In the midst of my past...
Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell I have a testimony - a testimony of God in the midst of me. After reading please focus on what He did - I only make mention of the struggle so you can see the LOVING REDEEMER in the midst of it all - focusing on The One Who is at constant work within me...So yesterday (Sunday) I allowed the lies of the enemy to accept "depression" and didn't go to assemble myself or my daughter with believers at our local body called REACH. I was so upset because I had NO reason to be depressed - NONE. Yet in the midst of it a beautiful lady who had text me that morning knew what I was going through and was praying with and for me. Well then this morning a prayer request came through my phone via text which caused me to run to Truth. As I brought the request to God - it led me even closer to the One Who is TRUTH as I "heard" while The Holy Spirit wrote through me, "Teresa, yo...