved by the absence of the machine language layer and also by introducing parallelism, whereas security is improved by the impossibility of reprogramming. Moreover, there are spacing saving compared to a combination of software and processor. Yet design methods for VLSI algorithms lag far behind the potential of the technology. The design methods for digital circuits that are commonly found in textbooks resemble the low-level machine-language programming methods. Selecting individual logic gates in a circuit is something like selecting individual machine instruction in a program. These methods may have been adequate for small circuit design when they were introduced, and they may still be adequate for large circuits that are simply repetitions of a small circuit (such as a memory), but they are not adequate for circuits that perform complicated customer algorithm. Since a VLSI system is a highly concurrent computation, we propose an approach to VLSI design based on concurrent computing. The circuit to be designed is first implemented as a concurrent program that fulfils the logical specification of the circuit. The program is then compiled into a circuit by applying semantics-preserving transformations. Hence, the circuit obtained is correct by construction. Communication in VLSI is becoming increasingly expensive, compared to switching, as the size of the wire determines both the switching costs and the area of a chip. In order to reflect those cost ratios, a model in which communication is explicit is more appropriate to control the cost of communication. Hence, we opted for a notation based on the notion of concurrent processes communicating by explicit message-passing and assignments to variables. We adopt a high level programming language like Occam [7] as a behavior specification language for hardware device. Occam is a language for designing and describing concurrent systems, and hardware designers exploit concurrency in their pursuit of increased performance. For example, today’s fastest microprocessors typically contain a number of cooperating agents: a bus interface that directs traffic among the main memory and caches; an instruction fetch unit that reads and decodes instructions from the cache; and several execution units that carry out the decoded instructions. The components of the microprocessor synchronize when they need to 7. Hardware Compilation 3 exchange information, but otherwise proceed at their own pace. Such a system is naturally described as a set of communicating processes. This chapter presents a provably correct compilation scheme that converts a program into a network of abstract components that interact with each other by exchanging request and acknowledgement signals. We provide a systematic and modular technique for correctly realizing the abstract components in hardware device, and use a standard programming language to describe both algorithms and circuits. The resulting circuits, which behave according to the program, have the same structure as the program. The circuit logic is asynchronous, with no global clock. Why is it significant that our compilation scheme is verified? Highly concurrent systems are notoriously difficult implement correctly; there is little chance of getting them right unless a disciplined approach is taken early in their specification and design. Occam’s concise notation makes it easy to see whether a given description captures the designer’s intent. Furthermore, Occam has a well-understood mathematical model [4] and a complete set of algebraic laws [13], allowing potential system misbehavior to be detected by analysis rather than simulation. However, rigorous reasoning at the source level is for naught if the compilation scheme itself introduces misbehavior. The importance of detecting flaws before a product goes to market was understood by the Pentium disaster of 1994: Intel was forced to write off $475 million due to an obscure bug in the Pentium’s floating-point division unit [8]. The VHDL [10] and Verilog [15] languages are presently being used by industry. They provide a way to express formally and symbolically the constituent components of a hardware circuit and their interconnections, and allow circuits designers to describe circuits more conveniently, but they are not translated automatically to circuits. There are interactive synthesis tools to aid in the construction of synchronous circuits from a subset of these languages. The circuits are then verified by simulation. There are other