
Showing posts with the label selfishness

Be possessed...

Triumphant Victorious  Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell " But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you." ~ Romans 8:9 ~ To speak to a lovely lady this evening and hear the gratefulness to God that she is alive another day leads me to echo her grateful attitude...So today I rejoice in the "testimony of God" that I'm alive! Yet wait! This grateful declaration leads me to ask myself, "But I'm alive to do what? To do what I want? What I will? What I've boastfully planned?!" After speaking to this woman I had to ask myself the daunting question, "Do I really get it?" Which led me to ask, "Has the monotony of everyday living in this incredible country gotten me so lukewarm that I actually think this life is about the "checklist" I've created for today? And even gone as far as deceiving myse...