
Showing posts with the label fathers

What if they...?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Ephesians 5:1-2, 15-33; I Peter 5:7 Oppression attempts to hold me down, the darkness permeating seemingly every part of my soul.  Yet I awake another day.  There is a longing in my heart, yet an unspoken fear seems to torture me.  Although it may seem insignificant and elementary, it is still a fear that has attempted to overwhelm my soul. So the bantering questions in my mind have been, "What if they think I don't want to see them?"  "What if they assume I don't want to help?"  "What if they believe that I am a bad wife, mom, daughter, sister or friend?" After reading Ephesians 5 this morning, the Lord has awakened me from this feeling of indescribable oppression and this false sense of 'over' responsibility.  Today I finally chose to cast, fling and throw that fear at His feet for  God knows my every heart's desire and in that understan...