high-level circuit design methods that have been developed and reported in the literature. Martin at CalTech developed a method of compiling a communicating process [6] into a set of transistors via an intermediate mapping to production rules. In [1, 2], a similar approach (and a similar circuit design language) was taken, except that specifications are mapped into connections of small components for which standard transistor implementations exist. In [16], circuits are modeled as networks of finite state machines, using their formalism to assist in proving the correctness of their compiled circuits. Page at Oxford developed a prototype compiler in the functional language SML, which converted an Occam-like language to a netlist [1]. After further processing by vendor software the netlist can be loaded into Xilinx FPGA chips [17]. This work is most similar to ours, but their designs have a global clock; ours do not. Moreover, the algebraic approach in this chapter offers the significant advantages of providing a provably compiling 7. Hardware Compilation 4 method, and it is also expected to support a wide range of design optimization strategies. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 7.2 presents a simple language of communicating processes as the source language. An overview of our compilation strategy is given in Section 7.3. Section 7.4introduces the concepts of handshake protocol and context-dependent refinement. Section 7.5 is devoted to the implementation of program variables and Boolean expressions. In Section 7.6, we convert the sequential subset of the language into a network of abstract components, and validate the compilation scheme. Section 7.7 shows how to use a set of primitive circuits to implement the control processes generated by our hardware compilation scheme. 7.2 A Language of Communicating Processes 7.2.1 Syntax Our language of communicating processes contains the features that are typical of Occam and Occam-like languages: • Boolean state variables can be used in expressions and updated by assignment. • Programs can be composed in sequence,in parallel, or made to execute conditionally or repeatedly. • Concurrently executing programs can synchronize through shared objects called channels. • Programs offer several channels on which to synchronize may choose among them. The syntax for the language is given by the following BNF rules, where x stands for a program variable of Boolean type, ch for a channel name, b for a Boolean expression, and P for a process, and for sequence catenation. Informally, the process terms stand for the following processes: 1. Execution of skip does nothing, and leaves all variables unchanged. 2. Execution of x := b assigns the value of expression b to variable x. 7. Hardware Compilation 5 3. 4. ch?x is input from a channel named ch to variable x. ch!b is output to a channel named ch of the value of expression b. 5. The construct P Q executes either P or Q, where the choice between P and Q is made non-deterministically, without consent of its environment. In general, let P be a finite non-empty set of processes. We use the notation of P. P to denote the non-deterministic choice over the members We define a relation between programs such that P holds whenever, for any purpose, the observable behavior of P is good as, or better than, that of Q: P Q =df (P Q) = Q 6. 7. 8. 9. The sequential composition P;Q executes P first, and then executes Q after P terminates; it terminates when Q terminates. P || Q stands for the parallel composition of P and Q, wherein all communications between P and Q are concealed from the environment. Let E be the set of communication events between P and Q. The synchronization construct P || E Q behaves like the parallel composition P || Q except that the communication events of E remain visible to the external environment P || Q = ( P || E Q ) \ E where \ denotes the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) hiding operator [6, 14]. The Boolean guarded process b → P cannot appear outside of a conditional or iterative statement; it is triggered only when the initial value of b is true and its execution completes when P terminates. Several guarded processes may be composed into a sequence. The conditional if BG fi examines its guarded processes in order, selects the first one whose Boolean guard is true, and executes its associated process. It terminates when that process terminates. If none of its guards is true, the behavior of the conditional becomes totally unpredictable like a chaotic program. For notational simplicity, we will use P ◁b ▷Q to describe a program which behaves like P if the initial value of b is true, or like Q if the initial value of b is false: 10. The iterative construct do BG od is similar to the conditional if BG fi, except that it repeatedly evaluates its guarded processes until none of its guards is true, and then it terminates. 