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Fine Dictionary


Isaac Sweers, Vice Admiral of the Admiralty of Holland and West Friesland
Isaac Sweers, Vice Admiral of the Admiralty of Holland and West Friesland
Frontal portrait bust of Isaac Sweers with turned-down cloak, long-length wig and cravatte and a badge or medal of honor on chain on the chest.
  1. (adj) west
    situated in or facing or moving toward the west
  2. (adv) west
    to, toward, or in the west "we moved west to Arizona","situated west of Boston"
  3. (n) west
    a location in the western part of a country, region, or city
  4. (n) West
    the countries of (originally) Europe and (now including) North America and South America
  5. (n) West
    the region of the United States lying to the west of the Mississippi River
  6. (n) West
    English painter (born in America) who became the second president of the Royal Academy (1738-1820)
  7. (n) West
    United States film actress (1892-1980)
  8. (n) West
    British writer (born in Ireland) (1892-1983)
  9. (n) west
    the cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees
  10. (n) west
    the direction corresponding to the westward cardinal compass point
Portrait of Jan Cornelisz Meppel (1609-69), lieutenant admiral of Holland and West Friesland. Standing half-length with a walking stick in the right hand, the left hand at the side. Around the chest a gold chain with a medal with a portrait. On the right in the background a seascape with ships.
Jan Cornelisz Meppel (1609-69).Lieutenant Admiral of Holland and West Friesland
Portrait of Witte Cornelisz de With (1599-1658), vice admiral of Holland and West Friesland. Hip piece, standing, in armor, commado staff in right hand, left hand on side. Around the neck a chain with a medallion. Copy to the original from 1654.
Witte Cornelisz de With (1599-1658).Vice Admiral of Holland and West Friesland
Portrait of Cornelis Tromp (1629-91), lieutenant admiral of Holland and West Friesland. Bust in armor.
Cornelis Tromp (1629-91).Lieutenant Admiral of Holland and West Friesland
View of East London and a view of the railways at Beaufort-West
View of the Bluff in South Africa and a view of Main Street in Beaufort-West
Portrait of Ernst van Beveren, lord of West-IJselmonde and the Lindt, alderman, mayor and postmaster of Dordrecht since 1704. Hip piece, standing by a table and gesturing with the right hand.
Ernestus van Beveren (1660-1722).Lord of West-IJsselmonde and the Lindt.Alderman, mayor and postmaster of Dordrecht since 1704
Facade of William West Medwin's house at High Wycombe
Portrait of Jan van Nes, Vice Admiral of Holland and West Friesland. Standing half-length in front of a balustrade. Gloves in left hand, right hand in side. In the background to the right a seascape with warships in still water. Pendant to SK-A-197.
Jan van Nes (1631-80).Vice Admiral of Holland and West Friesland
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The largest shopping mall in the world is the West Edmonton Mall located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  1. West
    A country, or region of country, which, with regard to some other country or region, is situated in the direction toward the west.
  2. West
    (Eccl) Designating, or situated in, that part of a church which is opposite to, and farthest from, the east, or the part containing the chancel and choir.
  3. West
    Formerly, that part of the United States west of the Alleghany mountains; now, commonly, the whole region west of the Mississippi river; esp., that part which is north of the Indian Territory, New Mexico, etc. Usually with the definite article.
  4. West
    Lying toward the west; situated at the west, or in a western direction from the point of observation or reckoning; proceeding toward the west, or coming from the west; as, a west course is one toward the west; an east and west line; a west wind blows from the west. "This shall be your west border."
  5. West
    The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to set at the equinox; or, the corresponding point on the earth; that one of the four cardinal points of the compass which is in a direction at right angles to that of north and south, and on the left hand of a person facing north; the point directly opposite to east. "And fresh from the west is the free wind's breath."
