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Fine Dictionary


Linen damask napkin with Philip V, contested pretender to the Spanish throne. Midfield: The symmetrical doubled pattern shows four scenes from bottom to top: 1 Horseman with command staff, high allonge wig. The averted horse rears up and leaves a view free of a city with towers on which crosses. Caption: VIVAT ET REGNET PHILIPPO QUINTO HISPANIAR REX. On the central axis a coat of arms with twill: city of Kortrijk. 2 The Sun King in a royal robe adorned with fleurs de lys reaches out his grandson Philip. Intermediate: PAX. Above that an angel with trumpet and laurel wreath. Above the heads is the year 1702. 3 The crowned coat of arms of Philip V of Spain flanks it with the German Empire Eagle with heart shield of Habsburg; in the interspace three lilies of Bourbon arranged in a pole. 4 Two attending heralds on horseback at a flying gallop. Standing edges: single scroll vines. Lying edges: incompletely doubled scroll vines. All around: block border.
Linen damask napkin with Philip V, contested pretender to the Spanish throne. Midfield: The symmetrical doubled pattern shows four scenes from bottom to top: 1 Horseman with command staff, high allonge wig. The averted horse rears up and leaves a view free of a city with towers on which crosses. Caption: VIVAT ET REGNET PHILIPPO QUINTO HISPANIAR REX. On the central axis a coat of arms with twill: city of Kortrijk. 2 The Sun King in a royal robe adorned with fleurs de lys reaches out his grandson Philip. Intermediate: PAX. Above that an angel with trumpet and laurel wreath. Above the heads is the year 1702. 3 The crowned coat of arms of Philip V of Spain flanks it with the German Empire Eagle with heart shield of Habsburg; in the interspace three lilies of Bourbon arranged in a pole. 4 Two attending heralds on horseback at a flying gallop. Standing edges: single scroll vines. Lying edges: incompletely doubled scroll vines. All around: block border.
  1. (v) contest
    to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation "They contested the outcome of the race"
  2. (n) contest
    a struggle between rivals
  3. (n) contest
    an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants
Parrot shooting. Contest prize shooting or bird shooting with a bow and arrow for the parrot. On the left a group of Beggars that shoot with straight arrows, the Catholics on the right shoot with curved arrows so that they do not hit their target. The Beggars have already shot the Inquisition bird and are holding it up like a trophy. In the middle a long pole with a parrot or bird on top. Allegory of the struggle for the introduction of the Spanish Inquisition, ca. 1566. Above 2 cartouches, each with 4 lines in Dutch.
Parrot shooting. Contest prize shooting or bird shooting with a bow and arrow for the parrot. On the left a group of Beggars that shoot with straight arrows, the Catholics on the right shoot with curved arrows so that they do not hit their target. The Beggars have already shot the Inquisition bird and are holding it up like a trophy. In the middle a long pole with a parrot or bird on top. Allegory of the struggle for the introduction of the Spanish Inquisition, ca. 1566. Above 2 cartouches, each with 4 lines in Dutch.
Seven contestants in the parade with two large banners. Part of the series of prints of the funeral procession of Emperor Charles V on December 29, 1558 in Brussels.
Seven contestants in the parade with two large banners. Part of the series of prints of the funeral procession of Emperor Charles V on December 29, 1558 in Brussels.
Elijah challenges the Baal priests to a contest to see who honors the mightier God. At the back right a funeral pyre is being prepared for a bull.
Elijah challenges the Baal priests to a contest to see who honors the mightier God. At the back right a funeral pyre is being prepared for a bull.
Atalanta picks up the three golden apples during the running contest against Hippomenes, who thereby wins and gets her as a lover (Met. 10: 560-707). In love one has to be cunning. Thirty-seventh emblem from Emblemata Amatoria.
Atalanta picks up the three golden apples during the running contest against Hippomenes, who thereby wins and gets her as a lover (Met. 10: 560-707). In love one has to be cunning. Thirty-seventh emblem from Emblemata Amatoria.
Cartoon depicting the Dutch and Zeeland nobles, namely Slingerland and Van Boetzelaer, who contest Prince Willem IV the marquisate (marquisate) of Veere and Vlissingen, ca.1733. The prince plays a game of triktrak with Slingerland for the marquisate, on the left the losers Slingerland and Van Boetzelaer were taken to Loevestein Castle. In the caption the (incomplete) explanation of the numbers 1-6 (7-9 is missing).