11. The guarded alternation alt G tla offers to its environment a choice over the input guards of its alternatives. If the environment performs a 7. Hardware Compilation 6 communication on c, and c?x → P is the unique element of sequence G with the input on c as the guard, then the construct alt G tla will behave like process P. If there are a number of guarded processes in G with the input on c as their guards, then the choice among them will be made non-deterministically. We adopt the CSP notation P [] Q to stand for the external choice between P and Q, which offers the environment the choice of the first events of P and Q and then behaves accordingly. The alternation construct can be rewritten as external choice: Let A = (a1,…,an}be a finite set of communication events. The notation x : A → P (x) abbreviates 12. The Boolean expressions include true (“high voltage” or “power”) and false (“low voltage” or “ground”). The Boolean unary operator ¬ is negation. The Boolean binary operators include ∧ (conjunction) and ∨ (disjunction). A local variable x can be introduced by the declaration command var x • P. We will also use chaos to represent the chaotic program whose behavior is totally uncontrollable and unpredictable. In the rest of this chapter, we take a more general form of recursion and use the notation µX • P(X) to stand for the weakest fixed point (with respect to the relation ) of the equation X = P(X). Example 2.1 (clock) A clock can be modeled by a recursive process CLOCK which can repeatedly engage in the event tick Example 2.2 (a single place buffer) A singe place buffer, which inputs messages on channel left and outputs them on channel right, can be modeled by the recursive process COPY: Example 2.3 (wire) The process WIRE(a, c) can emit an output event c in response to an input event a. It is also receptive in the sense that it does not refuse input, but may diverge if given an input that it is not prepared to handle. 7. Hardware Compilation 7 Example 2.4 (iteration) The iteration do(b1 → P1 ,..., bn → Pn )od can be rewritten as the tail recursion: 7.2.2 Algebraic laws The basic laws defining Occam-like programs are given in [13]. This section gives a number of algebraic laws that are used in the design and verification of the hardware compilation scheme presented later in this chapter. The non-deterministic choice operator is idempotent, symmetric, associative and disjunctive. It has chaos as its zero. Law 1 (non-deterministic choice) 1.1 P P=P 1.2 P Q=Q 1.3 P (Q R) = (P Q) R 1.4 P (Q R) = (P Q) (P R) 1.5 P chaos = chaos P The relation induced by the non-deterministic choice operator is a partial order; i.e., it is reflexive, transitive and anti-symmetric. The chaotic program chaos is the bottom of the relation . Law 2 (refinement) 2.1 P chaos Sequential composition is associative and disjunctive, and has unit skip and left zero chaos. Law 3 (sequence) 3.1 (P;Q);R = P;(Q;R) 3.2 (P Q );R = (P;R) 3.3 P; (Q R) = (P;Q) 3.4 skip;Q = Q = Q;skip 3.5 chaos;Q = chaos (Q;R) (P;R) 7. Hardware Compilation 8 Conditionals are product. It is idempotent, skew-symmetric, associative and disjunctive. Sequential composition distributes leftward over the conditional. Law 4 (conditional) 4.1 P ◁b ▷P = P 4.2 P ◁true ▷Q = P 4.3 P ◁b ▷Q = Q ◁¬b ▷P 4.4 (P ◁b ▷Q) ◁c ▷R = P ◁b ∧ c ▷ (Q ◁c ▷R) 4.5 P ◁b ▷ (Q ◁c ▷R) = (P ◁b ▷Q) ◁c ▷(P ◁b ▷R) 4.6 P ◁b ▷ (Q R) = (P ◁b ▷Q) (P ◁b ▷R) 4.7 (P ◁b ▷ Q); R = (P;R) ◁b ▷(Q;R) The following law connects the “if” construct with conditional. Law 5 (if) 5.1 if b → P fi = P ◁b ▷chaos 5.2 if <b → P>⁀ BG fi = P ◁b ▷(if BG fi) The external choice operator [] is idempotent, symmetric associative and disjunctive, and has chaos as its zero. It distributes over sequential composition when all its components are guarded. Law 6 (external choice) 6.1 P [] P = P 6.2 P [] Q = Q [] P 6.3 P [] (Q [] R) = (P [] Q) [] R 6.4 P [] (Q R) = (P [] Q) (P [] R) 6.5 (a → P) [](a → Q) = a → (P Q) 6.6 P [] chaos = chaos 6.7 (x:A → P(x));Q = x:A → (P(x);Q) 7. Hardware Compilation 9 The parallel operators || and || are symmetric, associative and disjunctive, and