  6. West
    The Westen hemisphere, or the New World so called, it having been discovered by sailing westward from Europe; the Occident.
  7. West
    To pass to the west; to set, as the sun. "The hot sun gan to west ."
  8. West
    To turn or move toward the west; to veer from the north or south toward the west.
  9. West
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Reno, Nevada is west of Los Angeles, California.
  1. (n) west
    One of the four cardinal points of the compass, opposite to the east, and lying on the left hand when one faces the north; the point in the heavens where the sun sets at the equinox, or the corresponding point on the earth; more generally, the place of sunset. Abbreviated W.
  2. (n) west
    The quarter or direction toward the mean point of sunset; the tendency or trend directly away from the east; the western part or side: with to, at, or on: as, that place lies to the west of this; to travel to the west; at or on the west were high mountains; Europe is bounded on the west by the Atlantic.
  3. (n) west
    The western part or division of a region mentioned or understood: as, the west of Europe or of England; the Canadian west; he lives in the west (of a town, county, etc.). Specifically— [capitalized] The western part of the world, as distinguished from the East or Orient; the Occident, either as restricted to the greater part of Europe or as including also the western hemisphere, or America. See Occident, 2.
  4. (n) west
  5. (n) west
    The point of the compass toward which one is turned when looking from the altar or high altar toward the further end of the nave or the usual position of the main entrance of a church. See east, n., 1.
  6. (n) west
    In church hist., the church in the Western Empire and countries adjacent, especially on the north; the Western Church
  7. west
    Situated in, on, or to the west; being or lying westward with reference to something else; western: as, the West Indies; West Virginia; the west bank or the west fork of a river; west longitude.
  8. west
    Coming or moving from the west or western region: as, a west wind.
  9. west
    Eccles., situated in, or in the direction of, that part of a church which is furthest from the altar or high altar; opposite the ecclesiastical east
  10. west
    To or toward the west; westward or westerly; specifically (ecclesiastical), toward or in the direction of that part of a church which is furthest from the altar or high altar.
  11. west
    To move toward the west; turn or veer to the west.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Jerry West was the model for the official NBA logo. His silhouette appears dribbling a basketball.
  1. (n) West
    west the quarter where the sun sets: one of the four chief points of the compass: the direction faced when one stands with his back to the high altar of a church: the countries to the west of Europe
  2. (adj) West
    situated towards or coming from the west: opposite the high altar of a church
  3. (adv) West
    towards the west
  4. (v.i) West
    (Spens.) to move towards the west
  5. (n) West
    an inhabitant of a western region or country
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
One ship drives east and other drives west by the same winds that blow. It's the set of the sails and not the gales that determines the way they go.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Biography is a very definite region bounded on the north by history, on the south by fiction, on the east by obituary, and on the west by tedium.
Philip Guedalla
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people in the West, it is still a living lion.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
William Shakespeare
Send danger from the east unto the west, so honor cross it from the north to south.
William Shakespeare
Benjamin Disraeli
News is that which comes from the North, East, West and South, and if it comes from only one point on the compass, then it is a class ; publication and not news.
Benjamin Disraeli
Horace Greeley
Go West, young man, and grow up with the country.
Horace Greeley