Cartoon depicting the Dutch and Zeeland nobles, namely Slingerland and Van Boetzelaer, who contest Prince Willem IV the marquisate (marquisate) of Veere and Vlissingen, ca.1733. The prince plays a game of triktrak with Slingerland for the marquisate, on the left the losers Slingerland and Van Boetzelaer were taken to Loevestein Castle. In the caption the (incomplete) explanation of the numbers 1-6 (7-9 is missing).
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The first modern Olympiad was held in Athens in 1896. 484 contestants from 13 nations participated.
  1. Contest
    Earnest dispute; strife in argument; controversy; debate; altercation. "Leave all noisy contests , all immodest clamors and brawling language."
  2. Contest
    Earnest struggle for superiority, victory, defense, etc.; competition; emulation; strife in arms; conflict; combat; encounter. "The late battle had, in effect, been a contest between one usurper and another.", "It was fully expected that the contest there would be long and fierce."
  3. Contest
    To engage in contention, or emulation; to contend; to strive; to vie; to emulate; -- followed usually by with. "The difficulty of an argument adds to the pleasure of contesting with it, when there are hopes of victory.", "Of man, who dares in pomp with Jove contest ?"
  4. Contest
    To make a subject of dispute, contention, litigation, or emulation; to contend for; to call in question; to controvert; to oppose; to dispute. "The people . . . contested not what was done.", "Few philosophical aphorisms have been more frequenty repeated, few more contested than this."
  5. Contest
    (Law) To make a subject of litigation; to defend, as a suit; to dispute or resist; as a claim, by course of law; to controvert.
  6. Contest
    To strive earnestly to hold or maintain; to struggle to defend; as, the troops contested every inch of ground.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
A man named John Bellavia has entered over 5000 contests, and has never won a thing.
  1. contest
    To make a subject of emulation, contention, or dispute; enter into a competition for; compete or strive for: as, to contest a prize; to contest an election (see contested).
  2. contest
    To contend or strive for in arms; fight or do battle for; strive to win or hold; struggle to defend: as, the troops contested every inch of ground.
  3. contest
    To argue in opposition to; controvert; litigate; oppose; call in question; challenge; dispute: as, the advocate contested every point; his right to the property was contested in the courts.
  4. contest
    Synonyms. To debate, challenge.
  5. contest
    To strive; contend; dispute: followed by with.
  6. contest
    To vie; strive in rivalry.
  7. (n) contest
    Strife; struggle for victory or superiority, or in defense; a struggle in arms.
  8. (n) contest
    Dispute; debate; controversy; strife in argument; disagreement.
  9. (n) contest
    Synonyms Conflict, Combat, etc. (see battle), encounter. See strife.2. Altercation; dissension; quarrel.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The duration record for a face-slapping contest was set in Kiev, USSR, in 1931 when a draw was declared between Bezbordny and Goniusch after 30 hours.
  1. (v.t) Contest
    kon-test′ to call in question or make the subject of dispute: to strive for
  2. (n) Contest
    a struggle for superiority: strife: debate
Lord Byron
It is odd but agitation or contest of any kind gives a rebound to my spirits and sets me up for a time.
Lord Byron
Nathaniel Hawthorne
All brave men love; for he only is brave who has affections to fight for, whether in the daily battle of life, or in physical contests.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The real contest is always between what you've done and what you're capable of doing. You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else.
Geoffrey Gaberino
Alexander Pope
For Forms of Government let fools contest; whatever is best administered is best.
Alexander Pope
Georg C. Lichtenberg
That man is the noblest creature may also be inferred from the fact that no other creature has yet contested this claim.
Georg C. Lichtenberg
Georg C. Lichtenberg
I believe that man is in the last resort so free a being that his right to be what he believes himself to be cannot be contested.
Georg C. Lichtenberg