E have chaos as zero. Law 7 (parallel) 7.1 P || Q = Q || P 7.2 P || (Q || R) = (P || Q) || R 7.3 P || (Q R) = (P || Q) (P || R) 7.4 P || chaos = chaos When P can perform any events A, being equivalent to a process of the form x:A → P(x), and Q can perform the events in B, respectively y:B → Q(y), then P ||E Q can perform any event of The first component of this union are the events P can perform on its own (because they are not in E); similarly, the second are the events Q can do by itself. The final components are the events on which they can synchronize (i.e., the ones that they both can do). The law expressing this is the following: Law 8 (expansion law of || ) E Let P = x:A → P(x) and Q = y:B → Q(y). 8.1 P ||E Q = (x:A\E → (P(x) ||E Q) [] (y:B\E → (P ||E Q(y)) [] (z:A∩B → (P(z) ||E Q(z)) The expansion law of || is more complicated because any event in A ∩ B can occur silently and will be treated as an internal communication, and thus is concealed from the environment: Law 9 (expansion law of || ) 9.1 P || Q = (x:A\E → (P(x) ||E Q) [] (y:B\E → (P ||E Q(y)) [] ( z∈A∩B → (P(z) ||E Q(z))) ( z∈A∩B → (P(z) ||E Q(z))) Both expansions laws enable us to transfer a parallel program into a sequential one, and are widely used in the later proof. The program µX • P(X) can be implemented as a single non-recursive call of a parameterless procedure with name X and with body P(X). Occurrences of X within P(X) are implemented as recursive calls on the same procedure. The 7. Hardware Compilation 10 following laws [15] state that µX • P(X) is indeed a fixed point of P, and that it is the weakest one. Law 10 (weakest fixed point) 10.1 µX • P(X) = P(µX • P(X)) 10.2 if Y P(Y) then Y µX • P(X) All the recursion we have seen (such as CLOCK, COPY and WIRE) and all most all recursions one meets in practice) have a property that makes them easier to understand and reason about. They are guarded, i.e., each recursive call comes after a communication that is introduced by the recursive definition. The point about a guarded recursion is that the first-step behavior does not depend on at all on a recursive call, and when a recursive call is reached, the first step of its behavior, in turn, can be computed without any deeper call. This leads to the principle of unique fixed point for guarded recursion. Law 11 (unique fixed point) If µX • P(X) is a guarded recursion and Y satisfies the equation Y = P(Y) then Y = µX • P (X). The following laws express the basic properties of assignment: that variables not mentioned on the left of “:=” remain unchanged, that the order of the listing is immaterial, and that evaluation of an expression or a condition uses the value most recently assigned to its variables. Law 12 (assignment) 12.1 (x, y := e, y) = x := e 12.2 (x, …, y, … := e, …, f,…) = (y, …, x, … := f, …, e,…) 12.3 (x := e; x := f(x)) = x := f(e) 12.4 (x := e); (P ◁b(x) ▷Q) = (x := e; P); ◁b(e) ▷(x := e; Q) Let Σ be the set of events which the process P can perform. Given L ⊆ Σ and a divergence-free process P, the process P \\ L represents an abstract view of P in the set Σ \ L, and is defined in [14] by: Divergences(P \\ L) =df ⌀ Failures(P \\ L) =df {(s ↓(Σ \ L), X) | (s, X ∩ (Σ \ L)) Failures(P)} The process projection construct P \\ L differs from the hiding construct P \ L in the following way: in the failure-divergence model the latter will introduce a divergence whenever P can perform an infinite sequence of events of L, but the former becomes deadlock. 7. Hardware Compilation 11 Law 13 (projection) 13.1 If the alphabet of P is disjoint from the set L i 1-i for i = 0, 1, then (P0 || P1) \\ (L0 ∪ L1) = (P0 \\ 0) || (P1 \\ 1) 13.2 If P is a process without containing the process variable X, then µX • (a → P [] b → X) \\ {a} = a → (P \\ {a}) As an example to show how to apply algebraic laws, we are going to establish the following fact: two wires can be connected into a single one. Lemma 2.5 (connecting wires) WIRE(a, h) || WIRE(h, c) = WIRE(a, c) Proof: Let FULL(a,c) =df (a? → chaos [] c! → WIRE(a, c)). We have WIRE(a, c) = a? → FULL(a,c) which together with the unique fixed point theorem Law 10 implies that LHS = µX • (a? → (a? → chaos [] c! → X)) = RHS □ 7. Hardware Compilation 12 7.3 Compiling Strategy The main difference between software programming and VLSI programming is that in VLSI, concurrency is free and sequencing is costly, whereas it is just the opposite in software. In hardware, concurrency is implemented by mere juxtaposition of circuits. Sequencing requires