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The book provides an introduction to many important theoretical aspects of English legal language as well as some practical exercises.
Prefácio Todo mundo já deve ter passado por uma situação em que foi mal entendido. Nessas horas, é comum nos lembrarmos de nossos pais, irmãos, amigos, enfim, de gente próxima que certamente nos entenderia. E essa lembrança é... more
In the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA) and others v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills case, the High Court of Justice in matter of private copy exception provides the twofold prime... more
The paper discusses the grammar of verb sequences in legal English and explains how to handle them in translation.
Memrise to edukacyjna aplikacja działająca na stronie internetowej oraz w wersji mobilnej wykorzystująca fiszki w połączeniu z mnemotechnikami do nauki języków obcych oraz do zapamiętywania informacji z innych dziedzin, np. geografii,... more
This article highlights the question of gender neutrality in prescriptive legal texts and shows how the rise of feminism has led to the stigmatization of ‘sexist’ language by criticizing the use of the ‘masculine rule’ in legal texts.... more
The features of specialised languages have been profusely described by scholars in the literature. Amongst them, Enrique Alcaraz’s work stands out as an exhaustive and comprehensive depiction of EPAP at all linguistic levels: lexical,... more
Arbitration has been a means of resolving disputes since the beginning of time, changing as the world changed and surviving unscathed the collapse of civilizations and empires, deep transformations in social systems, different ways of... more
В цьому договорі розглядаються стандартні умови укладання міжнародних договорів
One of the most essential skills for law students to be successful in their discipline is the ability to read legal cases. Christensen (2006) in her research entitled "Legal Reading and Success in Law School: An Empirical Study" shows... more
As is well known, the Plain language movement has been influential in a number of areas of public life over the last few decades. Within the legal sphere it has raised general awareness concerning the need to make legal matters and legal... more
This book presents a series of texts and exercises on legal matters which will prepare the student gradually to reach, respectively, the A2, B1 or B2 level of English, according to the European Common Framework of Reference for... more
A practical coursebook for TOLES Foundation and TOLES Higher Examination.
This is a legal English textbook designed for Afghan legal professionals to acquire essential legal English skills.
Notice and Complaint filed on 5/11/22 versus US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges sitting in Richmond, Virginia. The US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals does not have "subject matter jurisdiction" to process a Reciprocal Disciplinary case... more
В статье рассматривается влияние уровня эмоционального интеллекта на учебную и профессиональную деятельность юриста в современных условиях. Авторы анализируют отечественную и зару- бежную научную литературу по теме, акцентируя внимание на... more
Освещается актуальное направление прикладных лингводидактических исследований по разработке и применению интерактивных электронных учебных пособий, адресованных студентам высшей школы. Рассматриваются технология и методы работы с... more
International certificate exams are regarded as an objective, reliable and equal way of assessing the students' knowledge of foreign languages at the end of their university language course. All stakeholders seem to be satisfied with this... more
"Seven years have passed since ‘Legal English and Plain Language: an introduction’ (Williams 2004) was published. Since then several changes have occurred in the field of legal drafting in English-speaking countries and institutions which... more
The purpose of this paper is to investigate, from a socio-semiotic perspective, the manner in which the political regimes installed after the forced abdication of King Mihai I (on 30 December 1947) used the Throne Hall in the former royal... more
In 2006 the Faculty of Law of the University of Parma (Italy) launched a postgraduate training project called EFLIT (English for Law and International Transactions) with the aim of offering professionals and graduates in the fields of Law... more
In this paper I begin by briefly describing some of the main characteristics of written legal English which differentiate it from other genres, such as sentence length and the complexity of its sentence structures, repetitiveness, the... more
Keywords: syntax; forensic linguistics; grammar; language for specific purposes
After an encouraging start, the state-sponsored plain language initiative ‘Progetto Chiaro!’ fizzled out several years ago. So Italians are once again left to grapple with the complexities of bureaucratese, an area still in need of... more
Türkçe ve İngilizce hukuk sözlükleri hakkında kısa değerlendirmeler
every profession has a specialized jargon associated to it, similar is the legal profession and the jargon used is called Legalese, but when the technical terms in such a communication gain a prevalence then the communication of the same... more
This paper investigates how English for Academic Legal Purposes-type (EALP) textbooks, published over the past three decades, have evolved and responded to the challenges of law school education. The purpose of such investigation is... more
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate on the translation strategies’ occurrence in legal drama and the way these strategies are applied to translate legal language. The corpus consists of the first five episodes of fifteenth... more
After centuries of following hidebound tradition and of using antiquated legalese, things finally seem to be moving, albeit slowly, towards a more modern drafting style. In this article I focus on three areas where changes are already... more
The present study outlines how social media can be used as a learning tool within a training programme for the continuing education of legal professionals, and how this translates into developing valuable professional skills. In... more
This article discusses one of the less mainstream areas of ESP teaching, that of legal English for students of company law. The author begins by analysing the approach used by subject-domain specialists themselves and the current... more
This article examines a number of effects, on legal translation, caused by the globalization of law: legal hybridity of source texts, system-neutrality of world commercial English, "fit for purpose" and "acceptance of sufficient quality"... more
This presentation reports a study examining the perceptions, attitudes and experiences of three teachers of English for Academic Legal Purposes (EALP) in the UK and two in Greece. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews.... more
The impact of mass media on individuals and society is to a great extent based on emotions. We concentrate on fear as it is one of the basic emotions triggered by risk and threat, which is claimed to play a key role in the twenty-first... more
Translation in CLIL? It may seem a contradiction in terms. CLIL means Content and Language Integrated Learning, and is based on the assumption that content is taught through the second/foreign language (or an additional language). Little... more
The present paper will try to analyze some crucial features that can highlight the differences between English for legal purposes (ELP) and General English (GE). It focuses on use of (ELP) as a medium of instruction within practical field... more
In 2006 Parma University’s Faculty of Law, in cooperation with the Language Centre, launched EFLIT (English for Law and International Transactions), a postgraduate training project aimed at offering professionals and graduates in the... more
The article investigates the link between lexical and meaning patterns in the specialized discourse of judicial opinions. It presents an analysis of the N that pattern in a corpus of US Supreme Court opinions. The analysis looks at the... more
In 2006 the Faculty of Law of the University of Parma (Italy) launched a postgraduate training project called EFLIT (English for Law and International Transactions) with the aim of offering professionals and graduates in the fields of Law... more