
Showing posts with the label sisters


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Today I must share a post written from my beautiful sister which can be found on her blog ...You may need a tissue or two, but just remember how incredibly loving our Awesome God is as He reveals His abundant grace. The following was written by: Joanna Stevens Gaines It was pouring down rain and cold this morning as I was on my way to drop the kids off at school. I am sure we are the family known for always being late, because we are always late. But not today, for some miraculous reason, everyone was dressed and emotionally ready to walk out the door at 7:45. On the way there, I passed by a kid who was standing in the pouring rain at the city bus stop. Not realizing my kids were listening, I said quietly, "Oh, that poor boy is waiting for the bus and he is soaking wet." Their ears perked up and they said "Why are you sad mom?" I knew if I told them they woul...

What if they...?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Ephesians 5:1-2, 15-33; I Peter 5:7 Oppression attempts to hold me down, the darkness permeating seemingly every part of my soul.  Yet I awake another day.  There is a longing in my heart, yet an unspoken fear seems to torture me.  Although it may seem insignificant and elementary, it is still a fear that has attempted to overwhelm my soul. So the bantering questions in my mind have been, "What if they think I don't want to see them?"  "What if they assume I don't want to help?"  "What if they believe that I am a bad wife, mom, daughter, sister or friend?" After reading Ephesians 5 this morning, the Lord has awakened me from this feeling of indescribable oppression and this false sense of 'over' responsibility.  Today I finally chose to cast, fling and throw that fear at His feet for  God knows my every heart's desire and in that understan...