synchronization. We therefore avoid sequencing as much as possible, and implement it as a restricted form of concurrency. This is the compilation strategy adopted in this chapter. One small technicality is that rather than implement P directly, we choose r to implement a reusable version of P, specified as Фa (P) below r Фa (P) =df µX • ((r? → P); (a! → X)) where • r, the request signal, activates the process P, and • a, an acknowledgement signal, indicates that P has terminated. r The process Фa (P) can be activated many times, while P cannot. Essentially, a source program P is split into communicating processes M (P) and D (P), where 1. M (P) models the control flow of P. 2. D (P) implements variables, expressions and communication channels. r The compilation function Ca is simply defined by Our main goal is to prove that the target program produced by the compilation scheme serves as a refinement of the reusable version of P: The verification task is broken into three steps • • • First, we prove that the parallel composition of M (P) and D (P) is a legal replacement of the source program P. Then we show: Finally, we are going to prove that the composite mapping Фa ∘M is indeed a homomorphism. Taking sequential composition as an example r 7. Hardware Compilation 13 Фa ∘M is a homomorphism means that the control process of P0;P1 can be implemented by the parallel composition of those of its components: r where SEQ is designed to model the sequential composition operator: In this way, all the programming operators will eventually be replaced by parallel operator. The control process M (P) involves only synchronized communications with D (P) which maintains the state of variables and channels. To avoid deadlock on the internal links between M (P) and D (P), we shall ensure that the communications on these channels satisfy the related handshake protocol. This is the topic of the next section. 7.4 Handshake protocol In languages such as Occam, communication between processes is synchronous in the sense that a communication event can take place only when both the sender and the receiver agree on it. It is the synchronous nature of communication that gives these languages the expression power. In our approach, source programs are compiled into networks of primitive components, and synchronous communications of source programs are implemented by a communication protocol involving multiple asynchronous communication events. Each primitive component has one or more ports that are used to connect it to its neighbors. Within each port, the components and their neighbors obey a handshaking protocol: events, called request, start the execution of the module or its neighbors, while events, called acknowledgement, indicate that the execution has completed. The compilation scheme ensures that no component attempts to send either a request or acknowledgement event to its partner unless the latter is waiting for such an input. With this guarantee, synchronous communications can be replaced by asynchronous ones. The translation from synchrony to asynchrony is a necessary step in compiling our language to hardware, because the basic hardware building blocks cannot refuse input events from their environment, whereas synchronous communication implies the ability of a process to refuse to participate in a communication event. Any unexpected inputs to a circuit may lead to aberrant behavior; it is the obligation of the circuit’s environment to provide input only when the circuit is waiting for it. 7. Hardware Compilation 14 The simplest signal interface is the two-wire interface, which consists of one request and one acknowledgement signal. A handshake begins when a user module sends an event to a server along the wire r (for request), the user then waits a response on the wire a (for acknowledgement). When it has received an acknowledgement from the server, the handshake is complete. 