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Fine Dictionary


The dwarf Cornelius Guttman as a cuckold, the deceived husband, on his shoulders a basket in which a man sits. In the caption under the title a four-line verse in German. Numbered top right: 25. Part of a loose-leaf edition from about 1710 of a series of caricatures with dwarfs, known as The Dwarf Scene.
The dwarf Cornelius Guttman as a cuckold, the deceived husband, on his shoulders a basket in which a man sits. In the caption under the title a four-line verse in German. Numbered top right: 25. Part of a loose-leaf edition from about 1710 of a series of caricatures with dwarfs, known as The Dwarf Scene.
  1. (v) cuckold
    be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage "She cheats on her husband","Might her husband be wandering?"
  2. (n) cuckold
    a man whose wife committed adultery
The dwarf Cornutus Foxhornius as a cuckold, the deceived husband, on his shoulders a basket in which a man sits. In the caption verses in German, French and Dutch. Numbered: II Volume 25. Part of volume II in the second Dutch bound edition from 1720 (and related to the Windhandel in that year) of a series of caricatures with dwarfs, known as Het Dwergentooneel.
The dwarf Cornutus Foxhornius as a cuckold, the deceived husband, on his shoulders a basket in which a man sits. In the caption verses in German, French and Dutch. Numbered: II Volume 25. Part of volume II in the second Dutch bound edition from 1720 (and related to the Windhandel in that year) of a series of caricatures with dwarfs, known as Het Dwergentooneel.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Cuckold
    A man whose wife is unfaithful; the husband of an adulteress.
  2. Cuckold
    (Zoöl) A West Indian plectognath fish (Ostracion triqueter).
  3. Cuckold
    (Zoöl) The cowfish.
  4. Cuckold
    To make a cuckold of, as a husband, by seducing his wife, or by her becoming an adulteress.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) cuckold
    A man whose wife is false to him; the husband of an adulteress.
  2. (n) cuckold
    A book-name of the cow-bird, Molothrus ater; so called from its parasitic and polygamous habits.
  3. (n) cuckold
    A name of the cow-fish, Ostracion quadricore: apparently so called from its horns. See cow-fish .
  4. cuckold
    To dishonor by adultery: said of a wife or her paramour.
  5. (n) cuckold
    A corrupt form of cockle.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Cuckold
    kuk′old a man whose wife has proved unfaithful
  2. (v.t) Cuckold
    to wrong (a husband) by unchastity
William Wycherley
He's a fool that marries, but he's a greater that does not marry a fool; what is wit in a wife good for, but to make a man a cuckold?
William Wycherley

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. kukeweld, cokewold, cokold, fr. OF. coucoul, cucuault, the last syllable being modified by the OE. suffix -wold,see Herald); cf. F. cocu, a cuckold, formerly also, a cuckoo, and L. cuculus, a cuckoo. The word alludes to the habit of the female cuckoo, who lays her eggs in the nests of other birds, to be hatched by them

Usage in the news

Westminster School to Present 'The Imaginary Cuckold '.

Where Daniel the Cuckold and Zig Zag Clown Vie for Office.

Law as cuckold in 360.

Alfred Jarry 's UBU CUCKOLDED.

After tackling the other two Ubu plays written by ALFRED JARRY in the mid 1890s, KBOO's Ubu Hour finally takes on UBU CUCKOLDED (Ubu Cocu).

You might know actor John Corbett from his role as Carrie Bradshaw's cuckolded boyfriend on Sex and the City, as the ruminative disc jockey on Northern Exposure, or as the matrimonial target of My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

When I reflect upon the evil I've inflicted upon the world (from consternating cuckolds to crash-testing the careers of my rivals) I'm forced to accept that, at times, I've been a one-man-misery machine.

Catching up on my Greek history, as one does during the Olympics, I learned that in the Classical era, a cuckolded husband had the legal right to shove a spiky fish up his rival's bottom.

Usage in literature

A cuckold's horn is then the trump of fame. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, Complete" by Various

But he assuredly was not a complaisant cuckold, and those who have said that of him had never seen him at home. "The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Volume II (of 8)" by Guy de Maupassant

But at any rate, the husband was cuckolded and deceived by the Scot in the manner you have heard. "One Hundred Merrie And Delightsome Stories" by Various

Get on to the savannah, you dogs, you cuckolds. "On the Spanish Main" by John Masefield

Thus before my very eyes he would dally with his whore and make me cuckold. "Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House)" by James S. De Benneville

Gallus is foolish wight, nor self regards he as husband, 5 When being uncle how nuncle to cuckold he show. "The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus" by Caius Valerius Catullus

What Cully wou'd be cuckolded? "The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. I (of 6)" by Aphra Behn

Let any Man call me Cuckold if he dares now. "The City Bride (1696)" by Joseph Harris

S'death I would not be a Cuckold to e'er an illustrious whore in England. "The Comedies of William Congreve Volume 1 [of 2]" by William Congreve

What, cuckold thine own Father! "The Works of Aphra Behn" by Aphra Behn

Usage in poetry
"And when I told him King Arthure
As lyttle shold him spare;
Goe tell, sayd hee, that cuckold kinge
To meete mee if he dare."
O wha's the bride that cairries the bunch
O' thistles blinterin white?
Her cuckold bridegroom little dreids
What he sail ken this nicht.
'Lovely thou art, to hold me close and kisst,
Now cry the birds out, in the meadow mist,
Despite the cuckold, do thou as thou list,
So swiftly goes the night
And day comes on.
Hence he must be all things to be free, for all impersonations
a doormat and a monument
to all situations possible or actual
The cuckold, the cuckoo, the conqueror, and the coxcomb.
Preserve a Cuckold, if you can;
You'll find him a most useful man;
A screen as needful as attire
To guard against a scorching fire:
But if the screen you over-turn,
Your reputation soon will burn.
In lovely verse that military order,
Transferring its obsession onto time,
Besieged the body and cuckolded love;
Puzzling the boys of an athletic world,
These only feared another kind of Death
To which the time-obsessed are all condemned.