
Showing posts with the label master plan

A Glimpse of God's Master Plan Through a Penny

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." ~ Ephesians 2:10, New Living Translation ~ My beautiful mom who is from South Korea is a proverbial woman to say the least. In her Korean accent I have heard her say many times, "You never think you too good to pick up penny. To pick up penny, you must scoop down low to pick up. Not many see value ~ but you must. For it is like what God did when no one else saw value in us, He scoop down low in form of man who is Jesus and pick us up." Understanding the significance of what I share next gives me great joy. For my mom, who, as she would say, enjoys her 'bling-bling', had a teachable moment one day a few years ago when she spotted a penny in the parking lot. In a moment, as she was about to bend down to pick it up, s...