7.4.1 Definition 4.1 (two wire control interface) The handshake protocol HP(r, a), used in the control interface of the target processes, behaves like a one-place buffer, repeatedly engaging in an acknowledgement event a after receipt of a request event r. where the alternative skip is present to enable HP(r, a) to respond to its parallel partners’ termination request. □ A sequence of HP(r, a) is still a handshake protocol. Lemma 4.2 (sequence of handshake protocols) HP(r, a) ; HP(r, a) = HP(r, a) Proof: Algebraically using Laws 6.4 & 6.5, 11 (twice), 1.1 and 10.1. Definition 4.3 A process Q satisfies the handshake protocol on (r, a) if (Q ||{r,a} HP(r,a)) = Q This fact will be denoted by ⊦HP(r,a) Q. □ Lemma 4.4 If ⊦HP(r,a) Q, then □ (Q ; R) ||{r,a} HP(r,a) = Q ; (R ||{r,a} HP(r,a)) Lemma 4.5 (1) ⊦HP(r,a) Q skip. (2) ⊦HP(r,a) Q stop. (3) If both P and Q satisfy the handshake protocol, so do P ; Q and P Q. 7. Hardware Compilation ⊦HP(r,a) (P ; Q) and ⊦HP(r,a) (P 15 Q). (4) If Q satisfies the handshake protocol, so does the guarded recursion µX • (Q ; X). Proofs: Of (3): Of (4): □ In the next section, we will present the handshake protocols to pass data between the master control process M (P) and the data process D (P). For example, the handshake protocol for access of a Boolean variable has a single event req for requesting the current value of that variable, but contains two acknowledgement events, val.0 and val.1, for returning the value. Thus it is necessary to generalize HP(r, a). Let I be a finite set, and let A be an I-indexed family of finite set of events, and let B = {(r(i), A(i)) | i ∈ I}. The handshake protocol on B can then be defined as follows: This definition allows a handshake beginning with event r(i) to be completed by one of the events of A(i). A process Q is said to obey the handshake protocol on the set B if Definition 4.6 (handshake refinement) 7. Hardware Compilation The handshake refinement relation 16 HP(B) between processes is defined by i.e., the process S is a refinement of R in any environment which obeys the handshake protocol HP(B). □ Lemma 4.7 (R HP(B) S) ⋀(⊦HP(B) Q) ⇒(R || Q) (S || Q) Proof: □ 7.5 Data processes In order to simplify the presentation, we will only deal with the sequential subset of the language in this section, and postpone the treatment of communication and concurrency to section 8. 7.5.1 Variables A Boolean program variable x is realized by a communication process V (x), which has two handshake ports, one for reading and one for writing. To read the value of variable x, a reader send a request on x.req and the variable responds wither either x.val0 or x.val1, depending upon the stored value. To response a read request correctly, the process V (x) has to comply with the following requirement (Req1) (x.req! → x.val?v → Q ) || V (x) = (v := x); (Q || V (x)) To write a value, a writer sends a request on either x.write.0 or x.write1. After the stored value has been updated, the variable responds on x.ack. Accordingly, V (P) needs to meet the second requirement (Req2) (x.write!v → x.ack? → Q ) || V (x) = (x := v); (Q || V (x)) The construction of V(x) starts with design of a process CELL(x) acting as the state holder of variable x 7. Hardware Compilation 17 CELL(x) =df READ(x) [] WRITE(x) [] skip where • READ(x) is a simple handshake protocol, acting as the read interface. READ(x) =df x.req? → x.val!x → CELL(x) To avoid deadlock on the newly introduced channels x.req and x.val, it is required that the user of READ(x) obeys the handshake protocol HP(x.req, x.val). • The processWRITE(x) plays the role of the write interface, and is also a handshake protocol WRITE(x) =df x.write?x → x.ack! → CELL(x) The user of WRITE(x) is required to obey the handshake protocol on the channels (x.write, x.ack). CELL(x) provides single user the desirable service of variable x. Lemma 5.1 (Read and write) Let Chan(CELL(x)) ⊆ Chan(Q). Then (1) (x.req! → x.val?v → Q ) || V (x) = (v := x); (Q || V (x)) (2) (x.write!v → x.ack? → Q ) || V (x) = (x := v); (Q || V (x)) Proof: Direct from the expansion law, Law 9.2. □ One difficulty with building a process to implement a program variable is that it must support multiple readers and writers. We accomplish this by introducing multiplex processes RMUL and WMUL. In order to avoid interference among multiple-user request, we shall treat the read and write actions as atomic ones. For this purpose RMUL and WMUL are constructed as follows where the sets I and J are both finite. Putting the three processes in parallel, we finish the design of V (x) which is equipped with the following channels: Every user of the program variable x will be allocated a pair 7. Hardware Compilation 18 of channels for its read operation, and it is asked to obey the handshake protocol over the corresponding channels. The writers of x will be treated in a similar way. Suppose that Var(P) = {x1, x2, …, xn}. Then the following process is included in D (P) to represent the variable state of P. 7.5.2 Expressions The Boolean constants true and false are realized by the TRUE and FALSE modules. The modules use the