Go west - If something goes west, it goes wrong. If someone goes west, they die.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. west, adv.; akin to D. west, G. west, westen, OHG. westan, Icel. vestr, Sw. vest, vester, vestan, Dan. vest, vesten, and perhaps to L. vesper, evening, Gr. . . Cf. Vesper Visigoth

Usage in the news

A Palm Beach County judge denies an injunction sought by Allen West to secure the ballots in the contentious congressional election between West and Patrick Murphy.

West Irondequoit TA's Jean MacKenzie leads a seminar for new teachers at the West Irondequoit Teaching Learning Center.

Linda McSpadden demands that US Rep Allen West, R-Fla. Stop his battle for his congressional seat, Florida's 18th District, outside the Palm Beach Circuit Court House in West Palm Beach, Fla.

He had plenty of choices, but in the end, Bloomfield High 's 6-6, 315-pound junior offensive tackle Marcell Lazard committed to West Virginia, according to MetroNews Sports of West Virginia.

KHeadquartered in Bridgeport, West Virginia, Abraham Linc currently distributes EarthWerks in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and the Western portion of Virginia.

Flora Belle Key of West Seattle celebrated her 80th birthday Friday night, Oct 6, at the Duwamish Longhouse, also in West Seattle.

In week seven of Operation Football coverage on WISN 12, undefeated Wisconsin Lutheran took on West Bend West.

Approximately 75 miles west of Denver, I-70 West, exit 205, south 5 miles on US Hwy 6.

West Michigan Whitecaps' OF Steven Moya (photo courtesy West Michigan Whitecaps).

LouCille, 90, of West St Paul, formerly of Rush City, died Dec 28, 2010 at the Southview Acres Health Care Center in West St Paul.

PARKERSBURG (AP) — West Virginia University at Parkersburg 's campus will be the site of a new West Virginia National Guard armed forces readiness center.

WEST COLUMBIA, SC (WACH)-- A cat fight of sorts is going on in West Columbia about a proposal aimed at cutting down the number of feral cats in the city.

What led the West to be so influential, and how long can the West sustain its power.

Rebels arrange NICL West clash with West Marshall.

The northbound lane of State Street is closed between West Fourth and West Fifth streets for emergency sewer repair.

Usage in scientific papers

West, “Covariant field equations of the M-theory fivebrane,” Phys.
OM Theory in Diverse Dimensions

West, Extremal correlators in four-dimensional SCFT, Phys.
Aspects of the D=6, (2,0) Tensor Multiplet

West, ”Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity”, World Scientific, 1986.
The solution to Slavnov--Taylor identities in a general four dimensional supersymmetric theory

X-ray knot in the west ring (position angle ∼ 270◦).
Monitoring the Evolution of the X-ray Remnant of SN 1987A

West, ” The Yukawa β -function in N=1 rigid supersymmetric theories”, Phys.
Marginal Deformations of N=4 SYM and of its Supersymmetric Orbifold Descendants

Usage in literature

The wind had now gone from west to north and north-west. "The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II" by A.E. Nordenskieold

At eleven o'clock we changed the course of the Sylvania to south-west half-west, which brought the gale nearly on the beam. "Up the River" by Oliver Optic

This is no West; Milwaukee ain't West by a jugful. "The Candidate" by Joseph Alexander Altsheler

I have neglected to introduce this pretty Mozart of the West. "Birds of the Rockies" by Leander Sylvester Keyser

But this I suppose we may call the actual party that found our Great West for us. "The Young Alaskans on the Missouri" by Emerson Hough

At the west end there is an inner library, occupying the angle between the south and west sides of the quadrangle. "The Care of Books" by John Willis Clark

It was about as accurate as a New Yorker's of the West. "Brand Blotters" by William MacLeod Raine

The Surrey hills are to the south and west; farthest on the horizon is the faint blue of the Sussex downs. "Highways and Byways in Surrey" by Eric Parker

Queen's Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment. "History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 v. 1 (of 4)" by Frederick Maurice

Mrs. West, the mother of Ben West, had breakfast ready just as her husband came in from doing the chores about the barn. "A California Girl" by Edward Eldridge

Usage in poetry
Yet over him, merrily,
The winds blow East, blow West;
The gulls about him fly,
The fog-king wreaths his crest.
“My eyes are not as woman's eyes,
They hope not east or west:
Dull Famine my bed-mate is,
And Loneliness my guest.
He rode afar into the west;
And when he came again,
"I fear," he said, "my own beloved,
My stay hath caused thee pain."
And he rode east, and he rode west,
And did of all inquyre,
What thing it is all women crave,
And what they most desyre.
Evening sunshine's whiling,
Oh, thou art the wise man's rest;—
Farther on! Then from the west
Greet my window smiling!
Sing and be glad, all ye children of the West,
For your King shall come again,
And he shall dwell amoung you
All the days of your life.