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. contester, fr. L. contestari, to call to witness, contestari litem, to introduce a lawsuit by calling witnesses, to bring an action; con-, + testari, to be a witness, testic, witness. See Testify

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. contestāri, to call to witness—con, and testāri, to be a witness—testis, a witness.

Usage in the news

On Tuesday, Oct 25, Toni Vanover, the branch manager/senior librarian of the Boca Grande Reference Room and Library, announced the winners of the 2011 Bookmark Design Contest.

Boca Grande students win in bookmark contest.

You can find the booklet at along with a video contest to help raise awareness.

Download an entry form or see your local Borders store for specific contest entry details.

These are the finalists in the Boston Harbor Islands Alliance photo contest for 2012.

A majority of the Institute's bot contestants dodged Twitter's searchlights, and a recent estimate pegged more than 40 percent of Barack Obama's recent followers as fakes.

Tim Hwang works for the company that created the contest's bot -code.

The hotly-contested election for Selma's mayoral post hinged not on the number of polling places won by a particular candidate, but by the margin of victory in each of Selma's 17 precincts.

Baritone wins Met Opera's regional contest.

Man dies after eating roaches and worms in contest.

The contest was between G. Adolphus Rochester, a Confederate veteran and long-time resident of the city, and Araminta Scruggs, a widow who claimed Rochester had promised to marry her but backed out of the deal.

"I don't want America to think I wasn't ready," said 'Duets' contestant J Rome just before taking the stage with Jennifer Nettles for the first perform of tonight's live episode of the popular reality competition show.

Contest went to the dogs This month's photo contest, "Canine Capers " drew 15 contestants.

Three city commissioners face contested races declared, held, district, races, candidacy, position, house, mayor, incumbent, contested.

Both the Democrat and Republican ballots have contested races for township treasurer and four trustee seats, and Republicans also have a contested primary for township clerk.

Usage in scientific papers

To fix notation, we use the word rating when we have a cardinal ranking, that is, not only do we have an ordering of the contestants, but also a measure of the intensities of the differences among them.
Ranking Participants in Tournaments by means of Rating Functions

In Section 6 we put rare kaon decays in the broader contest of flavor physics.
Kaons: Review and Outlook

This argument has been contested by the authors of Ref. and the conflict remains to be settled.
Long range gravity tests and the Pioneer anomaly

Ives’ arguments were contested by later authors.
The physics of space and time II: A reassessment of Einstein's 1905 special relativity paper

Contact, W UMa, binaries earn first prize in the “well, you can’t have formed that way” contest.
Astrophysics in 2006

Usage in literature

In New York it was the occasion of riots, of mobs, and of violent contests. "A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3" by DeAlva Stanwood Alexander

In New England as a whole, the contest is less in evidence. "The Frontier in American History" by Frederick Jackson Turner

Fragments of shells, haversacks, knapsacks, and the like, told how hotly the ground had been contested on the previous day. "Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals" by William H. Armstrong

McArthur drew his brigade back out of the contest, halted, and obtained ammunition and rations. "From Fort Henry to Corinth" by Manning Ferguson Force

Montcalm's force now advanced to the beach, and the contest waxed hotter. "The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation" by Charles Roger

Next year not one-half the fields now whitened by the rich growth of cotton will be cultivated if this unhappy contest goes on. "A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention" by Lucius Eugene Chittenden

The contests which arose from the discussion of religious ideas did not close with the sixteenth century. "A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon" by John Lord

Henceforth the contest would be changed. "The Loyalists of America and Their Times, Vol. 2 of 2" by Edgerton Ryerson

The battle was hotly contested for more than an hour, and then the Tories retreated through the swamp. "Stories Of Georgia" by Joel Chandler Harris

He loved power, both the contest for it and its exercise. "Sir Walter Ralegh" by William Stebbing

Usage in poetry
The hag related then the sports
Of that eventful day,
When on the well contested field
Full fifteen thousand lay.
Let wits contest,
And with their words and posies windows fill:
Lesse than the least
Of all thy mercies, is my posie still.
There 's not a beauty
But for victory will endeavour
When among Rome's fairest daughters
Such a prize shall be contested.
Though secret lusts, with hid contest,
By heavy groans reveal'd,
And devil's rage; yet, do their best
Thy Husband keeps the field.
"Here shall the bloody contest end,
Let peace o'erspread the land;
More homage than the conqueror's sword
In music, in song, and in friendship,
In contests by night and by day,
By all who knew it was given to me
That I bore the branch away.