read interface and always return a particular acknowledgement – val0 for false and val1 for true. For each Boolean expression b of P, the data process D (P) contains a component process E (b) to model its behavior. The process E (b) operates in a similar way as the read port process READ. For example, the process OR (defined below to implement x∨ y) first waits for a request signal from its user, and then reads the value of x from V(x) to its local variable w. If w has the value true, then this value is passed to its user, otherwise it reads the value of y from V (y) and then passes it to the user. Taking the multiple-user issue into account, we end with the following design where RMUL(req, val) is the process RMUL(x.req, x.val) after proper channel renaming. The module AND, used to implements the Boolean expression x ∧ y, is defined by The module NEG, used to realize the negation ¬x, is defined by 7. Hardware Compilation 19 A composite expression b = b1∨ b2 can be implemented in the same way as x∨ y except that the former will communicate with the expression E (b1) and E (b2) rather than the variable processes V (x) and V (y). To avoid the name clash among the expression processes, we will rename the channels req and val in the process E (b) by b.req and b.val respectively. The definition of modules for b1∧ b2 and ¬b are similar. Let Exp( P) = {b1 ,...., bm } , we define For a sequential program P without communication, its data process D (P) is formed by The following theorems validate our design. Lemma 5.2 (Evaluation of expression) Let Chan (D (P)) ⊆ Chan (Q). If i ∈ RI (b), then Proof: From the expansion law, Law 9.2. To be able to execute the expression processes in parallel with the master control process, we must make sure that the processes representing expressions have disjoint sets of channels. In particular, since most expression processes may need to access the variable processes, the allocation of the channels x.req i and x.val turns out to be an important issue in the hardware compilation i scheme. For simplicity, we assume that there are index functions RI and WI. For each variable process V (x), in addition to the channels used by expression processes the following set of channels is available at the disposal of the control process M (P). For an expression process E(b), we take a similar convention that all channels in the set can be employed to access the current value of b. As a result, the set of free handshake channels of the data process D (P) is To simplify the proof of our compiling function in the later sections, we exploit the regularity of handshake protocols to construct SD (P), a sequential version of D (P), which does not contain parallel composition. 7. Hardware Compilation 20 Since all users of D (P) must obey the handshake protocol HP(B), from Lemma 4.3 we can replace D (P) by SD (P) within such a context. Lemma 5.3 D (P) =HP(B) SD (P) □ Lemma 5.4 SD (P); SD (P) = SD (P) □ 7.6 Control processes Construction of control processes is based on a translator M whose task is to replace each evaluation of a Boolean expression b by a sequence of asynchronous communications with the process E (b), and to replace every assignment to a program variable x by interactions with the variable process V (x). Control processes of the primitive commands have straightforward definitions: The definition of M (x := b) suggests that the choice of channels used to communicate with V (x) and E (b) are irrelevant. In particular, it allows the use of any available read interface to evaluate b and then write the result to x. This non-determinism allows us later to allocate a specific pair (i, j) of channel indices for implementation of M (x := b). A control process of a sequential composition is formed by those of its components: The control process M (if b fi) evaluates the Boolean guard b by interacting with the expression process E (b) 7. Hardware Compilation 21 Conditional with multiple branches behaves as if its Boolean guards are calculated sequentially. The process M(do BG od) evaluates its guards in sequel and terminates when none of them is true. As expected, it is implemented by a tail recursion where From the definition of M and Lemma 4.5 we conclude that all the control processes M (P) obey the handshaking protocol HP(B), where the set B was defined in the previous section. Lemma 6.1 (M (P);Q) || SD (P) = (M (P) || SD (P)); (Q || SD (P)) Our compilation strategy is validated by the following theorem. □ Theorem 6.2 (Correctness of the control processes) P M (P) || D (P) Outline of proof: The proof is based on structural induction using the following base case and inductive steps. (1) Basic case: P = (x := b) (2) Inductive Step: (2.1) P = Q ; R (2.2) P = if (b → Q) fi (2.3) P = if (b → Q [] BG) fi (2.4) P = do (b → Q) od (2.5) P = do (b → Q [] BG) od □ Now we can establish the correctness of the compiling function M. Theorem 6.3 (correctness of compiling function) Proof: Using Lemmas 4.7 & 5.3, Law 9.1, Lemma 6.1, Lemmas 4.7 & 5.3 (again), Theorem 6.2 and Law 9.2. 