
Showing posts with the label Offenses

February 16, 2010, "Receiving and Releasing"

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." ~ James 1:17 ~ Wooooooooooooooooo!!!! Our computer is back into full working order! I thank the Lord for my friend Rachel and her husband, Ivan. I applaud and thank them both for utilizing their marketplace skills to assist our family in such an awesome way! Rachel and Ivan, please know how grateful we are and I am excited to 'trade' my organizing skills in return for this great hook up! Our applications are even better than before...thank you! My fingers are very grateful as they are dancing upon the keyboard at this very moment! As I write today, I am more than amazed to see my heart's yearning for more of what God wants to reveal in my heart, mind and life. The yearning for God and His Word, allows My Father's desires for me to manifest upon my life. The transformation that wants to come upon me i...