
Showing posts with the label crooked

Scrolled Love Note #4

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell   If you've read the previous posts titled "Scrolled Love Note...", you'll understand the title of this post.  The following is what I was led to write coming from a small glimpse of the Mighty heart of our Father God.  I know this is to someone who needs a 'right now' word on worthiness. "I Am worthy - I Am a mirror for you to look into so you may finally see your TRUE reflection. For I The Lord call you worthy. Yes! You are worthy for I call you worthy - I, The Lord call you worthy - hear Me! I, The God of ALL, The GOD WHO IS WORTHY, declares you are Worthy. For you to say you are unworthy says I am a liar, haha! I AM only TRUTH, there is no lie in Me. I have the Last Word over your life, will you choose to believe My Words? Let Me take every fracture of rejection and abandonment from the womb. Let Me take every fracture...