7. Hardware Compilation 22 r The process Фa (P) enjoys a number of algebraic laws. The first one says the r additional wires used to connect Фa (P) with its environment has no effect. Lemma 6.4 Let r0 and r0 be fresh events. Then The second law enables us to implement the sequential composition by the parallel composition. Lemma 6.5 Let Q and R be processes with disjoint sets of variables and channels. If h is a fresh event, then 7.7 Hardware device r In this section we are going to divide the control process Фa (M (P )) into a set of primitive handshake modules within an environment obeying both HP(r, a) and HP(B), where B denotes the set of channels used to access the data process D (P), and was defined in Section 4. We define where S =df B ∪ {r, a} and PROT =df HP(B) || HP(r,a) describes the behavior of the environment which obeys the handshake protocols HP(B) and HP(r, a). Lemma 7.1 If Q obeys the handshake protocols HP(B) and HP(r, a), then The main objectives of our design are to preserve the modular structure of the source program, and to generate a small number of hardware devices. We have already presented a number of handshake modules such as CELL(x) and OR in Section 4. The following includes four further examples. First, the command skip can be implemented by a wire. Theorem 7.2 (skip) 7. Hardware Compilation 23 Proof: □ The control process of x := b can be implemented by a set of wires, where a pair (b.req , b.val ) of channels is chosen as the read interface with E (b), and i i (x.write , x.ack ) as the write interface with V (x). j j Theorem 7.3 (assignment) , where Proof: Similar to Theorem 7.2. Surprisingly, the sequential composition operator can also be implemented by a set of wires. Theorem 7.4 (sequential composition) Let P0 and P1 be processes with disjoint channels. If h is not used by P0 and P1, then Proof: From Lemma 6.5. The final two theorems show that the control processes of conditional and iteration can be implemented by the hardware device M(in1, in2: out), which merges signals received from its input ports in0 and in1 Theorem 7.5 (conditional) 7. Hardware Compilation 24 Let i ∈ RI(b). If none of {r, b.reqi, b.vali, a0, a1, a} is used by Q and R, then Proof: Define We are going to establish the following fact NEW LHS For notational convenience, we will drop the port parameters of M and Φ in the proof below. from which together with Law 10.2 it follows that (2) Similar to (1). Theorem 7.6 (iteration) Let i ∈ RI(b). If none of {r , â, a, b.reqi , b.vali } is used by Q, then Proof: Define 7. Hardware Compilation 25 We are going to show that (V1, W1) and (V2, W2) satisfy the same guarded recursive equation. From Laws 8 and 9 it follows that: From the unique fixed point theorem Law 11 we obtain V1 = V2 as required. 7.8 Conclusion Hardware compilation is an exciting development in the array of techniques available to generate a implementation from a high-level description. It allows hardware to be generated very quickly from software. What is more, it is possible to formally prove the relationship between a high-level program 7. Hardware Compilation 26 (software) and a low-level netlist of components connected with wires (hardware) is correct [3,5]. In this chapter we have presented a small programming language that can be compiled into hardware. A set of algebraic laws are given for the language that allow programs to be transformed in a provably correct manner. A compilation strategy from this language to a hardware description in the form of a netlist is given for each of the constructs in the language. These are posited as theorems that can be proved correct in an algebraic style. Some sample proofs are given. For the future, it is expected that hardware will increasingly be generated from high-level descriptions, especially when the available design time is limited, costs need to be kept down and speed of execution is not an overriding factor. 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